TV Shows That Aren't About What You Think They Are

Emmett ORegan
Updated January 15, 2025 34.8K views 16 items
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2.4K votes
753 voters
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Vote up the TV shows that are way different than their reputation.

A good TV show or movie gives the audience exactly what they want. A great TV show or movie, on the other hand, gives the audience something they don’t know they want. Sometimes it’s a surprisingly heart-felt turn at the end of a goofy comedy. Other times it’s a simple, trope-filled story that turns into a deconstruction of its own premise.

Great art revels in the unexpected – turning the tables on viewers when it’s least anticipated – only to have that surprise deepen and enrich the experience over all. Plenty of movies manage this neat trick, but television is no slouch in that department either. In that spirit, here’s a list of TV shows that aren’t about what you assume they are.