The 70+ Best Romantic Comedy TV Series

Ranker TV
Updated March 2, 2025 356.8K views 95 items



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36.5K votes
7.9K voters
14 reranks
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Vote up your favorite comedy shows that feature strong relationships handled with humor.
Latest additions: Between Walls, Love You to Death, Lovers Anonymous
Most divisive: GRΣΣK
Over 7.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 70+ Best Romantic Comedy TV Series

The best romantic comedy TV shows are a little bit of funny and a whole lotta love. Popular rom-coms have been a staple of TV  for years, and there's no sign of that stopping anytime soon. But there's often debate about what is the most entertaining rom-com show of all time.

On this list of top TV series with romance, you'll find good - even great - sitcoms like New Girl, Sex and the City, and The Mindy Project. The best TV rom-coms feature genuine chemistry, love triangles, and even hilariously awkward moments (The Office has all three!)

Romantic comedy TV series attract viewers of all ages, though the vast majority seem to portray characters in their 20s or 30s. Both Friends and How I Met Your Mother, for instance, depict friend groups living in New York City and trying to make their way through love and life. Despite their formulaic premise, they were both excellent shows - with the exception of HIMYM's final season (let's not talk about that).

Help settle the argument over what's the best romantic comedy show of all time by voting for your favorites. If you don't see a particular rom-com, be sure to add it so other fans can vote on it. If you're unfamiliar with a show mentioned, click on it to see its top-billed cast and premiere date, when available. And if these comedic, romantic programs interest you, be sure to check out these popular rom-com movies as well.