Times You've Seen the GoT Actors Before
We imagine every character in George R.R. Martin's universe in a certain way. Likewise, as more and more characters are realized in HBO's Game of Thrones, we now ONLY envision the actors that way. How weird would it be to see HODOR walking down the street? Or Daenerys without her trademark platinum hair? Or Tyrion Lannister in jeans and a t-shirt? It just wouldn't be right.
Seeing Game of Thrones actors in other roles is just wrong. But where else have you seen the GoT cast? Here are some hints: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Love, Actually, and freaking Return of the Jedi.
Well, these guys are actors, of course, so they HAVE, in fact, all played other roles - and done a damn fine job of it, too. Below are the most surprising roles played by GoT actors.Lena Headey - 300
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The actress who plays Cersei Baratheon also played Queen Gorgo, the wife of Leonidas, in 300 (2008).Rory McCann - Hot Fuzz
The actor who plays Sandor "The Hound" Clegane also played NWA member Michael Armstrong in Hot Fuzz (2007).- Photo:
The actor who plays Missandei also played Ramsey in the film Furious 7 (2015).
The actor who plays Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish also played John Reid in the biopic film Bohemian Rhapsody (2018).
Rose Leslie - Downton Abbey
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The actress who plays Ygritte also played housemaid Gwen Dawson on "Downton Abbey" (2010).Kit Harington - Silent Hill: Revelation
The actor who plays Jon Snow also played Vincent Cooper in the 3D horror movie Silent Hill: Revelation (2012).Peter Dinklage - Elf
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The actor who plays Tyrion Lannister also appeared as children's author Miles Finch in Elf (2003).Julian Glover - The Empire Strikes Back
The actor who plays Grand Maester Pycelle also played General Veers in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980).
The actor who plays Khal Drogo also played Ronon Dex in the sci-fi television series Stargate: Atlantis (2005-2009).
- 1Aquaman113 Votes
- 2Dune37 Votes
- 3Conan the Barbarian55 Votes
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The actress who plays Olenna Tyrell also played sexy spy Emma Peel in the 1960s series "The Avengers."Pedro Pascal - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The actor who played Oberyn Martell also played a vampire in Season 4 of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."Natalia Tena - the Harry Potter movies
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The actress who plays Osha also played Order of Phoenix member Nymphadora Tonks in the final four Harry Potter films.Jack Gleeson - Batman Begins
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The actor who played Joffrey Baratheon also played That Little Boy in Batman Begins (2005).- Photo:
The actor who plays Jojen Reed was also the cute little boy Sam in Love, Actually (2003).- The actor who plays Jaime Lannister also played Master Sergeant Gary Gordon in Black Hawk Down (2001).
Charles Dance - Last Action Hero
The actor who plays Tywin Lannister also played the bad guy Benedict in Last Action Hero (1993).Natalie Dormer - The Tudors
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The actress who plays Margaery Tyrell also played Anne Boleyn on the historical drama "The Tudors" (2007).- Natalie Dormer plays badass director Cressida in the final installments of The Hunger Games franchise.
- 1Captain America: The First Avenger21 Votes
- 2Casanova18 Votes
- 3In Darkness8 Votes
- Before he became psychotic whiner Robin Arryn, Lino Facioli appeared as Naples, the son of Russell Brand and Rose Byrne's characters in Get Him to the Greek (2009).
Michelle Fairley - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I
The actress who played Catelyn Stark also played Hermione's mum, Mrs. Granger, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I.- Photo:
The actor who plays Samwell Tarly also played Giovanni de' Medici on the historical drama series "Borgia."Iain Glen - Tomb Raider
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The actor who plays Ser Jorah Mormont played the Illuminati bad guy, Manfred Powell, in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001).- Photo:
The actor who played Robb Stark also played Dean McKenzie in the British comedy-drama series "Hope Springs" (2009).Stephen Dillane - John Adams
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The actor who plays Stannis Baratheon also played Thomas Jefferson in the HBO mini-series, "John Adams" (2008).The actress who plays Ellaria Sand also made an appearance in the TV show Bones as Inspector Cate Pritchard.
The actress who plays Gilly also starred in the BBC show Skins as Cassie in the early 2000s.
The actor who plays Ramsay Bolton also played Simon Bellamy in Misfits from 2009-2011.
The actor who took over Ed Skrein's role as Daario Naharis in Game of Thrones also played David in the 2015 psychological horror The Invitation.
The actor who plays Bran/The Three-Eyed Raven on Game of Thrones started on the big screen in the supernatural horror The Awakening (2011).