Times You've Seen the GoT Actors Before

Ranker of Thrones
Updated March 12, 2021 3.4M views 29 items

We imagine every character in George R.R. Martin's universe in a certain way. Likewise, as more and more characters are realized in HBO's Game of Thrones, we now ONLY envision the actors that way. How weird would it be to see HODOR walking down the street? Or Daenerys without her trademark platinum hair? Or Tyrion Lannister in jeans and a t-shirt? It just wouldn't be right.

Seeing Game of Thrones actors in other roles is just wrong. But where else have you seen the GoT cast? Here are some hints: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Love, Actually, and freaking Return of the Jedi.

Well, these guys are actors, of course, so they HAVE, in fact, all played other roles - and done a damn fine job of it, too. Below are the most surprising roles played by GoT actors.