30 Actresses Who Should Play Mary-Jane In 'Spider Man,' Ranked

Ranker Comics
Updated September 15, 2024 31.3K views 30 items
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11.9K votes
1.4K voters
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Vote up your favorite casting choices for Mary-Jane Watson.

Mary Jane Watson Parker: the ultimate girl next door, the redheaded supermodel dream girl. She's funny, spunky, and is always ready to party. She also has a heart of gold and has more patience and tolerance for Spidey's madness than anyone else. Needless to say... she's hard to cast.

With Shailene Woodley being cast and then cut from the 2014 Amazing Spider-Man 2 for pacing reasons, her hypothetical involvement in the third seemed unlikely (but with Fault in our Stars and Divergent, we're weren't too worried about her). Even though Amazing Spider-Man 3 got scrapped, we'd still like to take a moment to cast the imaginary dream woman for the role.

It takes more than just a pretty ginger to fill these designer shoes (can you imagine Lindsey Lohan as MJ?). We need a mix of talent, beauty, intelligence, charm, and heart to really hit the jackpot. These actresses may have what it takes, so vote up who would've been the best actresses to play Mary Jane Watson if ASM3 came to fruition.

Most divisive: Emma Stone
Over 1.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of 30 Actresses Who Should Play Mary-Jane In 'Spider Man,' Ranked