Watchworthy Fans Talk About The TV Shows That Went On For Way Too Long
Vote up the shows that you also think overstayed their welcome.
All good things must come to an end. That's just the way it goes. And any entertainer will tell you that it's always better to leave the crowd wanting more than to overstay your welcome. This is why the television shows that know when to end are remembered fondly, and those that drag on end up staining their legacy. Endings are bittersweet. It hurts to say goodbye to our favorite characters, but when a show ends well, you'll find yourself rewatching it frequently. On the other hand, shows that keep releasing episodes way past their prime run the risk of ruining their rewatchability. We asked Watchworthy fans to tell us about the TV shows that went on for way too long, and they were eager to share their thoughts. Which shows do you agree should've ended sooner?
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1From Facebook Commenter Jennifer Schroeder F:
Lost. Could have been great but they ruined the ending.
From Facebook Commenter Susan S:
I SO agree!!! Cheapest, unthought ending and completely inane!
Should've ended sooner?- 1Desmond Hume6,304 Votes
- 2James "Sawyer" Ford6,668 Votes
- 3Hugo "Hurley" Reyes5,366 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Jennifer H:
Sad to say but Once Upon A Time!
From Facebook Commenter Hannah T:
Came here to say this!! I love the show but when I rewatch it I only go until the season after Neverland.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Michael B:
Two and a Half Men. They even acknowledged it in the series finale.
From Facebook Commenter Paul K:
It should have ended when Charlie Sheen left.
Should've ended sooner?- 1The Two Finger Rule99 Votes
- 2Is There a Mrs. Waffles?348 Votes
- 3Ergo, The Booty Call118 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Neeta C-C:
Grey's Anatomy.
From Facebook Commenter Shawna B:
Is it still going? The last season was on Hulu and it was terrible. I wondered when it would stop.
Should've ended sooner?- 1Death and All His Friends1,172 Votes
- 2Sanctuary1,059 Votes
- 3Flight1,057 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Nancy G:
The Walking Dead, it was perfection for about 4 seasons then it went to complete and utter crap.
From Facebook Commenter Ryna Enriquita M:
Agree! The first few seasons were great, then it became trash and I stopped watching it.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
Should've ended sooner?- 1Dean Winchester4,920 Votes
- 2Castiel4,548 Votes
- 3Bobby Singer3,441 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Michael W:
Happy Days. That’s where the phrase ‘jump the shark’ came from.
From Facebook Commenter Bonnie O:
Actually their ratings were still pretty good when that aired which is weird. They were switching it up and wanted to showcase Henry Winkler’s amazing water skiing talent. But overall, I’m with you that yes it went on far too long.
Should've ended sooner?- 1Guess Who's Coming to Christmas128 Votes
- 2Fearless Fonzarelli (1)53 Votes
- 3Fonzie Moves In69 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Lynne A. E:
Dancing With The Stars! They fired a great hosting team (big mistake), lost a key judge and most pros, and now they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for ‘Stars.’ Time to fold up the tent!
From Facebook Commenter Cindy B:
I couldn't agree more.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Karen Ford C:
Definitely The Simpsons. Stupidest show ever.
From Facebook Commenter John K:
The Simpsons definitely! I got behind after college in 2006, never been able to get caught up.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Earl R:
This could upset some people, but I think Saturday Night Live has run its course. time to let it go.
From Facebook Commenter Educate T:
Especially since it hasn't been funny since the early '80s.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
11Should've ended sooner?- 1It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia166 Votes
- 2Brooklyn Nine-Nine142 Votes
- 3Letterkenny47 Votes
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From Facebook Commenter Mike R:
As much as it pains me to say it, because I am a huge fan of this show, All in the Family. The logical ending point would have been when Mike and Gloria moved from next door to live in California. Archie in his chair, Edith in hers, with Archie reaching over to hold her hand as she cried.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Shawn C:
The Big Bang Theory. The last couple seasons the writing was so lazy and predictable. Sheldon does Sheldon things, then Leonard does Leonard type things. Whole cast. Any fan could have written those episodes. They could have saved on those contract battles.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Susan Forte M:
Shameless. Great show but went downhill when Fiona left.
Should've ended sooner?- Photo:
From Facebook Commenter Graham M:
The Andy Griffith Show. Never should’ve made another episode when Don Knotts (Barney Fife) left. The show should’ve ended. The color episodes weren’t half as good as the black and white ones.
From Facebook Commenter Corey S:
Definitely! The show died the day Ben Knotts left.
Should've ended sooner?