Watchworthy Fans Talk About The TV Shows That Went On For Way Too Long

August Alva
September 30, 2022 15 items
Voting Rules

Vote up the shows that you also think overstayed their welcome.

All good things must come to an end. That's just the way it goes. And any entertainer will tell you that it's always better to leave the crowd wanting more than to overstay your welcome. This is why the television shows that know when to end are remembered fondly, and those that drag on end up staining their legacy. Endings are bittersweet. It hurts to say goodbye to our favorite characters, but when a show ends well, you'll find yourself rewatching it frequently. On the other hand, shows that keep releasing episodes way past their prime run the risk of ruining their rewatchability. We asked Watchworthy fans to tell us about the TV shows that went on for way too long, and they were eager to share their thoughts. Which shows do you agree should've ended sooner?