The Hottest Actresses Who Can Actually Act

Greg Stopera
Updated November 27, 2022 266.5K views 95 items
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75.2K votes
3.7K voters
Voting Rules
Vote up any actress who is both hot and can act. Vote down those who can't act - or aren't hot.

Ranker has lists of the greatest actresses of all time and of the most beautiful actresses ever, but how many ladies score a spot on both lists? It's a rare treat to see an actress who is both nice to look at and convincing in whatever role she plays. The hottest actresses who can actually act include winners and nominees for Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, and Tony Awards - and a few others who surely have such accolades in their futures. Who are the hottest good actresses? More than just pretty faces, Oscar winners Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Winslet, and Natalie Portman are among the best actresses working today. They're also super hot. 

Best of all, these actresses don't just rely on their good looks to score parts. After all, Anne Hathaway played a woman suffering from tuberculosis when she won an Oscar in 2012. And Charlize Theron played one of the least attractive women in cinematic history, Aileen Wuornos, when she won an Academy Award for Monster. This list also includes some of the hottest classic actresses, including Oscar winners Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, and Sophia Loren.

Does an award win or nomination necessarily mean an actress is good? That's really a discussion for another day. Instead, right now, vote up your favorite good actresses who also happen to be hot.