Actors Who Ride Motorcycles

Nicole Breanne
47.0K views 18 items
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477 voters
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Motorcycles have always made women swoon: Sit a gorgeous Hollywood actor or member of the royal family on one and all bets are off. This list takes you back to Hollywood classic actors like Gable, Brando, McQueen, and Dean. But don't forget about today's hotties like Gosling, Pitt, and Clooney. All these hot guys on motorcycles roar through this list.

Hollywood is full of motorcycle-loving men, from Harleys to Triumphs. There's a type for everyone. Most of these guys have a collection of bikes including custom-made one-of-a-kind motorcycles. So feast your eyes on these hot men on motorcycles!

So who is the hottest guy on a motorcycle? Let's just say there are plenty of great options to choose from. Some of the most attractive leading men have hopped on a Harley either for fun or as part of a role. So some of the sexiest dudes ever are on this list.