The Funniest TV Shows In 2020

Molly Gander
Updated February 15, 2025 78 items
Ranked By
3.0K votes
255 voters
Voting Rules
Vote up the television series, comedy or not, that kept you laughing while they aired new episodes during the 2020 calendar year.

Remember the days of laugh tracks and stale situational comedies? Several of the funniest shows of 2020 have completely shattered the mold on how to make people laugh. Modern funny shows are crossed with just enough drama to make them seem real. But, that doesn’t mean that we’re not laughing until our bellies hurt. 

Larry David has redefined what cringe-comedy is all about in the latest season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Better Things is first and foremost hilarious, but it’s also raw and emotional. Donald Glover’s Atlanta brilliantly walks that tight rope of creating tremendous tension but is then able to cut that anxiety with much-needed levity. 

Which show keeps you laughing? Vote up the funniest shows of 2020. 

Most divisive: One Day at a Time
Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of 2020's Funniest Shows