Celebrities Who Were Cheated On
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Celebrities Who Were Cheated On

Celebrity Lists
Updated October 4, 2021 791.9K views 39 items

Finding out about infidelity is one of the worst feelings, and even celebrities aren't immune to being cheated on. That feeling of betrayal is something that even the most popular celebrities have experienced, when their spouses or significant others stepped out on them. Several famous actors, actresses and musicians have been cheated on - it turns out that no matter how famous you are, there are scumbags everywhere. Some of these celebrity cheating victims kicked their adulterous partners to the curb, while others reconciled their relationships. Many celebrities have even been involved in love triangles with other celebrities.

Who is the most famous celebrity with a husband cheated? Halle Berry tops our list. Berry split from her then-husband, Eric Benét, in 2003, after it was revealed that he was cheating on her. Kim Kardashian's ex-boyfriend, Ray J, also admitted to cheating on the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Star. 

Several famous men have also been cheated on by their wives and girlfriends. In 2000, it was announced that Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid were separating amidst rumors that she cheated on him with Russell Crowe. Madonna was rumored to have had an affair with Alex Rodriguez during her marriage to Guy Ritchie.

Which cheating scandal shocked you the most? Take a look at this list and share your thoughts in the comments section.