The Greatest TV Shows About Senior Citizens

Ranker TV
Updated March 3, 2025 45.1K views 55 items
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1.9K votes
374 voters
Voting Rules
Vote up the best shows featuring the stories and characters of people who could qualify for a senior discount.
Latest additions: A Man on the Inside, The Marlow Murder Club, Poppa's House
Most divisive: Foyle's War
Over 300 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest TV Shows About Senior Citizens

Looking for some good shows about senior citizens to catch? Of the many different types of people underrepresented on television, none are as rarely depicted as senior citizens. It's strange when you consider the ever-increasing population of elderly folk, but most of television is devoted to the 18-34 demographic, which means the majority of characters shown on screen are in their 20s or 30s. That isn't to say a senior citizen doesn't make an appearance in those shows, but they rarely stand as a main character. Fortunately, Hollywood hasn't completely ignored the elder demographic and there are some fabulous series on television viewers of all ages can enjoy.

The series most people immediately think of when coming up with a good series about senior citizens is Golden Girls—featuring the beloved TV grump Sophia Petrillo—and it's far from the only one. Recent additions like Downton Abbey feature a large cast of seniors while classics like Matlock were filmed well into the actors' early seventies. In short, there's a decent list of shows about older people—and you can find the best of them here. It's not all retirement villages for senior characters, in both Bosch and Columbo, they're solving crimes (and not just between writing novels). In series like The Crown, Homeland, and One Day at a Time, older characters are a vital part of ensemble casts.

For some great recommendations on shows about the elderly, browse this list and vote up your favorite shows staring older folks and senior citizens. You can also check out some movies featuring seniors and shows that focus specifically on old folks who have retired.