The 125 Best TV Shows About Families, Ranked
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The 125 Best TV Shows About Families, Ranked

Ranker TV
Updated February 19, 2025 97.4K views 135 items
Ranked By
33.3K votes
2.2K voters
14 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up the best television series centered around a fictional family.
Latest additions: Good Cop/Bad Cop, Shared Custody, Bad Sisters
Most divisive: Family Guy
Over 2.2K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 125 Best TV Shows About Families, Ranked

Looking for the best TV shows centered on the timeless theme of family? When it comes to heartwarming, laugh-out-loud, and sometimes tear-jerking television, the best TV shows about family are always top contenders. Whether it's a traditional nuclear family, a blended mix, or a prehistoric clan, these series manage to capture the essence of familial love, drama, and hijinks in ways that keep us glued to our screens. From nostalgic favorites to contemporary hits, family TV shows offer something for everyone, regardless of age or background.

Take Little House on the Prairie, for example, which reminds us of simpler times on the American frontier. Or look at Modern Family, a groundbreaking sitcom that explores the complexities and humor of a diverse, blended family in today's world. Then there's The Flintstones, an animated blast from the past that brings prehistoric family life into the modern age. Not to mention The Brady Bunch, the classic series that perfectly encapsulates the dynamics of a newly combined family unit in the '70s. Each of these shows brings its unique flavor to the portrayal of family life, from historical to modern-day, animated to real-life.

Now, it’s your turn to weigh in. We've gathered a list of family TV series for you to consider. Vote on your favorite family TV series of all time and see how your picks stack up against the rest. Your vote could help crown the ultimate family show champion.