- 1984, Animal Farm
- The Essays of Michel de Montaigne
- The fortune of the Republic, English traits, Representative Men
- Novum organum, New Atlantis, Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning
- The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings, Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- A Dictionary of the English Language, Samuel Johnson's Dictionary: Selections from the 1755 Work That Defined the English Language, Life of Mr Richard Savage
- The Man Who Was Thursday, The Napoleon of Notting Hill, The Everlasting Man
- Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Play It As It Lays, The Year of Magical Thinking
- Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver's Travels, A Tale of a Tub
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Screwtape Letters
- Anna Karenina, War and Peace, The Death of Ivan Ilyich
- A History of Western Philosophy, The Analysis of Mind, Why I Am Not a Christian
- God Is Not Great
- Brave New World, Island, Point Counter Point
- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Four Dissertations, Essays
- Labyrinths, Ficciones, The Aleph
- 18
Charles Lamb
The prose works of Charles Lamb, The Essays of Elia, The last essays of Elia - To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Dalloway, Orlando: A Biography
- The Waste Land, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
- nfinite Jest, The Pale King, A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack, Compleated Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin
- On the Suffering of the World, The World as Will and Representation, The Art of Being Right
- Duet for Cannibals, Promised Lands, Brother Carl
- Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, The Elements of Style
- Les Misérables, The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Invisible Man, The collected essays of Ralph Ellison, Shadow and Act
- Collected Works: Wise Blood, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, The Violent Bear It Away
- 29
William Hazlitt
Characters of Shakespear's Plays, The Doubtful Plays Of William Shakespeare, On the Pleasure of Hating - The Turn of the Screw, The Portrait of a Lady, The Golden Bowl
- Brideshead Revisited, A Handful of Dust, Decline and Fall
- The Great Gatsby, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, This Side of Paradise
- The Third Man, The Fallen Idol, The Power and the Glory
- Confessions of a Mask, Acts of Worship
- Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls, Dress Your Children In Corduroy and Denim, Naked
- Late Harvest, For the Time Being, Annie Dillard Reader
- The evidences of the Christian religion, The doctrine of the passions explained and improved, The vision of Mirzah
- Piece of Flesh, The May Anthologies
- Cultural Amnesia, Unreliable Memoirs
- I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts On Being A Woman, Wallflower at the Orgy, Crazy Salad: Some Things About Women
- Experience, Time's Arrow, Yellow Dog
- Late Harvest, Habitations of the Word, Test of Time
- A Catalogue of Crime: A Reader's Guide to the Literature of Mystery, Detection, and Related Genres
- The Color Purple, Possessing the Secret of Joy, The Temple of My Familiar
- Fame & Folly: Essays, Quarrel & Quandary, The Din in the Head: Essays
- Poems of Wordsworth, guide to English literature and Essay on Gray, Matthew Arnold's books
- Tenth of December: Stories
- 48
Edward Hoagland
Cat Man, Sex and the River Styx - 49
Joseph Epstein
Snobbery: The American Version, Pertinent Players, Friendship: An Exposé - O Presidente Negro, Voyage to the Sky, The Adventures of Lúcia Little Nose
- Death Comes for the Archbishop, A Lost Lady, My Ántonia
- Letters to Olga, Politics and Conscience, The Art of the Impossible
- Pensieri, Detti memorabili di Filippo Ottonieri, Scritti e frammenti autobiografici
- 54
Julian Dumitrascu
https://medium.com/@JulianDumitrasc - Rabbit, Run, Rabbit Redux
- achelorhood, Against Joie de Vivre, Portrait of My Body
- 57
Geoff Dyer
But Beautiful: A Book about Jazz - The Boys of My Youth, In Zanesville
- Faces of America: How 12 Extraordinary Americans Reclaimed Their Pasts, Thirteen Ways of Looking At a Black Man
- To Touch the Water, Heart Mountain
- 61
Simon Leys
L' humeur, l'honneur, l'horreur - Mistérios de Lisboa, Amor de Perdição
- 63
Meghan Daum
My Misspent Youth, The Quality of Life Report - 64
John Jeremiah Sullivan
Blood Horses: Notes of a Sportswriter's Son, Farrar, Pulphead: Essays - 65
Dubravka Ugrešić
In the Jaws of Life, Kultura laži, Thank you for not reading - An Armada of Thirty Whales
- The Holder of the World, The Tree Bride, The Middleman and Other Stories
- American Sublime, The Venus Hottentot, Power and Possibility
- Involuntary Lyrics, King of Shadows, Into Distances
- Women on War, Eggs in the Lake, Word Wounds & Water Flowers
- Don't Think, Smile!, Questions Freshmen Ask
- 72
Roger Kimball
The Future of the European Past, The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America, Lives of the Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence from Hegel to Wodehouse - The Lazarus Project
- My Father Is Coming, The United Nations of Times Square
- Selected Poems
- Gather at the River: Notes From the Post-Millennial South
- Lost in the Meritocracy, The Unbinding, Up in the Air
- Drop City, A Friend of the Earth, The Tortilla Curtain