The Best Anime Like Maken-Ki!

Ranker Anime
Updated July 3, 2024 39.1K views 25 items
Ranked By
2.0K votes
595 voters

Looking for some Maken-Ki! anime recommendations? Since it's such a fun series, let's rank the best anime like Maken-Ki!, with the help of your votes. If you're not familiar with the series, Maken-Ki! follows Takeru Ohyama, a high school student who gets more than he bargained for when he enrolls at an all-girls school that recently became co-ed.

Sekirei is a good anime that's similar to Maken-Ki!. This series follows  Minato Sahashi, a teenage student who meets a mysterious girl named Musubi, who literally falls from the sky. Other good anime recommendations for fans of Maken-Ki! are Accel WorldFreezing, and Maburaho.

What should you watch after finishing Maken-Ki? Find some great picks on the list below, and don't forget to vote up the anime you'd recommend to other Maken-Ki! fans.

Most divisive: Mayo Chiki!
Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Best Anime Like Maken-Ki!