The Best ABC Comedies of All Time

Ranker TV
Updated January 9, 2025 25.5K views 67 items
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12.5K votes
1.0K voters
14 reranks
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Vote up the best original comedies or sitcoms that have ever debuted on ABC.
Latest additions: Shifting Gears, High Potential
Most divisive: Moonlighting
Over 1.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Top Comedies in ABC History

The best ABC comedy shows range from family sitcoms to workplace comedies. This list of popular ABC comedies is ranked from best to worst thanks to your votes. This list of the top current and canceled ABC sitcoms includes the date when each show first aired, as well as which actors starred in the show. As one of the first three channels - ABC, CBS, and NBC, there have been a lot of great comedies on ABC.

ABC's entry into sitcoms is practically as early as television itself and includes long-time favorite comedies like Bewitched and The Brady Bunch Even more recent ABC comedy shows like Modern Family keep up the success of other great ABC comedies like Full House, Taxi, Home Improvement, and Roseanne.

But what is the best ABC comedy of all time? Vote up your favorite ABC sitcoms, vote down the ones you can't stand, and see how your funniest favorites rank. Then, check out the best new ABC sitcoms.