Who Was America's Girlfriend in 2015?

Amy Boal
Updated January 8, 2019 51.9K views 82 items
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70.1K votes
4.9K voters
34 reranks
Voting Closed
America's girlfriend means the best gal pal in all the US of A and can even be a boy! Upvote the people you think best represent America's GF.

America's girlfriend?! What the heck does that mean? Well, it's simple really. It's just the best gal pal of all of America of the entire year, and this list happens to be for 2015. If your next question is "who is it?" then you are in luck because you get to decide! These actors, musicians, and other public figures all seem like they would just be a great time to pal around with and are generally America's greatest girlfriend.

Maybe you think Taylor Swift is OMG so cool, or perhaps you think that adorable Brit Emma Watson should go the way of the colonies join us on the fun side of the Atlantic already. What is she even waiting for, do you think? Then there are the likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, who just love to have fun. Plus, Stephen Colbert and Billy Eichner who would be just the best brunch pals.

"But they aren't girls!" you are shouting at your computer. Well, get over it. We all know they would make great gal pals, so just accept it, or vote them down if you're really that upset. Also, please add other great Americas girlfriend candidates below to make this list of cool celebrities even more fun and interesting. You can add anyone really, as long as they would make a great best friend for the United States. When you're done, check out who is America's sweetheart in 2019.