We got a little snow this week. The weather reports were for it to not be bad in Atlanta. If you have watched the news you know that the roads turned into parking lot and thousands of cars were abandoned on the interstates and surfaced roads. Today it will finally get above freezing and things will move back to normal. Our area didn't have bad roads and they dried out completely yesterday.
We didn't even get 2 inches. It is always pretty. I enjoy looking at it but I think it looks even more beautiful when it is a little deeper. Winter isn't over yet so it may still happen. The deepest snow I've ever seen here in Georgia was in March - 10 inches.
We didn't get much sunshine yesterday. The cloud cover was too thick. It made for a pretty picture though.
I have been trying to get something done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I have wanted to make several quilts that have lots of color. I keep notebooks full of designs that I have ripped from magazines. I finally got a chance to look through them and pull the designs I want to work on. That's as far as I got so far other than looking for some of the background fabric I can use.
This is a nice Storm at Sea Variation. I have the Marti Michell templates for it too. I'm not sure I will do the Monkey Wrench border.
I've always loved quilts with black backgrounds. This one looks like a good one to make a few blocks at a time. I have plenty of black for the background. I will enjoy using some of the batiks I have been hoarding. My only problem making this on will be that it is so much harder to see to sew on black than it used to be. Isn't growing older grand!
I have a small collection of 30's prints that I want to use. I'm trying to decide whether or not to make this background scrappy white on whites. I have a variety of pieces that I could do this with and this would be a good project to use them in. I also have plenty of yardage that I could use to make the background all the same.
Then on a couple of blogs I saw a block that intrigued me. It is very simple but large. I had been wanting to start using the Accuquilt Studio cutter that I got for my birthday and this looked like the perfect way to use it! With just a few passes through the cutter I had way more strips than I needed for the project's first block and background for the whole quilt or more. These two stacks are my leftovers. Maybe I should make more than one.
This is my first block. I don't know the book or the name of the block. It was one I could grid out from a picture. If you know the title please let me know. This is my NewFO for the month.
** edit - Thanks to Teresa at A Quilt and a Prayer for letting me know the book is Making Quilts by Kathy Doughty. The quilt's name is Soul Searching. She is making one too.
I discovered something rather shocking. My collection of White with Black Prints is so limited that you are looking at pretty much the entire collection here. I obviously will have to rectify this soon. I would have liked to have been able to have 24 different ones so there would have been no repeated fabrics like I did with blues but the only way to have done that was to include prints with grays, which I did not want to use. You'd think with a stash the size of mine nothing would be in short supply. I know better. There's always a reason for buying more fabric. Don't you agree?
Linking with: So Scrappy and Free Motion by the River and Live a Colorful Life and
Sew Fresh Quilts and Sew Much Ado and Cat Patches
Sew Fresh Quilts and Sew Much Ado and Cat Patches