Posts Tagged ‘Lola’

Sid the Bouncer

Sid is a stickler for rules.  We always joke that Sid should wear a shirt that says “SECURITY” whenever he goes to the dog park. He apparently has a list of very strict guildelines that he expects all other dogs to abide by – no barking, no chasing, no excessive amounts of fun.  The other day when we were at the J.J. Byrne Dog Run with Lola and Stella Boo McMuffin, two incredibly gentle and well-behaved great danes showed up on the small-dog side of the park, and Sid had an opportunity to step up to the rule-enforcing plate.

Sid had no qualms about standing his ground to save Lola from having fun with these gigantic sweethearts beasts.  It’s obvious that Lola was terrified, right?

Then Sid took it upon himself to escort great dane #2 to the big-dog side of the park.

Somebody get this pug a stool and a flashlight and stick him outside a club!  I think he’s found his calling!

Stella Boo McMuffin’s Pug Slope Welcome Party!

Hey, did you hear the news?  Last weekend, Sid and Lola got to hang out with the fabulous Stella Boo McMuffin, sister of long-time Pug Slope commenter, Eddie the Pug!

Sid and Lola met up with Stella at the J.J. Byrne Dog Run in Park Slope for some afternoon off-leash partying.  Sid and Stella hit it off immediately due to their love of travel – Stella has lived in San Francisco, London, and now Brooklyn!  Another thing they had in common was their love of fancy posin’.

Fancy posin’ over here!

 Fancy posin’ over there!

Lola and Stella really hit it off too…

Lola was thrilled to share her favorite orange ball with Stella.

Yup, Lola was totally fine with this situation.

But, seriously, we had a blast and we hope Sid and Lola helped Stella feel welcome in her new city.  Now, who wants a treat?!

Pillow Puncher

With the lovely Lola taking residence at the Pugslope HQ for the holiday weekend, Sid’s bed supply required sharing – which Sid, of course, wasn’t too happy about. Luckily, our flat-faced hero isn’t one to silently accept the new status quo. With the plucky determination of a young Rocky Balboa, Sid overcame insurmountable odds to make his own bed on the couch:

We were very impressed to see this marked improvement in his nesting skills. In only two years time he’s gone from haphazardly bashing his head into the pillows to this advanced and effective high-speed windmill technique. Watch out, Apollo Creed!

If you want a full breakdown of Siddhartha’s Patented Pillow-Punch Nesting System™, Sid told us he’ll be releasing an instructional DVD later this year.

L-O-L-A Lola!

So, while Miss Timothy Buttons was galavanting around the set of Rachel Ray, Sid was preparing the guest ela-bed for the arrival of one of his best little gal pals, Lola!

Lovely Lola spent the weekend with us while her ‘rents went out of town, and as you can imagine, Sid was THRILLED to share all of his toys and beds and treats for TWO WHOLE DAYS.

Like T-Buttz, Lola is a spunky young lady who just wants to play, play, play.

I don’t know why these sweet little chicas are so keen on getting the attention of this ol’ curmudgeon:


Lola didn’t let Sid’s “Donnie Downer” demeanor stop her from tryin’ to have fun, though. She and T-Buttz could teach a course in determination!

Sid, meanwhile, could teach a course on being a stick in the mud.

Yup, Sid, woe is you.

Okay, full disclosure – these photos are from, like, hour 53 of Lola’s visit, so I can forgive Sid’s lack of enthusiasm.  Overall, I think Lola and Sid had a great time hanging out. Really!  We have more pics and videos to post throughout the week, including pics of Sid and Lola at a pug meet-up with another sweet little lady pug whose brother is a regular reader of Pug Slope – so exciting!


We heard back from the vet about the lump on Sid’s back!  It’s not a cyst, and it’s not anything worse than a cyst.  Phew!  It’s a fatty lipoma – a little bundle of fat tissue that Sid has apparently decided to keep around just in case we ever forget to feed him.  So, thank you again for all of the juju!!!  And now that we know Sid is okay, we’re going to redirect all that super-powerful juju to anybody who just feels like they could use a little pep in their step as we round out these winter months.  Stay healthy, everybody!

Lola’s Pug Brunch

On Sunday, Lola hosted a brunch for some of the neighborhood pugs. As an added bonus, the parents of said pugs were allowed to tag along.

There was an amazing spread of food for the humans. Much to Sid’s dismay, the bagels and lox were all kept well above pug-level, but there were plenty of dog toys to go around.

Lola was there, of course, along with Timothy Buttons (Sid’s girlfriend), Eddie, and Charlie. Lola got dressed up for the occasion in her bright yellow tee.

Eddie hopped up into his dad’s arms in order to work his way closer to the out-of-pug-reach quiche.

Sid latched on to Lola’s pink plush bee toy and basically spent 80% of the party with it in his mouth like a doofus. I guess it gave him an excuse to avoid any small-talk.

Lola and Timothy got the party started by breaking out the nyla-bone and battling each other for it.

…And all the while Sid kept relocating himself, with plush bee in tow, in order to avoid the action.

After a while, the pugs caught on that they were not going to be feasting on all the brunch goodies that the humans were eating so they started to raise a stink. However, a mutiny was avoided by Lola’s mom, who had the foresight to plan ahead with – get this – SMOOTHIES FOR DOGS!

Charlie: “Smoothies?! For Dogs?! Me want-ee!”

All the ears perked up when the box was brought out the freezer, even though none of the pugs had ever eaten one before. How is it that they know food from non-food (or maybe they just assume everything is food).

Sid sat like a good boy and waited as patiently as a pug can before he was given his Smoothie.

Time to Dig In!

Timothy had a better method for eating her Smoothie.

We can’t wait for the next pug brunch!!! Thank you to Lola and her parents for putting on such a great party for human and pug alike!

Sid and the Pug-lettes

We realized recently that all of our posts about Prospect Park off-leash hours make Sid’s pug pack seem like a boy’s club.  Sure, Sid may be a bit of a man’s man, but the Prospect Park off-leash pug party is no Snausage-fest.

There’s a bunch of curly-tailed gals who have just as much snort-sneezin’ fun as Sid, Eddie, and Winston while running around the park like maniacs.

First, meet Timothy.  Yes, Timothy.

“What’s your problem? You’ve never met a lady named Timothy before?”

Timothy’s a tough-talkin’ no-nonsense sweetheart.  Her harness may be lined with titanium studs but her heart is lined with gold.

Then there’s Lily.  Fighting Irish fan and master of the toothy flap-flip.

Lily can run circles around the boys but that doesn’t stop her from showing off a fresh manicure…

or enjoying old-fashioned displays of chivalry while out on a walk. (Well done, Eddie!).

And finally, there’s little Lola.

This fun-loving girl-next-door is not only Eddie’s best friend…

she’s also apparently the pug equivalent of the Girl from Ipanema.

For real.  Winston, especially, can’t get enough of Lovely Lola.

And Sid can’t get enough of these Park Slope pugs!