Sid has decided to start his own business; a snow removal business.
Yep, you heard me correctly. Let me back up a minute and I think you’ll see why it makes perfect sense. It all started when we went outside during my lunch break to check out the freshly fallen snow.
Like usual, Sid just sniffed around, hunting for any pee-mail messages my neighbors’ dogs might have left for him in our apartment building’s back yard.
I decided to make a snow ball to see what Sid would do with it.
Well, like everything else new he encounters, he attempted to eat it.
Once he got a taste for the white fluffy treat, there was no stopping him. He quickly got to work excavating more of this delicious substance.
I tried to explain it was just regular old frozen water but I don’t think he could hear me over the crunch of the snowballs he kept devouring.
The cold didn’t seem to bother him and he was making some significant headway clearing away a path in the middle of the yard.
So now I think you understand the nature of Sid’s new business. Anyone need their driveway plowed??
If you aren’t yet convinced to hire this pug, here’s some video of Sid demonstrating his unwavering commitment to snow removal (and consumption):