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1) Profile gemini8 Project donor Discovered 4 mega primesDiscovered 1 AP26Found 1 prime in the 2018 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2019 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2020 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2023 Tour de PrimesFound 1 mega prime in the 2023 Tour de PrimesFound 3 primes in the 2024 Tour de PrimesFound 2 mega primes in the 2024 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2024 Tour de Primes Mountain Stage321 LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,037,585)Cullen LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (9,400,401)ESP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (9,169,258)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,124,664)Primorial Prime Search Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (6,617,142)PPS LLR Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (26,844,499)PSP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (7,454,871)SoB LLR Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (16,012,496)SR5 LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (9,062,982)SGS LLR (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,004,286)TRP LLR Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,024,661)Woodall LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,002,923)321 Sieve (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,035,186)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (100,160,728)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,002,647)PPS Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (100,000,715)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (15,449,403)TRP Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (156,305)AP 26/27 Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (80,051,400)GFN Double Silver: Earned 200,000,000 credits (401,876,030)WW (retired) Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (100,000,000) 924,488,332 686,609.32 Germany
2) CPU4Wissenschaft 321 LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (17,004)PPS LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (105,541)321 Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,876,616)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (6,684,446)PPS Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (107,278,704)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (30,870)AP 26/27 Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (50,298,963)GFN Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (100,830) 166,396,088 608,644.76 Germany
3) Profile joe carnivore Project donor Discovered 2 mega primesFound 2 primes in the 2018 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2019 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2021 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2022 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2023 Tour de PrimesFound 5 primes in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,983,741)Cullen LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,894,568)ESP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,010,610)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,385,260)Primorial Prime Search Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,534,785)PPS LLR Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (21,324,657)PSP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,341,223)SoB LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (7,798,988)SR5 LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,102,031)SGS LLR (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,018,433)TRP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,831,958)Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,726,962)321 Sieve (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,129,752)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (100,195,306)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,012,316)PPS Sieve Double Silver: Earned 200,000,000 credits (253,213,289)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,155,031)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (8,905,192)TRP Sieve (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,138,474)AP 26/27 Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (44,981,514)GFN Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (138,457,339)WW (retired) Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (26,456,000) 666,597,428 268,422.04 Germany
4) Kolossus 321 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (573,834)Cullen LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (514,987)ESP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,960,474)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,226,007)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,260,612)PSP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,886,015)SoB LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,365,601)SR5 LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,776,061)SGS LLR (suspended) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (770,132)TRP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,449,256)Woodall LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,758,735)321 Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,677,794)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (22,767,975)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,472,320)PPS Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (120,937,996)TRP Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (18,982)AP 26/27 Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (67,081,456)GFN Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (89,270,997)WW (retired) Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (50,760,000) 378,529,236 257,897.42 Germany
5) Profile RKN-Cluster Discovered 1 mega primeFound 1 prime in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,009,208)Cullen LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,700,063)ESP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,028,292)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,821,210)Primorial Prime Search Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,028,554)PPS LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,196,864)PSP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,112,590)SoB LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,032,075)SR5 LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,398,920)SGS LLR (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,285,176)TRP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,266,312)Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,915,421)321 Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,355,774)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,012,089)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,699,150)PPS Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,015,241)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,205,426)AP 26/27 Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (11,445,733)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (29,775,253)WW (retired) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (504,000) 89,807,351 165,440.32 Germany
6) LtFerrante Project donor 321 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (505,633)Cullen LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,348,397)ESP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,334,949)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,218,041)Primorial Prime Search Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (308,967)PPS LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (118,980)PSP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,314,014)SoB LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,980,086)SR5 LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,027,995)SGS LLR (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (18,897)TRP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,198,589)Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (467,440)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (381,194)PPS Sieve Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,486,611)TRP Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (15,018)AP 26/27 Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,398,878)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (48,661,807) 66,788,903 140,896.06 Germany
7) PrimeMartin 321 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (111,529)Cullen LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (308,901)ESP LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (865,719)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (131,165)Primorial Prime Search Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (465,232)PPS LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,271,889)PSP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (100,438)SoB LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,559,232)SR5 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (602,030)SGS LLR (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (101,447)TRP LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (772,961)Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,009,877)321 Sieve (suspended) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (538,528)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (953,776)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (598,975)PPS Sieve Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (24,598,325)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (500,812)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (44,699)TRP Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (273,679)AP 26/27 Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (8,280,064)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (30,222,972)WW (retired) Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,004,000)PSA Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (791,540) 86,107,793 128,259.34 Germany
8) LIWI Discovered 1 mega primeFound 1 prime in the 2022 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (151,482)Cullen LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (383,151)ESP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (315,413)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (252,729)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,243,349)PSP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (488,150)SoB LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (210,259)SR5 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (164,066)SGS LLR (suspended) Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (50,923,098)TRP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (114,223)Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (386,707)321 Sieve (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,130,186)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (9,395,183)PPS Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (107,615,815)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (227,091)AP 26/27 Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (40,241,877)GFN Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (88,543,149)WW (retired) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (528,000) 305,317,669 121,025.71 Germany
9) Armin Gips Found 1 prime in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (501,699)Cullen LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (124,811)ESP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (102,645)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (541,677)Primorial Prime Search Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,131,773)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,005,225)PSP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,013,931)SoB LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (541,894)SR5 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (502,563)SGS LLR (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (100,452)TRP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (345,646)Woodall LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (536,488)321 Sieve (suspended) Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,076,520)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,002,219)PPS Sieve Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (100,477,514)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,023,015)AP 26/27 Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (21,185,320)GFN Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (8,686,368)WW (retired) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (100,000)PSA Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (50,452) 156,050,214 118,459.65 Germany
10) Heijo 321 LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,101,151)Cullen LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (227,534)ESP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (360,257)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (390,746)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,732,722)PSP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,362,422)SoB LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (931,770)SR5 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (783,225)SGS LLR (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (54,087)TRP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,957,771)Woodall LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (959,475)321 Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (10,018)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (131,619)PPS Sieve Double Gold: Earned 500,000,000 credits (538,525,553)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (27,170)TRP Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (172,033)AP 26/27 Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (9,695,114)GFN Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (126,499,912)WW (retired) Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (184,548,000) 871,471,855 116,002.74 Germany
11) N0vas Found 2 primes in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (6,080,354)Cullen LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,801,153)ESP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,667,724)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,803,726)Primorial Prime Search Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (687,948)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,400,226)PSP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,448,636)SR5 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (582,396)SGS LLR (suspended) Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,661,580)TRP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,639,396)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (86,129,657)PPS Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (13,655,921)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (343,009)AP 26/27 Double Bronze: Earned 100,000,000 credits (115,743,004)GFN Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (51,343,125) 301,987,856 66,116.24 Germany
12) CFJH Found 4 primes in the 2021 Tour de PrimesFound 1 prime in the 2022 Tour de PrimesFound 2 primes in the 2023 Tour de PrimesFound 3 primes in the 2024 Tour de Primes321 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (268,832)Cullen LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,549,034)ESP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,939,034)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,296,302)PPS LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (6,738,604)SoB LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (76,779)SR5 LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (873,311)SGS LLR (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,023,564)TRP LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (777,929)Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (227,482)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (252,467)PPS Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (12,786,203)AP 26/27 Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (8,939,073)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (49,638,233)WW (retired) Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (50,628,000) 139,015,456 58,653.19 Germany
13) Kyr ESP LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (73,952)Primorial Prime Search Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (330,741)PPS LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,881,261)SR5 LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (98,651)TRP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (103,015)Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (277,870)GFN Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,926,603) 7,692,093 32,978.13 Germany
14) HaKock Sierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (444,746) 452,676 31,661.16 International
15) Michael Berger 321 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (491,216)Cullen LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,418,627)ESP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,107,252)PPS LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (53,878)PSP LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,842,379)SoB LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,945,383)SR5 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (252,750)TRP LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (522,107)Woodall LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,368,046)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,320,779)PPS Sieve Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (433,704)GFN Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (7,127,319) 19,897,789 24,432.78 Germany
16) suguruhirahara Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (541,805)PPS LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (17,220)SR5 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (209,337)PPS Sieve Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (16,855)AP 26/27 Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (16,267)GFN Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (179,031) 995,101 17,030.29 Japan
17) Erich Cullen LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,346,709)ESP LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (34,657)PPS LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (563,839)SoB LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,749,701)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (29,400,984)PPS Sieve Double Silver: Earned 200,000,000 credits (297,362,797)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (264,566)AP 26/27 Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (8,999,718)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (40,996,460)WW (retired) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (240,000) 380,960,628 7,117.69 Austria
18) dampf 321 LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (91,295)Cullen LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (161,309)ESP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (304,550)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (408,385)PPS LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (22,176)PSP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (183,224)SoB LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (234,316)SR5 LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (51,627)TRP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (184,280)Woodall LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (367,244)PPS Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,873,469)AP 26/27 Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (32,344)GFN Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,767,565) 14,688,045 6,502.96 None
19) respawner Project donor 321 LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,333,784)Cullen LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,892,881)ESP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,614,511)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,397,700)PPS LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,180,077)PSP LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (5,377,773)SoB LLR Turquoise: Earned 5,000,000 credits (7,047,900)SR5 LLR Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,532,953)SGS LLR (suspended) Amethyst: Earned 1,000,000 credits (1,545,188)TRP LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,074,603)Woodall LLR Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,341,629)321 Sieve (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (4,851,635)Cullen/Woodall Sieve Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (10,289,962)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (3,613,160)PPS Sieve Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (60,553,273)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (28,840)TRP Sieve (suspended) Ruby: Earned 2,000,000 credits (2,129,998)AP 26/27 Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (18,520,983)GFN Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (81,617,211)WW (retired) Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (14,452,000) 232,396,060 2,173.15 Germany
20) hsdecalc Project donor 321 LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (73,226)Cullen LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (31,177)ESP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (216,406)Generalized Cullen/Woodall LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (540,026)PPS LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (72,391)PSP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (499,499)SoB LLR Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (890,356)SR5 LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (303,449)SGS LLR (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (67,534)TRP LLR Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (340,604)Woodall LLR Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (36,647)Generalized Cullen/Woodall Sieve (suspended) Bronze: Earned 10,000 credits (87,922)PPS Sieve Emerald: Earned 50,000,000 credits (79,471,170)Sierpinski (ESP/PSP/SoB) Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (189,280)TRP Sieve (suspended) Silver: Earned 100,000 credits (148,255)AP 26/27 Jade: Earned 10,000,000 credits (13,374,244)GFN Sapphire: Earned 20,000,000 credits (36,886,210)WW (retired) Gold: Earned 500,000 credits (768,000) 134,003,104 1,877.84 Germany
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