August 2021 - Pretty Real
home design

How Do You Decide Which Room To Focus On plus a Bathroom Moodboard

There are a lot of competing priorities when designing a space-How will we use it?How will it serve our family?How do we want it to look and feel?And I hate it to admit but...Is this what my audience would like to see?Is it Instagram worthy?Is it different enough....or the same enough?These are my questions as I try to nail down bathroom plans. I...

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back to school

Budget-Friendly Back-to-School Styles

 Thank you Walmart for sponsoring this post!The first day of school is Monday. WHAT?! How did that happen? If you haven't finished your shopping, I wanted to warn you not to sleep on the amazing prices and the new brands that Walmart carry- brands like Reebok, Justice, Champion, and Steve Madden to name a few. So good! I'm also loving their internal brands like Wonder...

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home decorating

A Round-Up of Black Figure Art in a Variety of Styles

Ever since adding this lovely print to our family room, I can't get over how meaningful it feels to add art that represents you. Art is highly subjective and beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder but I have memories going back to my childhood of feeling 'other' as a result of not seeing my skin or hair represented in the...

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primary bedroom

Our New Bed (And Other Primary Bedroom Changes)

 Thank you EQ3 for providing the B2C Slipcovered Bed. All opinions are my own.It’s been a minute since I shared our primary bedroom. But this share feels different... almost from the get-go I wanted to replace our bed. Sure, it was pretty but when we painted the walls dark green, it was evident that the dark on dark just wasn’t it. Its' height...

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