At the end of the year, I like to determine the top 10 posts of the year. It's also nice to see the projects I've completed and touching (and sometimes funny) to look at the personal posts I've shared. Here are the top 10 posts based on page views and sorted by least to most read: 10. Anti-Aging Hair Tips From a Celebrity...
A while ago I grabbed an unfinished Christmas tree ornament from Michael's. It was a blank canvas begging for a DIY. Inspired by our recent move, I decided to make a state ornament. This was one of my favorite projects. Here's how to make your own: ...
When we were moving we had to stage the house. We took away most of the girls' toys. And then we removed even more as we were packing. I was astonished that only once during those months did they complain! No matter how many toys we took away, they simply played with what was left. I think sometimes we overwhelm our kids with...
Thanksgiving on Instagram is one thing. Thanksgiving in real life can be quite another. Last year our Thanksgiving was beautiful. But not in that perfect-looks-like-it-could-be-in-a-magazine way. It was beautiful because I was surrounded by those I love in a warm and cozy house eating delicious food. Today I'm sharing a few tips to make Thanksgiving look pretty with a small space and a...
In honor of the upcoming Thanksgiving meal prep, I thought it would be fun to tackle a DIY apron. Even better- it’s completely no-sew (unless you want to sew in which case I say have at off). This fun apron features accent fabric and hand stamping. Side note: this is a great way to use up those fabric scraps. In honor of...
I'm thrilled to be working with such a fun and delicious brand today. Thank you Cold Stone Creamery for sponsoring this post. For me, the holidays can feel overwhelming enough without adding a complicated set up to my task list, so I'm sharing a simple and pretty Thanksgiving dessert table to inspire. Luckily there are plenty of ways to keep it easy without...
Today I want to share the cutest little last minute DIY costume with you! I got this idea the other night and tried really hard to share it with you this morning to make it a little less last minute but then life with three littles happened. ...
This will barely be a tutorial because it's so easy. But I recently recovered a seat cushion and it made all the difference so of course I had to share. Here's my version of how to recover a seat cushion: ...
Today I'm sharing a 100% NO SEW felt crown tutorial. I click on a lot of "no sew" projects only to find out there's a bit of hand stitching involved. I don't know about you but I count having to thread a needle as sewing. I get it-- adding a few stitches would ensure its staying power through lots of dress up sessions....
I have a lot to share with you today! I'm excited to share a fun interview with celebrity stylist, Jill Crosby and also slightly terrified to divulge my most embarrassing secret. But Taste{Full} is nothing if not authentic so here goes. ...
So I've been warning my husband that I'm entering the "don't cross me" stage of pregnancy. I can't be the only one who experiences these symptoms about 4 weeks out: irritability, sensitivity, extreme exhaustion or hunger causing me to lash out uncontrollably.... Tell me I'm not alone. In that vein I thought it would be cathartic obnoxious fun to make a list of...
I thought of a few titles for this post. One was "Pretty and Approachable Fall Mantel" but I'll be honest, no one is going to put that into google search and I'm all about SEO these days. Hashtag keepin it real. My point is that you don't have to be a designer or have a beyonce budget to create a pretty mantel. Side...
Dax Joey is ONE. What? How did that happen? Where did the time go? I've always said he's our beauty from ashes and the evidence of God's perfect timing in our lives. Carrying him gave me hope and purpose when I was tired and overwhelmed with life. I knew at the end of Joe's treatment, we'd have a perfect little son awaiting us....
For a while now I've wanted to update you on Joe's recovery. Most of you know he was diagnosed with cancer in March of 2014. This came as a complete shock and as you can imagine was devastating news for our family. While we were living it, it was too painful for me to discuss, but now that it's been about a year...
Last weekend Joe and I took the kids to meet his parents at Mariott's Oceanwatch Villas at Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach, SC. They'd booked a vacation there and since it's only a few hours away it was the perfect opportunity to cure a little bit of homesickness. I'm not sure what I expected but it certainly exceeded my expectations. It really was...
My little one is turning FOUR today. Yesterday, she sat in the backseat with the cutest pout ever saying "I'm tired of being 3 1/2. It's boring! I don't want to be the youngest." How convenient that I could assure her that not only is she not the youngest but that she also didn't have to stand for being three one. more. day....
I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to get to plan a brand new kitchen. To give you some background, 2 years ago we had a small budget to renovate our kitchen. We'd already updated the appliances and the floors. But there was only so much lipstick we could throw on a 60 year old pig. It was finally time...
Oh Genevieve! I can't believe you're in Kindergarten. As I drove away from your school I couldn't help but cry as I thought about how fast these 5 years have gone by and how you're no longer my baby. You're a big girl now. ...
With fall just around the corner, I thought I'd share Genevieve's Apple themed 4th birthday party. I can't believe she chose "fall," over "Frozen" as a theme. I promise-- it was all her! Well I added the emphasis on apples, but still. It's such a fun theme for a fall birthday. I kept this party somewhat simple since it feels like back to...
That's what Joe said to me on our very first night in our apartment in Raleigh. It was late, we were exhausted, but we did it. We're in Raleigh. THE DRIVE... went really well. We learned from our first road trip and made sure to pack the van the night before, leave early, and give the girls Dramamine and limit screen time to...
I really wanted to write a post about moving that would make me cry (and perhaps you too!). But I'm really trying to ward off the sentimentality until I'm officially out of New Hampshire. So instead here are a few pictures of Dax and Nadia's Camping themed pre-birthday bash--more to come later! ...
I spoke a bit about what dedications are when I shared Nadia's. For this one I focused on the scripture "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth." (Psalms 127:4). Of course I love the arrow reference but more importantly it's a reminder to launch our children at a target. We strive to raise them in...
That's right. I'm sharing Nadia's fairy party from last year. Just like I shared Genevieve's 4th birthday just before her 5th. I posted a peek on Facebook but since I'm planning her 4th birthday I figured I'd share a quick look at her 3rd. If you remember, I was pregnant and due to have Dax less than 2 weeks after the party and...
Every once in a while, when life is crazy and I'm not blogging as often as I like, I like to check in to confirm that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm alive and well. Sigh of relief please? So first of all, we sold our house. And when I tell you that we'd packed a lot of stuff...
Before vacation I was searching for a swimsuit which is my version of hell. Well the most shallow one I've experienced anyway. I know there's the camp of women who are all "look at my stretch marks in this rad bikini" but that is not me friends. I have figure flaws and I'd prefer to hide them. People often think I'm being...
My dear friend was having a girl after THREE boys. With a 4th baby and a different gender a sprinkle was a must, so a few friends and I put one on. She loves purple and named her sweetheart Violet, so a floral theme just seemed appropriate. We added lavender, mint, and kraft, did a few DIYs, and called it a sprinkle. Enjoy!...
I am no marriage expert and could very easily rattle off things Joe and I could improve upon (communication for instance) and that I, as a wife could improve upon (keeping score for instance). That said, I love learning about how to make a marriage work, I'm not afraid to ask for advice from those with more experience under their belts than me,...
Hello Spring! This DIY is perfect for spring right? I've seen some floral monograms lately and have fallen in love. It was definitely one of those DIYs I needed to get out of my system. I used my friend's sweet baby girl's arrival as an excuse to try my hand at one. This was a fun and easy project. I promise. Hello...
This barely qualifies as a blog post but when I'm searching for something I feel the need to share my finds. This is what makes me a blogger I suppose. Ha! Last year I scored the sun hat above at Gymboree for only $7. I never found Nadia one and as any mama (or sister) knows, you can't get one baby a pretty hat...
Okay "galore" might be a bit of an exaggeration. But there are so many great Shutterfly and Tiny Shutterfly's free book offer. Though I love when it comes around, I don't always have the time to make a book from scratch. Luckily we take professional family photos annually and making a book is the perfect way to use them. I don't know about...
Earlier this week I shared this fun find from Zulily. And then as is often the case I couldn't get it and the girls' future room out of my mind. I'm not sure exactly what I'll do yet but I love the metallic trend and plan to incorporate it. I basically used that adorable unicorn as a jumping off point and window shopped...
One of my favorite photographers is going to take pictures of the kids soon! The minute I confirmed with her the wheels started spinning on what they would wear. While I loved Dax's newborn photos I was so overwhelmed with life that I literally picked the kids' outfits out the night before. Although that lack of planning saved me some cash, I admit...
You know you're aging when you start rationalizing swim dresses. But hey, it is what it is. Partly due to modesty (especially since I have 2 impressionable little girls), partly due to figure flaws, my bikini days are over. Disclaimer: If I ever work hard enough to get my abs back (or back-ish) and am lucky enough to be on a tropical vacation...
Just wanted to pop in and let you know that Joe and I were interviewed for the Relationship Feature on Quirky Brown Love today! It includes the story of how we met, what the back cover of our love story would read, a quirky moment, and more. A little bit of inspiration + a little embarrassment? What better way to start the week?...
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ }); I recently helped plan a pretty girl shower for a friend and used the event as an excuse to try painting mason jars. Am I the only one who gets random DIY projects stuck in my head? Apparently the only way to move on is to try my hand at it. I've seen painted mason jars in...
Last week I posted about our small space toy storage solution. Today, I'm following up with some additional affordable options plus my response to comments and questions on that post. First, the option we use is the ikea trofast system. I received a few comments from boy mamas which make me think I should add that the bins come in a variety of...
Remember the last post about my hair? It’s safe to say I've been through a few looks since then. I change my style often partly due to boredom but also due to damage. Whether I’m getting my hair straightened which is a harsh and drying process or putting it in braids which can weaken it and damage it, the results are the same:...