It's been a good year! While I have SO much learning and growing to do, this year I've been a bit more consistent and serious about blogging. It's a constant battle of what I want to do vs. what I'm realistically able to do with two little ones at home and zero childcare. It's also a battle of taking a leap of faith...
GIVEAWAY CLOSED. The winner is comment 9: Mary Gardner with "I follow you on Twitter..." It pays to do the extra entries! Thanks Mary! Going to a NYE Party? Now that you have the perfect outfit [oh just plugging my Tall Snob work], it's time to find the perfect hostess gift. If I'm being honest I don't always bring hostess gifts but...
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ }); When my church's youth director asked for help making DIY sheep and cow costumes for the Christmas recital, I didn't hesitate! I love using my DIY skills for worthwhile causes. These costumes take some time but are really not difficult. And how cute would they be for a Halloween costume?! I didn't grab detailed shots along the...
*GIVEAWAY CLOSED* And the WINNER is: Anthony Richard with the comment: "Definitely don't stress about the night time diaper. Jamison has been day trained for a looonnng time and we started stressing on when he would be out of night diapers! Sure enough, over the summer, he just started waking up and hasn't worn a diaper since. Definitely on their time :) But,...
Not only will your loved ones appreciate these gifts, but they are on sale! I've loved Shutterfly for awhile now (my most recent project is here), but I've only used Shutterfly for Christmas shopping over the past several years. Now I know not everyone wants my big toothy grin all over their Christmas gift but what grandma or nana or gigi or whatever...
My mom always said "Jesus is the reason for the season," and while I might have rolled my eyes in response, once or twice or lots, I agreed then and agree now. But even though I say that, sometimes my actions don't show it. One small way I want to reiterate that refrain with my girls is to give them at least one gift...
Hey there! Sharing my work for Tall Clothing Mall again! This time, it's gift guides for the comfort lover. Check out the sources here. Happy gift giving! ...