Six months ago I pinned this. Six months prior to that, I decided Genevieve would be a peacock this year after my mom scored an adorable teal shimmery tutu at Wal-Mart for 75% off. So I revisited the tutorial I pinned a week ago and made my own version of the costume. Here it is:
I followed the instructions for the peacock "feathers" to a T. I sort of free handed the shapes onto the felt. I attached them to blue ribbon with pins and tied the ribbon to the tutu. I like that it's not permanent because she loves this tutu and after tomorrow I can take the feathers off and she can wear it for dress up, which tends to happen on Sundays during Patriots games. Don't ask me why.
Speaking of the tutu, I wanted something more frilly than the one Shauna over on Shwin & Shwin made. Believe it or not I've never made one of the no-sew tutus. I know--check my pulse. Am I alive?! So I checked out the tutorial Shauna referenced here. I loved the illustration of how to tie the knots in that post but wanted something a bit more detailed so I did a quick search and landed on this tutorial by Treasures for Tots. I like how full hers are and her quick tulle cutting technique. I actually used that technique a couple of years ago for the tulle poms I made for Genevieve's birthday, but I probably wouldn't have thought to do the same thing for the tutu. Anyway, I followed her instructions using a full spool of brown tulle (25 yards) and half a spool (about 3 yards each) of glitter cobalt blue, gold, and teal. The spools of tulle were 50% off at Hobby Lobby, which was awesome. How many times have you reasoned that making something yourself would be cheaper than buying it only to spend more on materials and supplies than a store bought item would have cost?! anyone? I also made Genevieve's tutu about an inch longer than the one she was making for the tutorial.
For my first tutu, I'd say it came out pretty great! I love it and so does Genevieve. Here are a few more photos:
In case you're wondering, the T-shirt came from Wal-Mart. I added a leftover strip of cobalt blue tulle to the front of it. The wings are from Dollar General (which became obvious by the way they wouldn't stay upright!), the felt was from Micheal's and Hobby Lobby (cheaper at H.L.), and the peacock feathers were from Hobby Lobby. I've had the feather-y headband forever.
I followed the instructions for the peacock "feathers" to a T. I sort of free handed the shapes onto the felt. I attached them to blue ribbon with pins and tied the ribbon to the tutu. I like that it's not permanent because she loves this tutu and after tomorrow I can take the feathers off and she can wear it for dress up, which tends to happen on Sundays during Patriots games. Don't ask me why.
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quick tulle cutting technique. |
Super easy felt feathers.
My knots aren't perfect but close enough. I see more of these no-sew tutus in my future.
For my first tutu, I'd say it came out pretty great! I love it and so does Genevieve. Here are a few more photos:
In case you're wondering, the T-shirt came from Wal-Mart. I added a leftover strip of cobalt blue tulle to the front of it. The wings are from Dollar General (which became obvious by the way they wouldn't stay upright!), the felt was from Micheal's and Hobby Lobby (cheaper at H.L.), and the peacock feathers were from Hobby Lobby. I've had the feather-y headband forever.
Thanks Treasures for Tots and Shwin & Shwin for the tutorial and inspiration!
So what's your kid going to be this year? And did you make it or buy it?