Try saying that title three times, fast. I mentioned in this post that I would blog about projects that I tackled after seeing it on Pinterest. It's as much for accountability for me to DO something with all the ideas I collect there rather than just let them gather virtual dust. It's also hopefully helpful for you if you want feedback on some...
I am obsessed with Pinterest as much as the next gal. It is impossible to hop on and off as I have proven many a times when consulting a recipe, etc. I think I'm going to go to my "foodie" board, look up a recipe and be done with it. But no, I end up re-pinning, ogling amazing fashions, admiring DIY geniuses, and...
I wanted a boy. There, I said it. I had convinced myself that I didn't care--even that I'd prefer a girl since that meant I could recycle Genevieve's oh-so-cute clothes. But when the sonographer told me it was a girl, I knew the truth. Poor little Nadia! The only reason I can even admit it now is because I am so beyond in...