June 6, 2013

Mirth Watch Thursday: Should a Mother Read Her Dawgter's Diary?

Yes. She should. And she should share it with everypawdy.

Some (most??) of you have probably already seen this video. If you are like me and on Facebook and mostly have dog-crazy friends there, then you will have definitely seen it. But, I know I have some blog readers who aren't on Facebook, so for that lone person's their benefit I share with you now - Sad Dog Diary. (Note - these are not sad. Does this seem like the kind of blog that would share a sad video?? Angel dog videos notwithstanding...)

As I mentioned, I first saw this on Facebook, but I also saw it on one of my fave blogs - I Still Want More Puppies, wherein we were asked to ponder what our dog's diary entry would be.

So, I give you a recent entry from Rita's diary, inspired by K9 Kamp:
Dear Diary, I am worried about dearest human. From certain angles, she seems to be getting wider. I try to entice her to run, but she only walks slowly behind. I try to bring her my toys, but she just sits on her butt and throws them away. Why won’t she play with them? I try to tell her she is eating too much. ‘Are you sure you want to eat all that? Here, let me help you with it. Give me half.’ She pretends she doesn’t understand me.
Sad Rita.

And here is her entry from the other day when we had to go for the 2nd of the hub's stem-cell procedures on his knees (and you might need to know that we had to take his crutches along...):

Dear Diary, this is the worst day of my life. Dearest humans left me alone very early this morning. As if getting up early wasn't bad enough, they left without our usual patrol of the neighborhood. I tried VERY HARD to get into the car with them. I know that they went to the beach without me. How could they do that to me? The last time I tried to make a break for the car, female dearest human put the big scary sticks in the backseat to block me. She knows I hate the scary sticks. I no longer wanted to go when I saw that the scary sticks were going. Thank dog they left me my breakfast and a treat, but they have been gone for forever. For. Ev. Er. Will they ever return? What is a guard dog with no dear humans in the house to guard? And, more importantly, how does one get the lid off the food bin in the pantry??
Even sadder Rita.
Which is your favorite from the video? Would your pet have anything to add? (There are so many funny ones, but I think my fave is the beagle puppy talking about the cat, although I also very much relate to the reference to patrolling the neighborhood each day "in search of men with hats and beards.")

BTW... for Linda - have you seen Sad Cat Diary?


  1. That was funny and there is a cat version he did too. We agree the cat advice ...lol selling your soul. By the way we have started What the Dog Ate. Even your dedication made us smile. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Oh, hooray - hope you continue to smile the whole way through! :)

  2. I believe my favorite was the beagle puppy pondering the cat poo. Since Indy had just snacked on cat poo in the front yard that day, I could relate to it. Indy's diary would be full of worry since, as we know, she is concerned about everything.

    1. Yeah - that one is the best, I think.

      Same with Rita. She's always very concerned!

  3. I hadn't seen that - it's great!

  4. My favorite is that cute white fluff talking about learning to shake and not knowing what he agreed to.

    Thanks for sharing,

    That lone non-Facebook person. :)

    1. Yep - I was talkin' to you! :)

      I love that one too about the shaking. So cute.

  5. LOVE that video. Inspires mom to do more videos. We got ne on our post today.
    That's a good photo of Rita ... I'm sad too when my peeps go away even just fro couple hours. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Yes, it's sad when the peeps go away! You just don't know when/if they'll come back!

  6. While I think it's good to see ourselves through the eyes of our dogs, I'm quite sure that my Poodles would use their diaries for blackmail purposes only.

  7. Oh my dog. I about DIED watching that! The one about the testicles struck me as particularly hilarious. Maybe because I tell people that we had my Hunny neutered.

    1. Heehee. I'm sure your Hunny appreciates that! (And it sounds like you outta get the *Bunny* neutered!)

  8. Rita's diary entry is priceless! I love it. I'm going to have to think what Delilah would write in her diary.

    I don't think there is one particular entry that screams at me. I am very fond of the genital/butt sniffing/poop entries. It's just my potty mind, it lives in the gutter.

    1. The genital/poop/butt-sniffing ones are pretty damn funny.

      I'd love to read a page or two of Delilah's diary!

  9. I love Rita's entries - too funny :) My hubby and I laughed hardest at the kitty candy - Cali always LOVED kitty crap snacks (EW!)

  10. Very cute.

    Honey would never keep a diary. Why bother writing when you can fetch, sleep, and chew?

  11. Haha I've never seen that video- I absolutely loved it! Thanks for sharing this and the diary post. You've got A wonderful blog :) If you'd like to pop on over, mine is http://dogleptospirosis.blogspot.com/ See you around Jackie!

  12. Ha! A friend sent me that link -- must be making the rounds in Southern California at the moment. I laughed so hard I got tears in my eyes.


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