Entries mentioning nose | |
Meat-based vegetablesMeted out on February 9, 2025 | |
The man who lived inside wallsOutgurned before February 2, 2025 | |
A horse, a printer, a chipmunk, a ruined handbagHorse-drawn on January 12, 2025 | |
Too-quiet restroomsWhizzed all over January 5, 2025 | |
Eating a lot of Frosted FlakesLionized on December 15, 2024 | |
Ensconced and enholedProcrastinated on November 3, 2024 | |
No idea about anythingFlummoxed on October 27, 2024 | |
But for me, it was TuesdayFor me it was October 13, 2024 | |
Formica and formicationFornicated on October 6, 2024 | |
By the bag, the can, the bottle, and the flaskTrashed on September 29, 2024 | |
Q-Tips, cute tips, a queue of tipsExfiltrated on September 22, 2024 | |
I really should have that broken…Tinned on September 8, 2024 | |
A nipple that could nibbleNuzzled on August 25, 2024 | |
Musings on vinegar, vigor, and elephant bitesMurderized on August 4, 2024 | |
Too many uncertaintiesCertified on July 28, 2024 | |
Too many demandsCommanded on July 21, 2024 | |
Too many answersDeclared on July 14, 2024 | |
Too many questionsQuestioned on July 7, 2024 | |
So I didn’t want them anymoreFeted on June 23, 2024 | |
Things are looking upUplit on June 16, 2024 | |
Transfixed, perplexed, and duplexedEased on June 9, 2024 | |
Cows, cowboys, cowgirls, and so much mooingMilked on June 2, 2024 | |
Never put a fish in your carWrapped on May 12, 2024 | |
Nose, the best smelling deviceStunk down on April 28, 2024 | |
So many questionsTrebled on April 21, 2024 | |
An antelope with a pair of cantaloupesHight on April 7, 2024 | |
There’s a joke in here somewherePedicured on March 17, 2024 | |
The case of the windy toiletManicured on March 10, 2024 | |
Morning again?Mourned on February 11, 2024 | |
Angry monkey syndrome, a dishdirtierIllustrated on February 4, 2024 | |
Shaken and stir crazySwept on January 21, 2024 | |
Invidy, diaeretics, and Eëtal-Otoh-Satt!Conjoined on December 17, 2023 | |
A byte nybbled a word, and then…Nibbled on December 10, 2023 | |
Snow crabs and snow leopardsPiled up upon December 3, 2023 | |
A Sefernday to surely forgetSefernalized on November 19, 2023 | |
A quacking bushBushwhacked on November 12, 2023 | |
An oversized capybara, a staccato cadenceHobbled on October 22, 2023 | |
A week of weekdays and their horrorsManacled on October 8, 2023 | |
A bolo tie and a blogging accidentHaberdashed on September 24, 2023 | |
By fish or by FinnFinished after September 10, 2023 | |
Corn gone bacon and eggsConsterned on September 3, 2023 | |
Playing a katydid like a fiddleDiddled on August 6, 2023 | |
Rejecting both Church Latin and the CiceronianConjugated on July 30, 2023 | |
Dogs that ate backwardsReversed on June 25, 2023 | |
It doesn’t have to—but I always doNeedn’t on June 4, 2023 | |
Crap! Crabapple! Crapapple!Cursed on May 28, 2023 | |
Why fish don’t have feetExpiscated on May 7, 2023 | |
A monolithic dumpPumped and dumped on April 30, 2023 | |
A turtle extended its neck and quackedResisted on April 23, 2023 | |
The unwary victim of cellular ennuiMetabolized on April 2, 2023 | |
The day ended before it beganEndorsed on March 19, 2023 | |
To be a featureless white wormGouged out on March 12, 2023 | |
Landing head-first in MarchMade it on March 5, 2023 | |
To catch a flyLashed on February 26, 2023 | |
And the rest was historyRevised for February 12, 2023 | |
Thinking for myselfCerebrated on January 22, 2023 | |
Feeling rather non-EuclideanKnotted on January 8, 2023 | |
I am my thoughts… I am timeAnnuated on January 1, 2023 | |
A real galleyshnogger of a ChristmasDove in on December 25, 2022 | |
Toppings on the bottom?Bottomed out on December 18, 2022 | |
We were bipedal murder chickensCorned on December 11, 2022 | |
Al Gore: A User’s ManualPeered at on December 4, 2022 | |
Thanksgiving with the McBorbleysThanks given on November 27, 2022 | |
Change you can be leaf inBogged down on November 13, 2022 | |
I wish my spoons were strongerSnooped on October 23, 2022 | |
Autumn had arrivedFloundered on October 16, 2022 | |
The deep toasterSmeared on October 9, 2022 | |
And then the flies dancedSmelt on October 2, 2022 | |
Yet still bereft of meaningCreamed on September 25, 2022 | |
A veritable trash dump of wordsWhipped on September 18, 2022 | |
History looked at me this weekTransported on September 4, 2022 | |
Catastrophes—but no anastropheMishappened on August 14, 2022 | |
Squirrels, squeeorling, syrup of squill, and squeeCocked up on July 24, 2022 | |
Tuck in flap to closeKnocked up on July 17, 2022 | |
The long, greasy roadLubed up on July 3, 2022 | |
A stack of dictionaries, a goat, and the ensuing manureStacked high on June 26, 2022 | |
Wernicke, Broca, and a two-week, drug-fueled benderRefueled on June 19, 2022 | |
Fleas, flies, and friars!Peddled on June 12, 2022 | |
Whittling the knitteryQuavered on May 8, 2022 | |
Flogging the dinosaurFlailed around on May 1, 2022 | |
A curious nine-day weekDialed on April 3, 2022 | |
Seven point two hundredCommitted on March 27, 2022 | |
The twentieth best day of my lifeEasily understood on March 20, 2022 | |
The stars screamed at me, but why?Shredded on March 6, 2022 | |
An arduous, odorous, ordurous affairCannibalized on February 27, 2022 | |
Interwoven threads of witless booberySpiked on February 20, 2022 | |
Three-eyed gnomes, a lighthouse, and a pair of feetErred on February 13, 2022 | |
The door slammed in my faceSlammed on January 30, 2022 | |
Confound deliveryStarched on January 16, 2022 | |
New years and new neighborsBunted on January 2, 2022 | |
Collecting the caps from every bottle of light creamCollected before December 26, 2021 | |
Vigorously shaking every Solanum dulcamaraVigorously shook before December 19, 2021 | |
Vigorously shaking every ficus treeShook before December 12, 2021 | |
Shouting at every houseplantShouted at before December 5, 2021 | |
An adventure in Dingleberry–DumpsterismDumped and stirred on November 28, 2021 | |
The Dingleberry–Hampsterist–Schmarnocks warEmbattled on November 21, 2021 | |
A Halloween to surely forgetSpooked before November 7, 2021 | |
A Sefernday to ſurely rememberObſerved on October 24, 2021 | |
Plantago delenda estPlanted on October 17, 2021 | |
Dugong, budong, hotdog, and hoeFrowned at on October 3, 2021 | |
Excrescence and excretaUnfolded on September 26, 2021 | |
The pink, sticky day endedChaptered and versed on September 12, 2021 | |
And then I’ll fart one more time, and…Intruded upon August 29, 2021 | |
And I still couldn’t find my combNosedove before August 22, 2021 | |
To not be a six-foot-tall man–squirrelSqueeorled on August 15, 2021 | |
Today I was being a…Squirreled on August 8, 2021 | |
Time to draw the bullEjaculated on August 1, 2021 | |
Not a typewriterTabulated on July 25, 2021 | |
Fish upon the landPhished on July 18, 2021 | |
To narfle the gömböcBalanced on June 27, 2021 | |
Great Dane or greatest Dane?Deigned on May 23, 2021 | |
A dire problem of diphthongs and diacriticsIred on May 16, 2021 | |
Something breakfasty and sausage-likeBaconated on April 25, 2021 | |
From Commodus to Vespasian—Detruded on April 11, 2021 | |
Toiling away smoilishlyToiled away on March 14, 2021 | |
With a bubble and a squeak…Bubbled and squeaked on March 7, 2021 | |
Christmas, goats, and the fiscal cliffGoat got on December 30, 2012 | |
This coming Friday…Prognosticated after December 16, 2012 | |
Mooey, mooey, moo!Lowed at on December 9, 2012 | |
A paean to funnelsFunneled on November 25, 2012 | |
The geese were angryAngered before November 4, 2012 | |
Ziti—with lines, pleaseLollygagged on October 28, 2012 | |
The nauga warTanned on October 14, 2012 | |
Meals and utensils and straws, oh my!Bluely rinsed on October 7, 2012 | |
In my own back yardExtirpated on September 30, 2012 | |
My competitive worm charming daysVermiculated on August 26, 2012 | |
The turtle herds of insomniaNōDōz’d on August 12, 2012 | |
Upon the Fimbriated PlanetFlabbled about on August 5, 2012 | |
And the neckties writhedSpiraled around July 29, 2012 | |
The ÅSS Goose from the MachineBageled on July 22, 2012 | |
A hortensical SeferndayHortensed on July 1, 2012 | |
Fungous hitchhikers from outer spaceRocketed on June 24, 2012 | |
The Bagel Nebula, you stinky monkeys!Humped and dumped on June 17, 2012 | |
I am the humperdumperdink!Dumped and dinked on June 10, 2012 | |
My skin was thinkingConsidered for June 3, 2012 | |
Hoarsely the Pnårp sangHorsed around on May 13, 2012 | |
The death of Argo NavisTrisected before April 29, 2012 | |
A box! A box! A box of…Puttered about on April 15, 2012 | |
Gurning for twoFaces made before April 8, 2012 | |
Surviving April Fools DayFoxholed on April 1, 2012 | |
To order a coffeeCaffeinated on March 25, 2012 | |
Toad rental—cheap!Rented on March 18, 2012 | |
I was deadExpired around February 26, 2012 | |
A Ho-Mg-Zn icosahedral quasicrystalFractured on February 12, 2012 | |
Seven point one hundredReleased on February 5, 2012 | |
And then the cold cuts dancedRonpauled on January 15, 2012 | |
This entry is missing!Misplaced before January 8, 2012 | |
Dreams in a hole in the groundTrespassed before January 1, 2012 | |
A journey to Upper SilesiaGruelled on December 18, 2011 | |
A sally to the KremlinRed squared on December 11, 2011 | |
A jaunt to Washington, D.C.Filibustered on December 4, 2011 | |
A trip to southern MoraviaPlunged off a cliff on November 27, 2011 | |
Like a herd of turtlesFrightened on November 6, 2011 | |
Fimbriated armless and leglessCharged on October 30, 2011 | |
Schtumpfenfrumpt!Stumped on October 16, 2011 | |
A snootful of donutsImbibed before October 2, 2011 | |
A paean to panicGlibbered about on September 25, 2011 | |
Gnomes? In my photocopier?Litigated before September 18, 2011 | |
Ten yearsHijacked on September 11, 2011 | |
A skeezle-wumpus? In my cabinets?Marred on August 14, 2011 | |
Disgorgement and cheddarSquassated on July 24, 2011 | |
The harooloos grew closerRepositioned on July 17, 2011 | |
Impossibly shaped bowlsWhiled away before July 10, 2011 | |
Just so he could moo at someonePercolated on July 3, 2011 | |
What the heck… is bothering me?Chanted on June 12, 2011 | |
Incipits being rather popishLubricated on May 22, 2011 | |
Today being Mamårp’s daySmothered on May 8, 2011 | |
Dyssynergic defecationSplashed down on April 24, 2011 | |
Cool beansBeaned on March 27, 2011 | |
Rotating in placeCaligulated on March 20, 2011 | |
The hobnailery on Hobgoblin StreetBorfnagled on March 6, 2011 | |
A dark and spammy nightLARTed on February 20, 2011 | |
A dark and smarmy nightSelf-satisfied on February 13, 2011 | |
A dark and stormy nightStormdrained on February 6, 2011 | |
Requiem for a triangular briefcaseImmured on January 30, 2011 | |
In feckless search of a new bodyTransplanted before January 23, 2011 | |
The Christ-O-Mart on Crunkner BoulevardTransubstantiated before January 16, 2011 | |
Dr. Unterguggenburgerheimer!Diagnosed on January 9, 2011 | |
Happy birthday, Alyssa Milano!Feet worshipped on December 19, 2010 | |
Back to Pam & Meg’sGoatmulched on December 12, 2010 | |
An alabasterously magnificent findFound before December 5, 2010 | |
Ravna and a tub of port wine cheese spreadSlathered all over on November 21, 2010 | |
Mr. Årp goes to city hallCarpetbagged on November 14, 2010 | |
The frozen PnårpLast thing I remembered on October 24, 2010 | |
Phbthphbthphbthphbththth!Flatulated on October 3, 2010 | |
Insidious flobcumber piePerchanced upon on September 19, 2010 | |
Ah, the first of August!Firstly on August 1, 2010 | |
Gnomes destroying my brain and kidneysUrinated on on July 18, 2010 | |
Noshing on my favorite keyboardFluttered on July 4, 2010 | |
Joyful Sefernday, everyone!Envisaged on June 6, 2010 | |
Oh, the serendipity!Squelched through on May 30, 2010 | |
A little pedicatioIrrumated on May 16, 2010 | |
Thousands of Eggmen against one little PnårpDestalinized on May 2, 2010 | |
I had eggs today!Oviposited on April 18, 2010 | |
A plan is hatchedHatched right before April 4, 2010 | |
Ham by the brickMechanically extracted on March 28, 2010 | |
A Hilarius pair of ducksGuffawed at after March 14, 2010 | |
Return from the BrundlebeyondDisgorged on March 7, 2010 | |
Into the BrundlesphereDescended upon on August 3, 2008 | |
Through the tunnelCrossed over on July 27, 2008 | |
The BrundlesphereEntangled on July 20, 2008 | |
Dog whelks in your arteriesDerived on July 6, 2008 | |
The perfunctory margin of disbelief, part IIReified on June 29, 2008 | |
eBGIQ7ZuuiU or bustGassed up on May 18, 2008 | |
Alyssa Milano & the new adventures of HitlerSnickerdickered on March 30, 2008 | |
Suddenly ablazeIgnited on March 9, 2008 | |
A whiz and a giggleWhizgiggled at on February 3, 2008 | |
Today is January 27Punched on January 27, 2008 | |
Gnomes? In my kettles?Nonsensed at January 20, 2008 | |
Lo’ KweeishaPornographed on January 13, 2008 | |
Bubble wrap and bubble buttsThawed on January 6, 2008 | |
Free at lastSelf-addressed and stamped on December 2, 2007 | |
The deep blue face of failureDone wrong on October 21, 2007 | |
Why do the stars scream?Screamed about on September 16, 2007 | |
Plårp, Plårp!Popped up on July 22, 2007 | |
Plårp!Plopped down on July 15, 2007 | |
Press any keyPressed on June 24, 2007 | |
Ol’ Grummie’s back!Bungled up on June 3, 2007 | |
Further visages of feet-&-toesHieroticalized on May 6, 2007 | |
The laws of Phillip I: HomageLegislated on April 8, 2007 | |
The laws of Phillip IPromulgated on March 25, 2007 | |
The restive provinces conqueredExcoriated before March 18, 2007 | |
131,072 Schmongeloid conscriptsDecimated on March 4, 2007 | |
No one expects the Schmalkaldic LeagueVanquished on February 25, 2007 | |
Alyssa Milano lives!Jury-rigged on February 4, 2007 | |
Suing Alyssa MilanoBombarded after January 14, 2007 | |
Music erupted from my bed cushions againStrafed on January 7, 2007 | |
Bloviating and brachiatingWrenched away from me on December 3, 2006 | |
A busjacking by Jack Off Jill?Theorized about on November 12, 2006 | |
Jacking off Jill to a squirrel-fox-dingoHypothesized on November 5, 2006 | |
Mesothelioma in a drainage ditchStir-fried for October 22, 2006 | |
Ollanthorpe Savings BankPuréed on October 1, 2006 | |
New GardegnomiaNavigated to on July 30, 2006 | |
A disastrous pie-eating contestDrawn and quartered on July 16, 2006 | |
No diceGambled over on July 9, 2006 | |
Captain Pinnfarb explains it allPositioned left of June 18, 2006 | |
The Englebee Troobles live!Transubstantiated on April 16, 2006 | |
Hobnobbishly bamboozled, she saidInterrupted before February 5, 2006 | |
Shitlingthorpe–Alabaster FlapdoodlesZanzibarred on December 11, 2005 | |
A visit to EigentoriaEmigrated on November 6, 2005 | |
The thick, meaty center of an eigenfactorRidiculed on October 23, 2005 | |
Caught in a wet noodling contestNoodled on October 16, 2005 | |
The lawn gnomes prance!Gingerbreaded on October 9, 2005 | |
Saturday was the worstHobnobbed on October 2, 2005 | |
The perspicacious side of the planetWienerschnitzeled on July 24, 2005 | |
A gaggle of garden gnomesEngulfed on June 26, 2005 | |
What an Englebee Trooble isIncarcerated on June 12, 2005 | |
Music erupted from my bed cushionsCosigned on April 24, 2005 | |
I desire broadband access to my feet!Quibbled about on March 27, 2005 | |
My dear brother Grårp!Crucified for March 13, 2005 | |
I forgot about HitlerPlundered shortly after October 3, 1999 |