Entries mentioning fleas | |
Meat-based vegetablesMeted out on February 9, 2025 | |
My life as a computerComputed on January 14, 2024 | |
For want of a letterboxShackled on October 1, 2023 | |
Cities of obsidian in the Canadian ShieldDismantled on March 26, 2023 | |
A stack of dictionaries, a goat, and the ensuing manureStacked high on June 26, 2022 | |
Wernicke, Broca, and a two-week, drug-fueled benderRefueled on June 19, 2022 | |
Fleas, flies, and friars!Peddled on June 12, 2022 | |
Too many SundaysQuintupled on May 30, 2021 | |
Planet of the geeseHonked at on July 15, 2012 | |
A sally to the KremlinRed squared on December 11, 2011 | |
Fimbriated armless and leglessCharged on October 30, 2011 | |
A snootful of donutsImbibed before October 2, 2011 | |
The end of doodlewhacker pieBloomed on June 26, 2011 | |
Plårp and I did our bestPotted on April 10, 2011 | |
Rotating in placeCaligulated on March 20, 2011 | |
Noshing on my favorite keyboardFluttered on July 4, 2010 | |
Umph… plurgh… splat!Beautified on July 17, 2005 |