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Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page

Entries mentioning fleas

Meat-based vegetables

Meted out on February 9, 2025

My life as a computer

Computed on January 14, 2024

For want of a letterbox

Shackled on October 1, 2023

Cities of obsidian in the Canadian Shield

Dismantled on March 26, 2023

A stack of dictionaries, a goat, and the ensuing manure

Stacked high on June 26, 2022

Wernicke, Broca, and a two-week, drug-fueled bender

Refueled on June 19, 2022

Fleas, flies, and friars!

Peddled on June 12, 2022

Too many Sundays

Quintupled on May 30, 2021

Planet of the geese

Honked at on July 15, 2012

A sally to the Kremlin

Red squared on December 11, 2011

Fimbriated armless and legless

Charged on October 30, 2011

A snootful of donuts

Imbibed before October 2, 2011

The end of doodlewhacker pie

Bloomed on June 26, 2011

Plårp and I did our best

Potted on April 10, 2011

Rotating in place

Caligulated on March 20, 2011

Noshing on my favorite keyboard

Fluttered on July 4, 2010

Umph… plurgh… splat!

Beautified on July 17, 2005