Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Update: Posts and Emails

I wanted to apologize for 2 things. First I want to thank the people who have been sending links and anim files. We all appreciate it and we are grateful. I have responded to all the emails but I realized last night that a few emails have been kicked back to my outbox. I am trying to resolve the technical problem, but please keep sending stuff because we can still get email. Secondly I want to apologize for the lack of new posts. I have pencil tests to put up but it may be a bit since I am still transitioning back to Los Angeles. soon..soon.. and thank you again

All the best
Jamaal B

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lilo & Stitch: Deleted Sequences Pencil Tests!

Align Left
Model Citizen: Mayhem at the Beach

Bedtime Story

WOW!..Full pencil test sequences from Lilo and Stitch. These are deleted sequences and have a mixture of rough pencil and cleaned (mostly rough)! These are some really nice pieces and I have always been really impressed how Andreas Deja guided his team with the subtle child like motions of Lilo. The Beach sequence has some uncomfortable comments made towards Lilo (trying to play on the ignorance of some tourists) and I would guess as far as the Bedtime Story goes...they wanted to go more direct to the point of showing the love between the two sisters even after the argument. I definitely would say that the sequence that they went with in the film is pretty strong. If you haven't seen the movie, do a comparison and see how you feel...discussion?


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Milt Kahl: Edgar from Aristocats

Milt Kahl Pencil-Test from Victor Ens on Vimeo.

Victor Ens once again posts some goodness. It is a very quick line test but Victor graciously looped it a few times. Thanks for posting this at your Vimeo.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sergio Pablos: Doppler ROUGH_ v02

Sergio Pablos rough animation of Doppler from Haylee Herrick on Vimeo.

Another great donation from. The work speaks for itself!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Joma Santiago: Pencil Tests

Here is another donation that was sent. Joma Santiago pencil tests... enjoy

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Princess and The Frog: first 5 mins with Pencil Tests

The Cartoon Brew has posted the first 5 minutes of The Princess and the Frog which also contains a mixture of finished sequences and pencil test sections. It's exciting to see Disney return to the fairytale because they stayed away from it for a long time. We now get both things that made them stand out. I know you have heard jokes and funny comments about singing and dancing in animation, but it is something that is very impressive if done correctly. Not many people have the skill set to mix acting and musical performance and make it very entertaining. Madam Mim is a great example from Sword and the Stone, King Louis from Jungle Book, and many others. I look forward to this movie and I am sure most of the people who follow the blog will be seeing it as well.

Swing by Cartoon Brew, give your two cents, or click the link on the right and enjoy.

Thanks again for the emails and the donations. New posts coming soon!

Friday, October 2, 2009

William "BJ"Crawford: Theif pencil test...

Thief from bj crawford on Vimeo.

BJ has sent me the link to his 11 sec anim and there are just some great things going on in this test. The way the character re adjust his hand as he places it on the table, the expression change for the discovery, the phone re positioning, the breath before the final take,etc... great work!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sergio Pablos: Doppler ROUGH

here is another Sergio..Doppler test. This is a loose test that shows a bit of his process before the refined work gets established. It begins almost through the middle of the clip...be patient