
Kimyoviy tola

The chemical fiber cutting knife is a key component of the water flow cutting machine, which affects the quality of fiber cutting and the production cost of the enterprise. Hozirgi kunda bozorda kesish pichoqlari asosan "qotishma" pichoqlari va taqlid "Allolon pichoqlariga bo'linadi. Usullar boshqacha. "Stellite qotish" barqaror va nisbatan yuqori darajadagi xizmatdagi hayotga ega, ammo qimmat. Qayta taqlid qilish sifati - bu notektiv qotishmalar notekis va xizmat hayoti nisbatan past. Issiqlik chidamliligi, qarama-qarshilik, korroziya qarshiligi va material talab qiladigan kuch; after repeated tests, experimental corrections and continuous improvement, an alloy material suitable for the production environment of cutting knives was finally developed. The newly developed alloy material has heat resistance , high strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and other comprehensive properties, the chemical fiber knife produced by this material not only has a long service life and moderate price, it can greatly save production costs for chemical fiber production enterprises.