Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who Does This Kid Belong To Anyway?

Livi has been on her eating strike for 8 weeks now. I keep telling her that it's the diaper that makes her look fat, but apparently she is self-conscience about her figure.

Seriously though, we know that it is physiological, from pain she experienced eating while she was teething. We've been going to a special feeding class for two weeks now. A lot of people have been asking me what the class consists of. So here it is in a (long) nutshell:

It's a one-hour class and for the first thirty minutes, they play with toys and the playground to get them comfortable. Then we go into a room with a table and six high-chairs. The teacher gives them a plate with different items on it, like frosting, pudding, and baby food. Then we all use those food items to color a picture. The concept being that kids won't eat anything they won't touch, so we get them accustom to touching various textures. Then after we play with our food, we try to get them to put their fingers in their mouths. It's funny to watch a bunch of grown women acting like two-year olds. We put frosting on our noses and try to lick it off, we use pudding as lipstick...anything we can do to get the kids to put the food near or on their mouths.

The first week, we built towers with Fruit Loops and frosting and somehow tricked Livi into eating a Fruit Loop. She kept saying over and over, "Mow Hut, Mow Hut" which means "Mouth Hurt". Again, it's psychological- her mouth doesn't actually hurt anymore, but she associates food with pain. Man what I wouldn't give to have that disorder. Unfortuately, I associate food with absolute

I digress.

The second week, we were making the green beans jump into mashed potatoes and she licked her fingers after touching the mashed potatos and then did the sign for 'more', so we gave her a spoon. She hesitently ate a few more bites of the potatoes, which was a really big step for her, so we were excited. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get her to try them again at home, but I keep trying, and keep wasting an awful lot of food.

Livi is also in speech class (with the same teacher) and she is making great progress. Since she is able to communicate a little better, even if it's just with sign language, she is getting less frustrated each day. We are able to have more enjoyable days with less of the "Terrible Two's".

I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel...finally!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Ode to Susan Boyle

The Susan Boyle video from 'Britain's Got Talent'
has been all over the place this week.

I thought I'd have a little fun at her expense.

At least my kids think I'm funny....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April Showers...

We got a ton of rain in a short period last night and I woke up to wet carpet in the basement.

Good Times.

Wanna know something that makes me feel better?


Monday, April 13, 2009


colored eggs

woke up
found eggs

found baskets

cuddled new bunny

went to breakfast

family bike ride
played at park

read the funnies

hungry again

almost ate
this little ham

went home
played outside
snuggled in bed

had a great day

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break

This is the first year we've stayed home for spring break in three years. Since the kids are off for an entire week, it's usually the only chance we have to take a vacation during the school year.

However, this year, my hubby's work was too busy, and quite frankly, I just wasn't up for taking a trip. I'm so glad we didn't go anywhere. It was nice to just hang out at home and chill. I feel so bad for Jeremy because he had to work while the kids and I basically did nothing for nine days- We slept in, went to the park, played outside, went to movies, rode bikes, watched movies in bed, ate like crap, went swimming, laughed, and just spent time together.

I get so excited for Spring so we can use our swing set again...

...and turn on our water fall
and smell the freshly cut grass...

...and start the soccer season...

This week was so refreshing!
It makes me look forward
to summer, where we do absolutely
nothing for three straight months!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Flashback Friday

Easter 2005

Easter 2009

I can't believe that Landon looks like such
a young man in the most recent picture.

They grow up too fast!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Wise Beyond His Years

Landon asked me if I wanted to read his poem; I expected something like 'The Cat in the Hat', but to my surprise, this is what he wrote: