Saturday, March 29, 2008

We Are Adding to Our Family!!!

Posted by: Mom

While we were in Vegas, we decided to add new cubs to our family...

Okay, I know I'm lame...but I got your attention, didn't I?
As soon as I get unpacked and settled I will post some pics of the trip, it was a lot of fun...I know you are waiting with bated breath ;)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Admittance is the First Step

Posted By: Mom

For those of you that don't know Jeremy very well, you may not be aware that he suffers from a disorder called O.C.G.P.D. This is a disorder common to his line of work, and at first, was quite difficult to understand and accept. It stands for Obsessive Compulsive Gadget Purchasing Disorder.

Last year, he bought me a video camera with a hard drive. Six months later, he bought me one with a DVD drive....said it would be easier. I just barely sold the first video camera when tonight, he came home with another one. He said he wanted it for our Vegas trip and went on about how easy it is and that it's so small it will fit in my pocket. He even got it in pink. I just don't fight it anymore. This disease is too powerful and over the last 8 years, it's only gotten stronger. So instead of saying a word, I just rolled my eyes and took Landon to the Doctor.

Two hours later (gotta love InstaCare), I came home and Jeremy was playing with the camera and told me how much I was going to love it. After I put the kids to bed, I took a better look at the camera and saw that he recorded a couple of videos. I really could give or take the camera, but I do love what he recorded. I guess sometimes the end does justify the means.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Red-Neck Moments

Posted By: Mom

Tonight the kids and I had a great time watching deer near our backyard. There were about 10 of them and it was fun sneaking up on them seeing how close we can get without them hearing us. Wild life is a common occurrence where we live, which is one of the reasons we chose this particular lot when we built the home.

As I took this picture, I basked in the peaceful nature of these creatures and had a moment of serenity...

...that is until I zoomed in on the sign where the deer are.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm Going Out For Nasonex

Posted by: Mom

Tonight, like most nights, our little Olivia threw a huge fit over nothing. Each time she does this, Jeremy sarcastically says, “thanks again”, referring to the fact that having another baby was all my idea. As soon as I put her to bed, Jeremy took a literal sigh of relief and said, “I’m going out for Nasonex honey.”

That was at 45 minutes ago and our pharmacy is only 2 miles away. As I sit here waiting, I am reminded of the tv shows when the husband said he was “going out for smokes” and they never heard from him again…

Monday, March 10, 2008

I Got Bangs!

Posted By: Emma

I got tired of my hair always getting in my eyes during tumbling. My mom got tired of always putting it up in hair clips. So...I got bangs! I love them. I like to comb them straight down and put a lot of hairspray on them.

Mom's insert:
I didn't think they'd cut them so short. I wanted them a little longer so I could comb them to the side a little. Don't tell Emma, but Dad and I are looking forward them growing a few inches longer. When Emma can read, this message will self-destruct.

Monday, March 03, 2008

She Likes it, She Really, Really Likes it!

Posted by: Mom

Anyone remember Mikey from Life cereal? He didn't like anything they gave him and finally, they tried Life cereal, and he liked it, he really, really liked it....anyone? Wow, I'm old.

I mention this because Olivia is our own 2008 version of Mikey. She is SO picky about food. It would be easier if she just hated apples. Then I would no longer feed her apples. However, she likes apples on Tuesday, and then hates them on Sunday. So each day, I just put a crap-load of food on her tray and hope she eats something on it. Most of the time, it's only bread-related foods that she finally eats. But, alas, a modern-day miracle....peas, she ate peas. Finally....a vegetable! I will take my mother of the year award now. Thanks.