//========================================= // Broken egg shape and texture // ----------------------------------------- // Made for Persistence of vision 3.6 //========================================== // Copyright 2003 Gilles Tran http://www.oyonale.com // ----------------------------------------- // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ // or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. // You are free: // - to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work // - to make derivative works // - to make commercial use of the work // Under the following conditions: // - Attribution. You must give the original author credit. // - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. // - Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. // Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. //========================================== #include "colors.inc" global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1 radiosity{ count 200 error_bound 0.1 recursion_limit 3 brightness 1 normal on } } camera { location -z*40+y*15 direction z*2.3 look_at y*5} #declare C_Sun=rgb<0.95,0.91,0.78>; #declare C_Lum=C_Sun; light_source {-z*100 color C_Lum*1.4 rotate x*70 rotate y*110 area_light 3*x,3*z 10,10 jitter adaptive 3 } //============================================== // Egg //============================================== #declare C_Egg=C_Sun*0.8+<0.2,0.0,0.0>; #declare T_Egg=texture{ pigment{ bozo pigment_map{ [0 C_Egg] [0.5 C_Egg] } } normal{granite 0.1 scale 1/20} finish {ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 specular 0.1 roughness 0.1 } } #declare Egg=sphere{0,7.5 scale <0.65,0.98,0.65>} #declare EggInt=sphere{0,7.45 scale <0.65,0.98,0.65>} #declare EggHole=prism { linear_spline conic_sweep 0, 8, 21, <-2.2 ,0>,<-3.1, 2.05>,<-2.1,1.9>,<-1.85,3.12>,<-1.12, 3.25>,<0.2, 4.5>,<-0.12, 3.17>, < 2.32, 3.22>,<1.07, 2.471>,<3.01, 1.21>,<1.51,0.22>,<3.11,-0.875>,<1.29,-1.23>, <2.11,-1.54>,<0.81,-1.32>,<-0.412,-3.12>,<-1.21,-2.05>,<-0.899,-4.21>,<-2.05,-2.61>, <-4.33,-2.12>,<-2.2 ,0> scale <0.25,1,0.25> } #declare EggBroken=difference{ object{Egg} object{EggHole} object{EggInt} texture{T_Egg} } object{EggBroken rotate z*80 rotate -y*135 translate y*5.5} plane{y,0 texture{pigment{White} finish{ambient 0 diffuse 1}}}