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Usage is: babel [-v] -i -o ""(Dec 1 1996) BC1ENG1.ZIP (disk 1 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2. BC1ENG2.ZIP (disk 2 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2. BC1ENG3.ZIP (disk 3 of 3) BlueCad 1.0 for OS/2. BCALC.ZIP OS/2 calculator with large precision. BIGCALC Extended Precision RPN Calculator 4.3. Slick, smooth calculator program closely emulates H-P calculators. BCALCS.ZIP BIGCALC extended precision RPN calculator. Source code for BCALC BGMETRIC.ZIP BgMetrics is in the growth stages of becoming a tool for diabetics to track and graph their blood glucose readings and food intake. BIPROB.ZIP A Binomial probability calculator. This is a revised version that corrects the display text size when used at 1024x768 resolution with large (XGA type) fonts. Freeware. BRUCH1.ZIP If your calculator cannot handle fractions, then this program could come in handy. BSA.ZIP A body surface area calculator C2F_V110.ZIP Centigrade to Fahrenheit temp convertor for OS/2 text mode. Written and compiled using Virtual Pascal for OS/2 v1.10. CADDEM.ZIP Self running demo of IBM CAD/3X, a full function CAD product for OS/2 (or DOS). (THE DEMO IS A DOS PROGRAM) IBM CAD/3X is available from Egghead, Software etc, Indelible Blue, or direct from us for $99. Call 1-800-IBM CAD-1. CALC.ZIP Scientific CLI calculator for OS/2 (freeware). CALCULA1.ZIP A calculator produced by DrDialog with source CALCULAT.ZIP Calculator program. CALCV01.ZIP Simple Calculator. CAOS015.ZIP Astronomy program early beta. Makes IAAC submissions easy. CHEMLAN5.ZIP /bt Chemland v5.0 as a program for more than 40 modules for chemical execises as shareware WIN-OS/2 application. CHEMO1.ZIP Every element is listed containing all information that I could get. That is: radioactive decay time, energy needed to remove the outer electron, melting and boiling temperature and Mass/Volume index. CLCATR.ZIP PM Calculator Utility (without VROBJ.DLL) V1.8. Four function calculator with single memory, modulus key and percent key.Keeps running "tape" of calculations for entire session. Has print key. Requires VROBJ.DLL. CLUSTAL.ZIP CLUSTAL W Multiple Sequence Alignment Program v1.7. CPWAR15B.ZIP Conversion Pro v1.5 is a 32-bit presentation manager application which enables the user to perform over 1800 'on-the-fly' scientific and engineering unit conversions. CUFIT334.ZIP CurvFit v3.34 - Curvefitting with models of Power series, Exponential series, and Lorentzian sum to match the data. CurvFit is an example of Calculus level programming as WIN-OS/2 application.(Nov., 11th 2001) DCALC.ZIP OS/2 PM Desk calculator. Has the regular four functions with memory, % etc. Not as fancy as the SK/PM calculator, but Free! DET0798.ZIP REXX-calculator for determinants. DIAMDEMO.ZIP Working demo version of the program BMDp/Diamond. This is a 32bit OS/2 graphical data analysis program. EASYCALC.ZIP Free calculator from Mount Baker software. EDCALC1A.ZIP EditCalc v0.1a - A program to build mathematical expressions(trigonometric and standard functrions) around an edit window.The program solves ODEs, find roots, integrates and calculates some statistics(Jan 5 1997) EESR.ZIP Einstein Explorer - simulates visual effects of special relativity. ELEM-OS2.ZIP Element.ary! (1.9g) Weather program. Element.ary uses your Internet connection to provide comprehensive current weather information for locations worldwide. EPHEM428.ZIP Port of Unix based astronomical ephemeris (req. emxrt) EULER412.ZIP EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math program, handling real and complex numbers, vectors and matrices, etc. EULERSRC.ZIP The source code of the EULER calculator(Jul 11 2000) EWB_OS2.ZIP Interactive 3D visualization for scientific modeling. FBLINK.ZIP This is a X-windows application requiring Xfree86-OS/2, Xforms.88 and Cfitsio142.zip. Fitsblink is a Fits file viewer and astrometry program. FBLNK224.ZIP OS/2 port of Fitsblink 2.24. FFTPM110.ZIP FFTPM v1.10 - A program for analyzing audio signals and showing their frequency spectra as a simple spectrum analyzer. The signals are Fast-Fourier-Transformed and are displayed in a line graph (Jul 11 2002) FLUID425.ZIP A source collection for FLUIDS v4.2.5 with an option to OS/2 as russian issue. See:http://www.sbnet.ru/soft/fluids/(Mar 21 2002) FLUIDF12.ZIP The FluidFlow v1.2 Calculations using the Darcy-Weisbach Equation as shareware. FUNC11.ZIP Parser and evaluator of mathematical functions, Turbo C, source. FUNKT1.ZIP Mathematical Function Plotter. GAMMAS13.ZIP Deconvolution program and solver for equation systems. GENSEQ.ZIP A VIO program for analyzing genetic sequences(1993) GEOD.ZIP Geodetics 1.0 - Small Presentation Manager application to display some geodetic data about the Earth. Intended as an exercise in text output to a PM window. FULL source code included. GLE33PM.ZIP GLE, high-quality graphics program for scientists GMT331DC.ZIP gmt331-os2-doc.zip Tutorial & extensive documentation for GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331RM.ZIP gmt331-os2-readmes.zip README and related files for GMT 3.3.1 for OS/2. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331SI.ZIP gmt331-os2-sibin.zip Source code for OS/2 port version of GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331SR.ZIP gmt331-os2-src.zip Tutorial & extensive documentation for GMT v3.3.1. Generic Mapping Tools. GMT331US.ZIP Generic Mapping Tools. gmt331-os2-usbin.zip Executables for OS/2 port of U. S. version of GMT v3.3.1. GMT334US.ZIP Generic Mapping Tool(GMT) v3.3.4 - plots 2D and 3D features (April 2000). EMX is required. GMT4OS2.ZIP /bt OS/2 port of the (Unix) Generic Mapping Tools. GMT_HTML.ZIP An HTML file describing the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT_OS2.ZIP), with links to the main GMT web site, etc. GMT_OS2.ZIP GMT for OS/2, an OS/2 port of the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). Over 50 Unix-derived utilities for manipulation & display of spatial data. Requires EMX and HPFS. Graphical output is high-quality, but Postscript only. Freeware. GMTDATA.ZIP World coastline, political, and river boundary files in netCDF format. For use with GMT for OS/2 (GMT_OS2.ZIP). Contains the crude-, low-, and intermediate-resolution versions for the data files. GOAT006.ZIP GOAT v0.06 beta (formerly OCRE) - A program for Graphics Optical Analysis & Translation(GOAT) to import scanned text, manipulation, and produce text output with just a few clicks of the mouse(Aug 18 2002) GRACE515.ZIP GRACE v5.1.5 - A graphic program for scientific 2-dimensional plots. XFree86/OS2 is required(see:http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/Grace/screenshots)-Nov.,23th 2001 GRAPH3.ZIP Simple XY plotting program for PM v3.0 GRX01B.ZIP GraphX is a data plotting utility, to produce scattergrams or histograms with the possibility to choose between point styles, line styles, etc. H2OPROPS.ZIP ENGH2O v1.5 - A program to determine properties (enthalpy, entropy,specific heat, etc.) of water/steam mixtures for given temperature/pressure/degree of vaporisation for WIN-OS/2(Jul 7 2000) . HEXCAL13.ZIP HexCalculator for OS/2 PM Version 1.03. HEXCALC2.ZIP PM calculator based on Petzolds HEXCALC. Demonstrates use of a dialog box "front-end" to a PM program. This version adds decimal and octal support to the basic hexadecimal functions; include copy/paste clipboard support. HOC05.ZIP HOC is an interactive interpreter for arithmetic expressions with double precision values and comes with an impressing lib of user-defined functions. HODHUX12.ZIP HODGKIN-HUXLEY v1.2 - A classic PM simulator of the excitatory cell membrane based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equations - Source included. HP11C.ZIP HP11C Calculator. Vx-Rexx application that accurately emulates the HP11C calculator. Almost all of the functions of the real calculator are supported with the exception of the Gamma function and the programmability. Shareware. HPCLC097.ZIP PM calculator(RPN) similar to HP 41C, ver 0.97. HPCLC098.ZIP HPcalc v0.98 for OS/2 - A free PM Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator similar to a HP 41C with some enhancements but not programability. Source is included(Nov 14 2002) ICALC100.ZIP ICalc v1.00, Small, FREE cmd-line+interactive calculator. IMDISP79.ZIP IMDISP v7.9 - An interactive image processing program. Source is included(Sep 3 1993) IRIT60E1.ZIP IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 1 of 3). IRIT60E2.ZIP IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 2 of 3). IRIT60E3.ZIP IRIT 6.0 solid modeler (part 3 of 3). IRIT7E1.ZIP IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 1 of 4) IRIT7E2.ZIP IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 2 of 4) IRIT7E3.ZIP IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 3 of 4) IRIT7E4.ZIP IRIT v7.0 solid modeler for OS/2. (part 4 of 4) KATCAL13.ZIP Incredible PM calulator, all the basics plus tape, programming/registers, graphing, hex/dec, shifts, etc. Shareware. KINSIM10.ZIP Kinetics Simulator v1.01 - A program for simple and complex kinetics in gas, solution and solid phases. See: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/st/msim/ckspage.html (Oct 29 1996) KMPL0598.ZIP REXX Calculator for complex numbers. KOPF1.ZIP Brain calculus trainer. LNPLT14E.ZIP LinePlot version 1.4e. PM program for graphs of scientific and engineering data. General release. LOCATO.ZIP Locate places on the planet via lat. / long. LSQRFT15.ZIP Fit2 (version 1.5) is a non-linear least-squares fitting program. It uses the Levenberg-Marquardt method to attempt to minimize the least-squares error between a data file and a model function. M2V114OD.ZIP Small calculator application (german). MACAOS2B.ZIP OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 binary files, MacAnova is a statistical analysis package. MACAOS2S.ZIP OS/2 Port of MacAnova 4.07.3 source files. MANDEL.ZIP Mandelbrot program w/ C source MANDELPM.ZIP Mandelbrot for PM with changing pallettes MANDL.ZIP PM Mandlbrot set program. MATHMATE.ZIP Mathmate is a reliable assistant for fast numerical calculations, which is intended first of all for scientists and engineers, but can be used also as a simple calculator. MCAD20.ZIP MicroCAD - a very nice program for drawing and manipulating 2-d objects in 3-d. OS/2 and Windows. MINICALC.ZIP Fast calculator with clipboard capability. MLTPLT23.ZIP Multiplot/2 v1.3 is an easy-use 32 bit PM application for reading, organizing, filtering & plotting ascii data. MNDTOY11.ZIP VERY fast mandelbrot fractal program for PM. MOLMASS1.ZIP MolarMass v1.0 - A simple program to calculate the molar mass and percent composition (1994) MOV2000K.ZIP .DEX data files built from data extracted from the USGS 2000K STDS DLG files. The files includes a master file and several states. It includes major roads, railroads, streams, lakes, boundaries and major cities. MOVMA215.ZIP Displays GPS position on Digital Line Graph maps. MOVXTR12.ZIP Extracts USGS 100K data and builds .DEX files for MOVMAP. MYFRAC11.ZIP Calculate Mandelbrot images, multiple windows, multithreaded. NADEMO.ZIP Scientific Calc Demo w/ Equation Style Editing, Clipboard, Undo, Memory, Keyboard & full Help System Features NCRUNCH2.ZIP NeuralCrunch/2 v2.08.02 - Multithreaded, 32-bit neural network dev. util. NETCDF_2.ZIP A version of the netCDF library suitable for compilation and building under OS/2 (requires the EMX development system). Needed if changes to GMT for OS/2 are to be implemented. Otherwise, not needed. NH48S_A3.ZIP NH48S 1.0(cardware) NH48S is a very functional alfa of a Reverse Polish Notation calculator for OS/2. Similar to the HP48. NOCTI100.ZIP (noctis100.zip) NOCTIS is a tool to simplify observational astronomy. NPM.ZIP Newton Planetary Simulator for OS/2 PM - Simulate Orbits. NUMASST.ZIP Professional Scientific Calculator with trig, log, absolute, and factorial functions. Very well done. NUMASST1.ZIP Professional Scientific Calculator with trig, log, absolute, and factorial functions. Very well done. NVSN23.ZIP Night Vision, v2.3. Planetarium program for OS/2, and will display the heavens from any location on earth. Viewing options allow the user to control which sky objects to display, which font to use, and manipulation of star parameters. ORTL115E.ZIP ORTELIUS english version of PM cartography app OS2MAGIC.ZIP This is MAGIC IC layout tool for OS/2 system. OS2SCALC.ZIP Port of a U**X spreadsheet program w/source PALMAND1.ZIP Mandelbrot is a program running under OS/2 to caculate the mandelbrot set. It supports palette management and GIF image saving. PARGP210.ZIP The PARI/GP Number Theory-oriented Algebra v2.1.0 - Used as a system designed for fast computations in number theory. EMX is required(Jan 1 2003) PARI139.ZIP Calculator and library for number theory. PARI is a system for doing fast, high-precision, advanced mathematics. Includes a "calculator", GP.EXE, which allows interactive use of the system, and a C library that allows its use in programs. PARI386.ZIP Fast high-precision calculator for number theory, v1.38 PARIGP22.ZIP The PARI-GP v2.2 calculator with symbolic and numeric input with many number-theoretic functions. Source is included(Mar 23 2001) PERIELEM.ZIP The Periodic Element Table with data for each element PICALCU.ZIP The ESCOTT and EULER algorithm for calculating the Euler constant e and pi as DOS application.Source is included(1997) PJ2_V31.ZIP Pj2 version 3.1 demo 3-D CAD for OS/2. PL212SML.ZIP Planets v2.12 w/on-line help only 95/05/28. V2.12 has some fixes and a new startup screen. This ZIP excludes the external .INF book but still has on-line Help/information. Does not include VROBJ.DLL found on this BBS. PLASM102.ZIP The Plasmid Processor v1.02 with fragment, restriction, insertion, genes, cloning, and plasmid handling(Jul 3 1996) PMCALC.ZIP OS/2 Presentation Manager Calculator V1.00. Simulation of a typical pocket calculator. Provides 12-digit floating point numbers, standard arithmetic functions, a memory, plus selection of trigonometric, logarithmic & scientific functions. PMCALC0.ZIP Programmer's calculator for PM with usual functions plus shift left or right, decimal, octal, and hex numbering. Calculator "buttons" subclass the standard dialog push buttons and use Petzold's 3-D button effects and font changes PMCALC31.ZIP PmCalc 3.1 OS/2 PM calculator with scientific and programmer functions, calculating with variables, regression, easy transfer to/from the clipboard, detailed error messages, online help. PMCALC32.ZIP OS/2 PM calculator with scientific functions, easy transfer to/from the clipboard, programers functionality, regression, detailed error messages, online help. Shareware 25$. English and German. PMLNCALC.ZIP A PM line calculator with some useful features. PMMANDEL.ZIP PM mandelbrot program. PMMANDEL is a fractals program that completes the series on multithreaded drawing under the OS/2 PM. PMMANDEL draws the famous Mandelbrot set. PC Magazine, Environments, Volume 9 Number 13. PMMANDL2.ZIP Revised version of Petzold's PMMANDEL Mandelbrot program; calculation thread now runs at idle-time (low) priority. PMMOL3.ZIP PM molecular mass calculator (spanish and english). PMMOND.LZH OS/2 2.0 Lunar Phases - very accurate. Calendar too. Requires coprocessor. PMNEURO.ZIP PMNEURO 1.0 creates neural networks (backpropagation); propagation results can be used as new training input for creating new networks and following propagation trials. PMWT18B.ZIP PMWeather is a shareware program that allows you to view weather reports and forecasts. PMWTH134.ZIP PMWeather 1.34 is a shareware program that allows you to view weather reports and forecasts. PMZYME11.ZIP PmZyme is a tool for visualizing and modeling two-dimensional scientific data. POLYCALC.ZIP PolyCalc Calculator V1.12. Customizable calculator for OS/2 2.x & Warp. Supports drag & drop font & colors, resizeable window from min to max, 16 storage registers, separate entry & display modes for number conversions & more! POLYMARS.ZIP A variation on the Multiple Adaptive Regression Spline(MARS) as a multiple regression function approximated using linear splines as source(Mar 4 1998) PR05.ZIP Just spews out prime numbers given a starting value. PRIME13.ZIP NEW: v1.3 Primenumber Generator for Linux, MSDOS, OS2 and Mac. Very fast 32 bit algorithm. Source code for all platforms is included. OS/2 ver. requires EMX-RT v0.9b PRIMEOS2.ZIP PRIMEOS2 - A program to connect to the GIMPS(Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search) project(Apr 3 1999) See: http://van-loon.xs4all.nl/primeos2/primeos2.html PROCALC.ZIP OS/2 PM Professional Calculator V3.90 PSPICEP1.ZIP OS/2 program to do circuit analysis 1 of 2 PSPICEP2.ZIP OS/2 program to do circuit analysis 2 of 2 RASMOL25.ZIP RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. S10026.ZIP A pop-up window hexadecimal calculator, explores a method of using dialog box templates to define the layout of child window controls on a program's main window, illustrates features of the OS/2 Presentation Manager. SCALC98.ZIP SourceCalc98, new version of the Source Calculator - A Programmer's Calculator. Includes hex, binary, octal, and decimal display, along with boolean operations. Great for creating bit masks and decimal/hex conversions.. SCHEM742.ZIP MIT Scheme 7.4.2 for OS/2 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. SCIGR063.ZIP SciGraphica v0.6.3 - A 2D, 3D scientific graphic program. XFree86 and EMX runtime are required(emxrt is included), (Apr. 20th 2001) SCIGRAPH.ZIP SciGraphica preview - A 2D, 3D scientific graphic program. XFree86 and EMX runtime are required(emxrt is included), Dec. 2000 SEQPUP08.ZIP SeqPup v0.8 - A biological sequence editor and analysis program with network services and external analysis programs. Java 1.1 runtime is required. Some source included(Jan 1998) SFIT110.ZIP Easy to use, PM, non-linear curve fitting program. SID091.ZIP SID v0.91 image processor for CCD astronomy. SID is a block diagram oriented digital image processing where data is kept as double precision. SIGCALC.ZIP A simple program to calculate quickly the significance level of a measurement or experiment without having to start a huge statistic package(Feb 4 1999) SIMDEM.ZIP Serial wedge program to input serial data directly into applications. This demo has a limit of 512 bytes of data throughput. Ideal for interfacing with Bar Code readers, Portable Terminals, Magnetic Card readers, Electronic Scales etc. SIMSTA12.ZIP Simstat v1.2 - A program for statistical analysis as dutch,english,french or spanish version for WIN-OS/2(1997) SKYCHART.ZIP OS/2 PM planetariom program with animation SKYGATE.ZIP SkyGate v1.3 - Astronomy Database & Planetarium. Full function astronomy database & planetarium system for OS/2. Planetarium with point & click database access. Messier & Herschel certificate log. Celestron Compustar point & click control. SLD32.ZIP AutoCAD slide file viewer with MDI, threads etc. Freeware. SPACE.ZIP Solar system simulator program. Includes source. SPICE2G6.ZOO Berkley Spice version 2g6 analog circuit simulator (fortran -> gcc port. Required ZOO21E.exe to uncompress SPICE3F4.ZIP OS/2 Version of Berkeley Spice 3f4 Analog Circuit Simulator. SPLOT184.ZIP This is an integrated editor, C subset interpreter, and scientific graphics program. SPRING.ZIP Damped Oscillation Animation - Plots and animates in X-Y plane in real-time. OS/2 1.2 or higher. SSPL10.ZIP Simple Signal Processing Library(SSPL) v1.0 - Uses VAC4RT.ZIP - May 2002 See: http://www.vsu.ru/~vy/vyxsspl.html STATS.ZIP OS/2 statistics program STMOTOS2.ZIP A simulation demo for the simulation of the heat process and dynamic of a sterling engine. See:http://peterfette.gmxhome.de/program.htm STPLOT16.ZIP PLOT 1.6 creates/prints/exports graphic plots from text files. TIDE150.ZIP Tide Predictor. Requires emxrt 0.9c fix01 or later. TISEAN2.ZIP (tisean-os2.zip) Tisean 2.0 for OS/2. Utilities that analyze the data in non-linear (chaotic) systems. All the executables were compiled with gcc and g77 straight from the original source. TISEFIX2.ZIP Tisean-os2-fix2.zip A collection of utilities to analyze non-linear (chaotic) data TSA.ZIP Time Series Analyzer for OS/2 A graphical environment for chaotic and nonlinear time series. UNITNB.ZIP OS/2 2.x units of measurement convertor. OS/2 2.0 "Notebook" utility for Unit Conversions. Provides conversions for units of measure using OS/2 2.0's notebook metaphor. Compiled for 32-bit OS/2 2.x UPN07B.ZIP Revers polish notation calculator. VF04R1.ZIP FITS format image viewer, astronomy related. VFITS012.ZIP FITS format image viewer for astronomy. VIEW3D.ZIP This is a 32-bit, mouse oriented, interactive 3-dimensional data viewing program for OS/2 2.x compiled using emx-0.8f. Future versions will make use of OS/2's mutithread capabilities to render the use of system facilities more efficient. WARPCALC.ZIP Scientific calculator for Warp, v1.84 pro. WWUT11G.ZIP Unit conversion tool (German version). unit conversion tool with sophisticated interface; database contains 193 units at 33 categories. XVIEW201.ZIP Xview v2.01 - A program to plot and transform X-Ray diffraction data from different sources (Jul., 7th 1995) XYPLOT3C.ZIP XYPlot for OS/2. German docs.