Installing OS/2 2.11 ServicePak Welcome to OS/2* 2.11. This document provides you with information you need before you install this version of the ServicePak. It contains helpful hints found in our testing as well as updates and corrections to the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide". Use this information in conjunction with the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide", and the "OS/2 2.1 Using the Operating System" manual. You also can use the new "Updates to: Installation Guide and Using the Operating System" booklet, provided with this version of OS/2. o This version of the ServicePak contains the following deliverables: - Service to the OS/2 2.1 operating system. These diskettes are used to service the OS/2 base operating system files, including the installed printer drivers. - Updated Display Driver diskettes. These diskettes are provided as replacements for the original OS/2 2.1 Display Driver diskettes. You might be prompted to insert these diskettes during installation. - Updated Printer Driver diskettes. These diskettes are provided only as replacements for the original OS/2 2.1 Printer Driver diskettes. You will NOT be prompted for these diskettes during installation. - Updated MMPM/2 installation diskettes. These diskettes are to be used to install service for this version of MMPM/2. o You will notice that the color scheme has changed for this version of OS/2. o After you install this version of OS/2, and you want to return to the desktop layout of your previous version of OS/2 you must press Alt-F1 prior to and up until the OS/2 logo screen is displayed. This will restore your CONFIG.SYS and your OS/2 system .INI files from the \OS2\INSTALL directory. o After you install this version of OS/2, and you want to return to the default desktop, you must do the following: 1. Restart your system using the OS/2 Installation Diskette, then insert Diskette 1. 2. Press Esc to display the OS/2 command prompt; then change to the \OS2 directory, on your hard drive. 3. Delete the current .INI files, and type: DEL OS2.INI (and press Enter) DEL OS2SYS.INI (and press Enter) 4. Re-create both files using the MAKEINI command. Type: MAKEINI OS2.INI INI.RC (and press Enter) MAKEINI OS2SYS.INI INISYS.RC (and press Enter) 5. Change to the \DESKTOP directory. 6. Delete all subfolders (subdirectories). 7.Change to the root directory. 8. Delete the hidden file WP?ROOT.?SF in the startable partition. Type: \OS2\ATTRIB -h -s -r WP?ROOT.?SF (and press Enter). Type: DEL WP?ROOT.?SF (and press Enter). 9. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del. The desktop is reinstalled to the default desktop. 10. Shut down the system using the Shut down choice on the desktop pop-up menu. o To install this version of the ServicePak, you must have 1MB available on your hard disk with 100KB free required on drive C. The size of the operating system increases after you apply service and varies based on your specific system configuration. This size increase will not exceed 1MB. o The WINOS2.ICO file has been updated for this version of OS/2. If you have customized this file, be sure to rename your file before you install OS/2. After you install, delete the new WINOS2.ICO file, then rename your backed up copy back to WINOS2.ICO. o If you are installing on a computer with 6 meg of memory or less, you must add the following lines to your CONFIG.SYS file located on Disk 2 of this version of the ServicePak. MEMMAN=SWAP, PROTECT SWAPPATH=C:\OS2\SYSTEM 2048 2048 where C:\OS2\SYSTEM refers to the drive and path where you have available SWAP space. If the CONFIG.SYS file located on Disk 2 is READONLY, you can turn off the READONLY attributes by typing the following: ATTRIB -r CONFIG.SYS Shut down your system and when it starts, your CONFIG.SYS files are updated. o If you receive a return code 15 while installing this version of the ServicePak, one or more of your system .INI files are locked. Your system .INI files might be READONLY. As a result, the system will not update the .INI files. When this happens, the position of the icons will not be saved. To resolve this problem go to the directory where your system .INI files are located C:\OS2 (default). Then, type the following: ATTRIB -r *.ini Shut down your system and when it starts, your system .INI files are updated. o Feedback from OS/2 testing and Customer Service indicates that, on some platforms, hardware performance related features might cause a failure in the OS/2 Installation program. The most common symptom of this problem is a Trap 002, which occurs while transferring files to the hard disk. If you are unsuccessful at installing OS/2 on your computer, you should consider the following procedure. Some hardware platforms provide settings to enable/disable performance related features. On systems that support this function, change the settings in your CMOS to the following: o Turbo/System Speed should be OFF/Slow o Caching (External) should be OFF o ROM Shadowing (System and Video) should be OFF To improve system performance after you have installed OS/2, all of the above settings can be changed back without causing damage to OS/2. o If you have a version of the OS/2 2.11 beta installed, you need to reformat the OS/2 partition. Installing OS/2 2.11 over a previous beta version is not supported. Do not use any OS/2 system files (such as OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI) from a previous beta version. o If you are installing this version of the ServicePak and you receive the message: "The response file C:\CSF_SEL.000 is invalid." (where C:\ is representative of the drive where the file is located.) this indicates that there is a problem with the installation of the ServicePak. You must delete this file before you can continue installing the ServicePak. o If you are installing this version of the ServicePak, and currently have a PCMCIA communication device (modem or fax/modem), you must check your CONFIG.SYS file to ensure proper placement of the following device statement: DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCMCIA.SYS This statement must be located after the COM.SYS device statement, or your communications device might not function. o If you are using an IOMEGA PC Powered Pro 90, you must call the IOMEGA service number and request OAD Driver Version 2.3. o If you are installing from CD-ROM or diskette, you must install this on a partition that has OS/2 2.1 currently installed. o If you are installing this version of the ServicePak from CD-ROM and you receive the message: "The response file A:\RESPONSE.FIL was not found." this indicates that you cannot access your CD-ROM drive. Check the CD-ROM drive to ensure it is inserted correctly, or that it is ready and you are using a valid CD-ROM configuration. o Multimedia (MMPM/2) support can be installed directly from the CD-ROM. Change to the \MMPM2 subdirectory and perform a normal Multimedia install using MINSTALL. You can also create Multimedia diskette images for installation as described in this readme. o If you are using Selective Install to add support to your system after installing this version of the ServicePak: 1. Open the OS/2 System folder. 2. Open the System Setup folder. 3. Open the Selective Install object. 4. Select the items you want to install. 5. Select OK and choose drive A as the source drive. 6. When prompted to insert the OS/2 diskettes, insert the OS/2 2.1 Installation diskettes. (Service might need to be reapplied to ensure your system is at the proper level.) 7. When prompted to insert device driver diskettes, insert the device driver diskettes provided with the CSD. 8. Shutdown and reboot the computer to activate the changes. o If you have a DOS system with compression activated, do one of the following: 1. Decompress the disk 2. Select a different partition 3. Format the disk o Based on information provided by OS/2 testing and customer service, some computers using features related to hardware performance might fail during the OS/2 Installation program. The most common symptom of this problem is a Trap 002, which occurs while transferring files to the hard disk. PREINSTALLED SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS ---------------------------------- o Before you install this version of the ServicePak, you must follow the steps below to backup files that will be overwritten during installation. 1. Open an OS/2 command prompt. 2. Change to the PRELOAD directory, Type: C: then press Enter, type, CD \OS2\INSTALL\PRELOAD then press Enter. 3. To make backup copies, type: COPY OS2LDR.MSG OS2LDR.BAK then press Enter, type, COPY README README.BAK then press Enter, type, COPY SAMPLE.RSP SAMPLE.BAK then press Enter. 4. Now install the ServicePak. o After you install the ServicePak or any time you reapply the ServicePak, to ensure you have the correct files on your preinstalled computer follow these steps: 1. Open an OS/2 command prompt. 2. Remove the following files by typing: DEL C:\OS2\INSTALL\DSPDRVS\*.DSP 3. Insert Display Driver Diskette 1 in drive A 4. Type: XCOPY A:*.* C:\OS2\INSTALL\DSPDRVS\*.* 5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for Display Driver Diskette 2 and 3. 6. Insert Printer Driver Diskette 1 in drive A 7. Type: XCOPY A:*.* C:\OS2\INSTALL\PRTDRVS\PMDD_1\*.* 8. Insert Printer Driver Diskette 2 in drive A 9. Type: XCOPY A:*.* C:\OS2\INSTALL\PRTDRVS\PMDD_2\*.* 10. Insert Printer Driver Diskette 3 in drive A 11. Type: XCOPY A:*.* C:\OS2\INSTALL\PRTDRVS\PMDD_3\*.* This enables you to update your display and printers as needed. 12. Change to the PRELOAD directory, Type: C: then press Enter, and type, CD \OS2\INSTALL\PRELOAD then press Enter. 13. To restore your backed up copies, type: COPY OS2LDR.BAK OS2LDR.MSG then press Enter, type, COPY README.BAK README then press Enter, type, COPY SAMPLE.BAK SAMPLE.RSP then press Enter. This enables you to retain the correct version of these files needed for Create Utility diskettes and Selective Uninstall. If you created your utility diskettes after installing this version of the ServicePak and you did not backup and restore OS2LDR.MSG file, the following message will be displayed: Insert the Operating System/2 diskette 1 into Drive A: you must insert Utility diskette 2 into drive A, and then press Enter to continue. o After you install this version of OS/2 on a system originally installed with the Blue diskettes, you must copy UNPACK.EXE to UNPACK2.EXE located in the \OS2 directory. This enables you to successfully perform a Selective Install. If you originally installed with the Salmon diskettes, you DO NOT need to perform the previous instructions. CREATING DISKETTES FROM THE OS/2 CD You use the LOADDSKF utility program to create the diskettes. (LOADDSKF.EXE is in the \DISKIMGS directory of the CD. LOADDSKF can be run from either the DOS or OS/2 operating system.) In the following sections, you will see lists of the product diskettes for OS/2 2.11 and the actual diskette names as they exist on the CD. For each diskette image file, use LOADDSKF to expand the image to its own diskette. (Note that you must use formatted diskettes for this procedure.) For example: cddrive:\DISKIMGS\LOADDSKF cddrive:\DISKIMGS\OS2\size\disk_name d: where: cddrive is the drive letter of the CD-ROM size is 35 for 3.5-inch diskettes or 525 for 5.25-inch diskettes disk_name is the diskette image file name (for example, DISK1.DSK, PMDD1.DSK.) d is the drive letter of your diskette drive (A: or B:) List of 3.5-Inch Diskette Images DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK1.DSK -- INSTALLATION Diskette DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK2.DSK -- DISKETTE INSTALLATION diskette 2 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK2_CD.DSK - CD-ROM INSTALLATION Diskette 2 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK3.DSK -- Diskette 3 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK4.DSK -- Diskette 4 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK5.DSK -- Diskette 5 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK6.DSK -- Diskette 6 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK7.DSK -- Diskette 7 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK8.DSK -- Diskette 8 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK9.DSK -- Diskette 9 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK10.DSK -- Diskette 10 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK11.DSK -- Diskette 11 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK12.DSK -- Diskette 12 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISK13.DSK -- Diskette 13 of 13 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\PMDD1.DSK -- Printer Drivers Diskette 1 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\PMDD2.DSK -- Printer Drivers Diskette 2 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\PMDD3.DSK -- Printer Drivers Diskette 3 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISP1.DSK -- Display Drivers Diskette 1 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISP2.DSK -- Display Drivers Diskette 2 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\35\DISP3.DSK -- Display Drivers Diskette 3 of 3 List of 5.25-Inch Diskette Images DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK1.DSK -- INSTALLATION Diskette DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK2.DSK -- DISKETTE INSTALLATION diskette 2 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK2_CD.DSK - CD-ROM INSTALLATION Diskette 2 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK2.DSK - Diskette 2 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK3.DSK - Diskette 3 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK4.DSK - Diskette 4 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK5.DSK - Diskette 5 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK6.DSK - Diskette 6 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK7.DSK - Diskette 7 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK8.DSK - Diskette 8 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK9.DSK - Diskette 9 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK10.DSK - Diskette 10 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK11.DSK - Diskette 11 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK12.DSK - Diskette 12 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK13.DSK - Diskette 13 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK14.DSK - Diskette 14 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK15.DSK - Diskette 15 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISK16.DSK - Diskette 16 of 16 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\PMDD1.DSK - Printer Drivers Diskette 1 of 4 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\PMDD2.DSK - Printer Drivers Diskette 2 of 4 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\PMDD3.DSK - Printer Drivers Diskette 3 of 4 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\PMDD4.DSK - Printer Drivers Diskette 4 of 4 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISP1.DSK - Display Drivers Diskette 1 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISP2.DSK - Display Drivers Diskette 2 of 3 DISKIMGS\OS2\525\DISP3.DSK - Display Drivers Diskette 3 of 3 If you want to create diskettes for the Multimedia support that is part of OS/2 2.11, note that the images are located in the \DISKIMGS\MMPM2 directory. Use LOADDSKF to expand each image to its own diskette. For example: cddrive:\DISKIMGS\LOADDSKF cddrive:\DISKIMGS\MMPM2\size\disk_name d: where: cddrive is the drive letter of the CD-ROM size is 35 for 3.5-inch diskettes or 525 for 5.25-inch diskettes disk_name is the diskette image file name (for example, DISK1.DSK) d is the drive letter of your diskette drive (A: or B:) NOTE: Use previously formatted diskettes for the target (b:). List of 3.5-Inch Multimedia Diskette Images DISKIMGS\MMPM2\35\DISK1.DSK - Diskette 1 of 2 DISKIMGS\MMPM2\35\DISK2.DSK - Diskette 2 of 2 List of 5.25-Inch Multimedia Diskette Images DISKIMGS\MMPM2\525\DISK1.DSK - Diskette 1 of 3 DISKIMGS\MMPM2\525\DISK2.DSK - Diskette 2 of 3 DISKIMGS\MMPM2\525\DISK3.DSK- Diskette 3 of 3 CREATING INSTALLATION DISKETTES FOR THE CD-ROM INSTALL ------------------------------------------------------ To create the two installation diskettes for the CD-ROM install from an OS/2 command prompt, follow the instructions above to create the INSTALLATION Diskette (DISK1.DSK) and CD-ROM Diskette 2 (DISK2_CD.DSK). To proceed with the CD-ROM install: Shutdown OS/2, and then insert INSTALLATION diskette 1 in drive A and press Ctrl-Alt-Del. IMPORTANT CD-ROM INSTALLATION INFORMATION ------------------------------------------ Important information for users of Mitsumi, Panasonic (Creative Labs Omni CD, IBM ISA or Panasonic), or Sony 31a CDROM drives. BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THIS SERVICE PACK YOU MUST MODIFY the CONFIG.SYS on Diskette 2. To enable this service pack to be installed from your CD drive, you MUST edit the config.sys on diskette 2 and modify the BASEDEV= statement for your drive to include the CORRECT /P:??? parameter. To determine the correct value for ??? in the /P:??? parameter, edit the config.sys on your working system, locate the driver statement (one of the following) for your CD drive, and copy the /P:??? parameters from this statement to the same statement in config.sys on diskette 2. (for Panasonic, Creative, or IBM ISA) BASEDEV=SBCD2.ADD (for Mitsumi) BASEDEV=MITFX001.ADD (for Sony 31a) BASEDEV=SONY31.ADD If you have one of these statements in your existing OS/2 CONFIG.SYS, you can skip the rest of these instructions. If you do NOT have your CD drive currently working under OS/2 with one of these driver statements, but DID have the CD working under DOS, edit the DOS CONFIG.SYS, locate the DEVICE= statement for your CD Drive, and copy THAT /P: value to the appropriate statement above. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do NOT have the CD working under OS/2 currently, and install this service from the CD, the driver WILL NOT be copied onto your system for you, but you CAN copy the driver manually, and ADD the support AFTER the service is applied by following the steps below. Place the service pack diskette 2 into the A: drive, open and OS/2 or DOS command session and type the following commands: (drive: below is the drive letter for your current OS/2 boot drive).. COPY A:\OS2CDROM.DMD drive:\os2 COPY A:\CDFS.IFS drive:\os2 COPY A:\xxx.ADD drive:\os2 (where xxx is the appropriate name from the list of drivers above) Edit the existing CONFIG.SYS on your OS/2 boot drive and place the following three lines AT THE END of the file: DEVICE=drive:\os2\OS2CDROM.DMD /Q IFS=drive:\os2\CDFS.IFS /Q BASEDEV=xxx.ADD /P:??? where this line matches the line you modified to allow service to be installed from the CDROM drive. CID and NVDM/2 NOTES -------------------- o For LCU and NVDM/2 users, you must unpack SEMAINT.EXE from the CID tree where your current CSD version of OS/2 2.11 resides, to the CID Code Server, directory ?:\EXE\OS2V21. o When invoking SEMAINT.EXE supplied with XR06200 or XR06300 the following rules apply to your installation procedures: (1) FSERVICE.EXE is bounded to the CSD for the product you are installing. Therefore, you must make sure your installation procedures access the corresponding version of FSERVICE in the appropriate CSD Install tree. (2) When invoking FSERVICE.EXE for XR06200 or XR06300, you must specify the new "/CID" parameter. This new parameter only applies to installations that have had SEMAINT installed. This new parameter is not needed when the client system is booted by diskette. (3) Installation of the XR06200 or XR06300 requires the specification of the "/S2:" during the invocation of SEMAINT.EXE. (4) Installation of any CSD in your procedures FOLLOWING the installation of XR06200 or XR06300 requires that the "/S2:" parameter be specified during the invocation of SEMAINT.EXE. (5) Installation of any CSD in your procedures PRIOR to the installation of XR06200 or XR06300 requires that the "/S2:" parameter be omitted during the invocation of SEMAINT.EXE. o If you use SEMAINT to create maintenance systems to apply the ServicePak, statements are added to the CONFIG.SYS file created by SEMAINT. These statements enable swapping to the target drive and directory of the maintenance system. This path is determined by the /T: parameter that SEMAINT uses when it is started. Swapping is enabled only on systems with 10 megabytes of RAM or less. The initial swap file size will be set to 1024KB or 1 meagabyte and can grow depending on the amount of virtual memory needed during installation of the ServicePak. This requires you to have at least 5 megabytes of free disk space prior to creating the maintenance system created by SEMAINT. LCU and NVDM/2 EXAMPLES ----------------------- Example of the LCU command file for the /cid option x.os2v21csd = 1'OS/2 2.1 Service Pack' x.1.statevar = 'CAS_' || x.1.instprog = 'x:\img\csd\os2v21\fservice.exe ', '/t:' || bootdrive || '\service ', '/cid ', '/s:x:\img\csd\os2v21 ', '/l1:x:\log\csd\os2v211\' || client || '.log ', '/r:' x.1.rspdir = 'x:\rsp\csd\os2v21' x.1.default = 'response.fil' Example of the LCU command file for the /s2: option x.semaint2 = 1'OS/2 2.x Maintenance - with /S2:' x.1.statevar = '' x.1.instprog = exepath || '\semaint ', '/s:' || os2img || ' ', '/s2:' || os2v21csdimg || ' ', '/t:' || bootdrive || '\service ', '/b:' || bootdrive || ' ', '/l1:' || os2log || '\' || client || '.log' x.1.rspdir = '' x.1.default = '' ============================================================================== Example of the Net View DM/2 profiles for the /cid option TargetDir = C:\SERVICE Section Install Begin Program = SA:\IMG\CSD\OS2V21\FSERVICE.EXE Parms = /CID /S:$(SourceDir) /T:$(TargetDir) /L1:$(LogFile1) /R:$(ResponseFile) SourceDir = SA:\IMG\CSD\OS2V21 ResponseFile = SA:\RSP\CSD\OS2V21\RESPONSE.FIL LogFile1 = SA:\LOG\CSD\OS2V21\$(WorkStatName).LOG End Example of the Net View DM/2 profiles for the /s2: option TargetDir = C:\SERVICE Section Install Begin Program = SA:\EXE\OS2V21\SEMAINT.EXE Parms = /B:C: /S:$(SourceDir) /S2:SA:\IMG\CSD\OS2V21 /T:$(TargetDir) /L1:$(LogFile1) SourceDir = SA:\IMG\OS2V21 LogFile1 = SA:\LOG\OS2V21\$(WorkStatName).LOG End *************************************************************************** New drives supported in OS/2 2.1 ServicePak ------------------------------------------------ Vendor CD-ROM Drive Model --------------------------------- Creative Labs OmniCD Chinon 431 Chinon 435 Chinon 535 IBM ISA CD-ROM Mitsumi CRMC-LU005 Mitsumi CRMC-FX001 Mitsumi CRMC-FX001D Panasonic CR-521 Panasonic CR-522 Panasonic CR-523 Panasonic CR-562 Panasonic CR-563 Sony CDU-31A Sony CDU-7305 New SCSI drives certified to work in OS/2 2.1 or OS/2 2.1 ServicePak ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Enhanced CD-ROM II NEC MultiSpin 3Xe NEC MultiSpin 3Xi NEC MultiSpin 3Xp Philips LMS CM215 Texel DM-3028 Texel DM-5028 SCSI-BASED CD-ROM SUPPORT _________________________ The majority of SCSI-based CD-ROM drives and adapters are supported by OS/2 2.1. ("SCSI-based" refers to the small computer system interface (SCSI), a standard input/output interface used by personal computers.) A complete list of the CD-ROM drives and SCSI adapters tested on OS/2 2.1 can be found in the "Hardware Support" chapter of the "OS/2 2.1 Using the Operating System" manual. OBTAINING ADDITIONAL CD-ROM SUPPORT If, after reviewing the list in "OS/2 2.1 Using the Operating System", you find that your CD-ROM drive or SCSI adapter is not supported within the OS/2 product, you can contact the manufacturer and obtain an OS/2 Adapter Device Driver (.ADD) file. After you receive the .ADD file, follow the instructions in the "Before You Begin" section of the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide" to add this file to Diskette 1. As an alternative, you can create installation diskettes from the diskette images that are on the OS/2 CD, if you have DOS support for your CD-ROM drive. If support for your CD-ROM was not properly installed during initial installation of OS/2 2.1, then you will need to use the Selective Install program located in the System Setup folder to reinstall the CD-ROM support appropriate for your CD-ROM. HARDWARE CONSIDERATIONS _______________________ If you have a Quantum hard card, you must make a modification to the BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD line in the CONFIG.SYS file of Diskette 1 before you install OS/2 2.1. The BASEDEV statement should be modified as follows: BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD /A:1 /IRQ:11 (These are the default settings for the Quantum hard card.) If you have added a device driver statement to the CONFIG.SYS file on diskette 1 and later migrate your old CONFIG.SYS file, make sure there are not two copies of this statement in your file. If you have two copies of this statement in your file, REM one statement out. If you have a Logitech** TrackMan**, select one of the two Logitech mouse choices during installation. If you are using a ThinkPad 750c, after installing this version of the ServicePak, you might find that your DOS full screen session is corrupted. To fix this problem you must reinstall the video driver from the ThinkPad audio features diskette. If you are installing OS/2 2.11 on a micro-channel system with an IDE disk controller on the planner with an microchannel SCSI adapter installed as an option, refer to the OS/2 2.11 Update booklet information about installing OS/2 2.1 on a ThinkPad with a Docking Station. INSTALLING OS/2 2.1 USING RIPL ______________________________ When installing OS/2 2.1 using the IBM LAN Server 2.0 and 3.0 Remote Installation Program Load (RIPL), the 2.1 version of RIPLINST.EXE is dependent upon the 2.1 version of UNPACK.EXE. Therefore, if you are using the 2.1 version of RIPLINST.EXE on a client machine with OS/2 version 2.0 or lower, then you must copy the UNPACK.EXE file to the client machine. To do this, do the following: 1. Insert OS/2 2.1 Diskette 2 into drive A 2. At an OS/2 command prompt type: copy a:\unpack.exe \os2\unpack.exe After copying the file to the client machine, you can now execute the 2.1 version of the RIPLINST.EXE program. EXTENDED SERVICES (ES) 1.0 __________________________ o If you installed OS/2 2.11 on a system that already had Extended Services installed, replace the existing ESSTART.CMD file with the ESSTART.BAK file that was installed by OS/2 2.11. (The ESSTART.BAK file is located in the OS2\INSTALL subdirectory.) o If you are installing Extended Services over OS/2 2.11 for the first time (that is, there is no Extended Services on the workstation), or if you are installing Extended Services from diskettes, rename the existing ESSTART.CMD file from the Extended Services Diskette 1. Then, copy the file ESSTART.BAK from the \OS\INSTALL directory to Extended Services Diskette 1. Finally, rename the ESSTART.BAK file ESSTART.CMD, and begin the installation of Extended Services. VIDEO CONSIDERATIONS ____________________ The XGA DMQS (\xga$dmqs\*.dqs) files in this version of the operating system do not have DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) enabled for the DPMS supported monitors. You must use the Power Management Utility. The following information pertains to video support for OS/2 2.11. INSTALLING SUPER VGA (SVGA) SUPPORT o After the VGA installation is complete, follow the procedure "Installing Support for Super VGA (SVGA)" in Appendix A of the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide". o Installing this version of the ServicePak does not fully service base video on SVGA systems. To complete updates to base video, you must open a DOS Full Screen session and type the following: SVGA ON This creates a new SVGADATA.PMI file in the C:\OS2 directory. To make the changes effective, you must shutdown and reboot your computer. INSTALLATION ON SPECIFIC VIDEO ADAPTERS In the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide", instructions are given for configuring the ATI** Graphics Ultra Pro. These instructions state that the monitor type for 640 x 480 must be configured to IBM DEFAULT. Note that this setting might be referred to as 60Hz rather than IBM DEFAULT. The Radius XGA display adapter is supported on PS/2* Models 35 and 40 and PS/ValuePoint* 486 systems. If you are using the display adapter on a PS/ValuePoint system, the VPXGA.EXE utility is required. For a copy of this utility program, check your Radius installation diskette or contact Radius. The OS/2 2.11 operating system cannot restore the state of a Sigma Legend** display adapter after you switch sessions or video modes. Also, the Sigma Legend video adapter might cause the system to stop when using 1024 x 768 x 256 color mode. Use only 640 x 480 or 800 x 600 mode with this adapter. S3 VIDEO ACCELERATOR DRIVER FOR OS/2 2.11 ---------------------------------------- This video accelerator driver supports the 86C801/86C805 and 86C928 chip sets from the S3** Corporation. These chip sets are found on many leading video display adapters, including Actix**, Artist Graphics**, Diamond Stealth**, Focus**, Metheus**, MiroMAGIC, Nth Graphics**, Number Nine**, Orchid**, PCG**, Vermont**, Video 7**, Volante** and on the system boards of leading hardware systems, such as those from the IBM* Corporation and the Dell** Computer Corporation. SUPPORTED FEATURES ------------------ This S3 video accelerator driver provides seamless support for accelerated video graphics and advanced color resolutions when used with the minimum required video memory. It conforms to the OS/2 2.11 32-bit flat memory model and is designed to function as a 32-bit Presentation Manager* display driver under the OS/2 2.11 32-bit graphics engine. This video accelerator driver supports these resolutions and colors depths: Number of Video Memory Resolutions Colors Required 640x480 256 1MB 800x600 256 1MB 1024x768 256 1MB 1280x1024 256 2MB 640x480 65,536 1MB 800x600 65,536 1MB 1024x768 65,536 2MB 640x480 16,777,216 1MB This S3 video accelerator driver supports the following number of columns and rows in an OS/2 full-screen session: Columns Rows 132 25 132 43 INSTALLATION FROM DISKETTE __________________________ This video accelerator driver is compatible with OS/2 2.1. Do not install it on previous versions of OS/2. Use the SVGA install instruction to install S3 video device drivers. Refer to Appendix A in the "OS/2 2.1 Installation Guide." COMPATIBILITY --------------------------------------- IBM has tested many display adapters containing the S3 chips sets. Those that have tested successfully are listed in this README file. However, certain display adapters in combination with certain chip sets might not be supported. IBM is continuing to test; therefore, support for additional combinations is expected to be added over time. NOTE: If you are using the 256 color mode, and your desktop appears to be darker than other color modes, you must edit the SVGADATA.PMI file located in the \OS2 directory. Change the following statement from: HI-COLOR DAC by .... to: HI-COLOR DAC by unknown To make the changes effective you must reboot your system. S3 Adapters/Systems Chipsets ----------------------------------------------- Actix GraphicsENGINE 32 801 Actix GraphicsENGINE 32 LB 805 Actix GraphicsENGINE ULTRA 928 Artist Graphics** Winsprint 928 Diamond Stealth 24** 801 Diamond Stealth 24 LB** 805 Diamond Stealth Pro** 928 Diamond Stealth Pro LB** 928 Focus 2 The Max Truespeed 801 Metheus (Brooktree DAC) 928 Metheus (AT&T** DAC) 928 MiroMAGIC S4 LB 928 National Design Volante** Warp 10 LB 805 Nth Graphics** S3 Advantage 801 Nth Graphics S3 Advantage LB 805 Number Nine** #9** GXE (Brooktree DAC) 928 Number Nine #9 GXE (AT&T DAC) 928 Orchid Fahrenheit** 1280 Plus 801 Orchid Fahrenheit LB 805 PCG** Photon Torpedo 801 PCG Photon Torpedo LB 805 Vermont** 801 ISA 801 Video 7 Win.Pro** 801 IBM PS/ValuePoint* 805 Dell 805 INSTALLATION IN A CID ENVIRONMENT ---------------------------------- NOTE: OS/2 2.11 must have been successfully installed on the client using the CID Method. To install the S3 video accelerator driver using CID, use the following information to modify your LCU command file. NOTE: The following information is meant as a guide, your LCU command file might be different. /*****************************************************/ /* LCU PRODUCT DATA SECTION */ /*****************************************************/ . . . x.s3dspinstl = 16'S3 CID Dspinstl' x.16.statevar = 'CAS_' || x.16.instprog = bootdrive || '\os2\install\DSPINSTL.EXE', ' /pk:SVGA', ' /sk:NONE', ' /s:x:\img\os2v21, ' /t:' || bootdrive, ' /mc:8' x.16.rspdir = '' x.16.default = '' /*---------------------------------------------------*/ /* NUMBER OF PROGRAMS SET UP IN THE */ /* PRODUCT DATA SECTION */ /*---------------------------------------------------*/ NUM_INSTALL_PROGS = 16 /*****************************************************/ /* INSTALLATION SECTION */ /*****************************************************/ . . . when OVERALL_STATE = 3 then do if RunInstall(x.s3dspinstl) == BAD_RC then exit Call CheckBoot end . . . end exit /*****************************************************/ END OF LCU INFORMATION TO BE ADDED /*****************************************************/ Following is an explanation of the line that is executed in the LCU command file: C:\OS2\INSTALL\DSPINSTL /PK:SVGA /SK:NONE /S:X:\ /T:C: /MC:8 /PK:SVGA where SVGA is the primary adapter key /SK:NONE where NONE is the secondary adapter key /S:X:\ where X:\ is the redirected source path /T:C: where C: is the drive where OS/2 2.11 is installed /MC:8 is the manufacturing code that distinguishes S3. NOTE: After the S3 video accelerator driver has been successfully installed on the client machine using the CID method and the client machine is restarted, the default resolution will be 640x480x256. Trademarks ---------- The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this file, are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: IBM Presentation Manager OS/2 PS/ValuePoint The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (**) in this file, are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies as follows: Trademark Owner ------------------------------------------------------- Actix Actix Systems Corporation After Dark Berkely Systems, Inc. Artist Graphics Artist Graphics AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph Company Dell Dell Computer Corporation Diamond Stealth Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Diamond Stealth 24 Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Diamond Stealth 24 LB Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Diamond Stealth Pro Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Diamond Stealth Pro LB Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Fahrenheit Orchid Technology, Inc. Focus Information Builders, Inc Lotus Lotus Development Corporation Metheus Metheus Corporation Nth Graphics Nth Graphics Number Nine Number Nine Computer Corporation Orchid Orchid Technology, Inc. PCG Personal Computer Graphics Corporation S3 S3 Incorporated Ventura Publisher Ventura Software, Inc. Vermont Vermont Microsystems Video 7 Video Seven, Inc. Video 7 Win.Pro Video Seven, Inc. Volante National Design INc. Windows MicroSoft Corporation WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation 1-2-3 Lotus Development Corporation #9 Number Nine Computer Corporation IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. THIS DRIVER IS COPYRIGHTED BY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION. ALL APPROPRIATE RESTRICTIONS APPLY. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADEMARKS __________ The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this README, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries: IBM ----------------------------------------------- OS/2 ----------------------------------------------- PS/2 ----------------------------------------------- PS/ValuePoint ----------------------------------------------- ThinkPad ----------------------------------------------- XGA ----------------------------------------------- The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this README, are trademarks of other companies as follows: Trademark: Owner: -------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptec Adaptec, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------- ATI ATI Technologies, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------- Legend Sigma Designs Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------- Logitech Logitech, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------- Panasonic Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. -------------------------------------------------------------- TrackMan Logitech, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Microsoft Corporation -------------------------------------------------------------- IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY RELATED PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Copyright IBM Corporation, 1993, all rights reserved.