SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
SEM is a powerful tool for visualising reservoir pore and grain framework systems. It is particularly useful combined with XRD for understanding the impact of clay mineral occurrence and habit on reservoir behaviour, which is often dramatically disproportionate to mineral volume.
Magnification Range: 10x ->30,000x
Sample Types: Outcrop, core, SWC, ditch cuttings
Key applications in petroleum geology include the determination of:
pore geometry, size & interconnectivity
rock texture (grain size, sorting, grain contacts, compaction, etc)
framework grain : cement / interstitial clay relationships
clay mineral morphology, location and habit
formation damage assessment
resolving factors effecting Sw & unexpectedly tight horizons
microfossil identification
diagenetic sequencing and phase relationships
Related services include:
- EDX (Energy-Dispersive X-Ray) analysis provides elemental signatures used in mineral phase identification
- BSE (Back-scattered electron) analysis can be used to discriminate and quantify mineral compositions
- TEM (Transmission electron microscopy) can produce even higher magnification views of wafers, but is typically used for research applications
- Pore Casts can be made using resin impregnation and dissolution of host rock, revealing the pore connectivity; this is particularly useful in conjunction with MICP (mercury injection capillary pressure) analysis.
Rosettes of Fe-chlorite platelets line pores having seeded on clay floccules. This has greatly increased surface area resulting in high Sw and low permeability.
CPI interpretations are often incorrect due to the disproportionately large effect that chlorite has on Sw values.
Note also later passive overgrowth by a rhombic carbonate phase.
Diagenetic illite can have a devastating effect on reservoir performance, especially where 'hairy' filamentous habits bridge pores / pore throats. Permeability: porosity relationships can plunge by several orders of magnitude.
Critical point freeze drying of samples may be required to properly appreciate these delicate structures, which can collapse during conventional drying, making the pores system look erroneously open.