Too many? Too few? Answer a few questions and we'll tell you how you compare. VIEW NOW
Learn how many 90 year old seniors you could take in a fight at once. VIEW NOW
This test determines how caffeinated you are by how fast you can click your mouse. VIEW NOW
This quiz will tell you how long you'd survive in a vacuum without a space suit or protective gear. VIEW NOW
This quiz measures to what degree you hate the world's most popular social networking site. VIEW NOW
The Cuss-O-Meter will tell you what percentage of pages on your website contain cuss words and compare that score to other websites. VIEW NOW
This test will count how long your blog posts are and compare them to other bloggers. VIEW NOW
Find out the answer to the most important question you'll ever ask yourself: how many hungry cannibals could my body feed? VIEW NOW
Find out how many days you'd survive in your home without access to the outside world VIEW NOW
Test your cross-language programming skills. We show you a sample piece of code and you must name the language. VIEW NOW
Think you know robots? We'll show you pictures and you tell us what robot it is. VIEW NOW
The Moon Survival Challenge - Prioritize a Crash Landing
You are given a list of items that you crash-landed with on the moon and you must prioritize them, and afterwards you can compare your answers to NASA's
Start the Moon Survival Challenge -
How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?
Tests how many countries you can name in five minutes
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How many colors can you name in 5 minutes?
A fun game that tests how many colors you can name in five minutes.
Play Now -
Blog Widget - Who is linking to me?
This free blog widget shows a list of blogs and websites that have recently linked to you, with screenshots of each.
Get Blog Widget Now -
Synesthesia: Is Your Brain Wired for Creativity?
Studies have shown that brains that mix up the senses are more inclined to be creative, find out if yours is one of them.
Test Your Brain Now -
The Disney Quiz
This quiz tests your knowledge of The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Aladdin.
Take the Disney Trifecta Quiz -
Send fun (and serious) awards to bloggers and friends
Ever wanted to award a fellow blogger a medal for their mad writing skills, or simply award them a karate kick to the groin? Now you can! Pick from our selection of fun, serious, or just plain weird awards and send them to your favorite (or least favorite) bloggers.
Send a Blog Award Now -
Blog Bumper Stickers - Clever Images to Stick on your Blog
Browse our collection of clever images you can stick on your blog's sidebar
View Blog Bumper Stickers -
How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
Studies have shown that your keyboard and mouse are some of the most germ-ridden devices you own, surpassing even doorknobs and toilet seats. Take this short quiz to see how many germs lovingly call your keyboard home.
Find Out How Many Germs Are On Your Keyboard -
The 2007 Internet Quiz - How Much Do You Know About the Internet?
The tubes are complicated, really complicated. Think you know what they're all about? Take our quiz to test your Interweb knowledge.
Take the 2007 Internet Quiz -
What's My Blog Rated? Find Out Your Film Rating
Rated G? PG-13? Dare I say ... R? Find out what your blog is rated with our handy tool - works for blogs, websites, myspace profiles, and most websites.
Find my film rating -
The Blogger Spelling Test
I found a list of the top ten most misspelled words in blogs and created a test that'll allow you to see whether you're guilty of making these common mistakes.
Find Out What Words You May Be Misspelling -
How Many HTML Elements Can You Name in 5 Minutes?
Test your knowledge of HTML! See how many HTML elements you can name in 5 minutes
Start the HTML Quiz -
How Many CSS Properties Can You Name in 7 Minutes?
If you thought the HTML elements quiz was a challenge, try our CSS properties quiz to test your knowledge of Cascading Style Sheets
Start the CSS Quiz -
How Addicted to Coffee Are You?
Do you enjoy the occasional mocha or do you dive head first into a pot of drip every single morning? Find out just how dependent you are on getting that daily fix.
Take the Coffee Addiction Quiz
Would You Make a Good Human Shield?
This quiz will test how effective your body would be as a shield against modern and ancient weaponry.
Find out now -
Would You Eat Your Buddies in a Blizzard?
Suppose you were stranded in a blizzard and were forced to cannibalize your friends. This short survey will tell you how likely you would be to eat your buddies.
Take the Cannibalization Quiz -
How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?
This short survey will tell you approximately how many five year old children you could fight at once.
Find out how many you could take -
The Booze Test - Name That Alcohol
A fun little game that tests your knowledge of popular alcoholic beverages.
Take The Booze Test -
Countdown Timer Generator
Generate a countdown timer for your blog, website, or myspace profile. This flash powered countdown timer will count down to a specific date, such as Christmas, your next birthday, or the day we resurrect Elvis.
Generate a Countdown Timer Now -
How Addicted to Apple Are You?
Ever fallen asleep with your iPod on? Do you plaster Apple stickers to anything that doesn't move? Did you upgrade to Leopard within milliseconds of its release? Chances are you're addicted to Apple.
Take the Apple Addiction Quiz -
The Death Report - Who Died on Your Birthday?
Birthdays are awesome. There's cake, presents, and party hats - don't let finding out how many people died that day spoil the fun.
Find out morbid facts about your birthday -
How Much Electricity Does Your Body Produce?
The human body is a fine substitute for a double-A battery. Take this short quiz to determine how much electricity is pumping through your veins.
Start The Body Battery Calculator -
What's Your Blog Wanted For?
Enter your blog URL to find out what crime your blog has committed that's caused a price to be put on its head.
Generate a "Wanted Poster" for Your Blog Now -
How Addicted To Blogging Are You?
Are you one of those people that tries to convince everyone around you to read your blog? Do you dream of RSS? I highly suggest you take this quiz, it could save your life.
Take the Blog Addiction Quiz Now -
How Much is Your Dead Body Worth?
So you died (it's okay, it happens). This survey will tell you approximately how much your body would sell for.
Start the Cadaver Calculator -
What Are Your Chances of Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse?
The apocalypse has begun, the dead are walking the earth, and you're knee-deep in zombies. What are your chances of survival?
Take the Zombie Survival Quiz -
Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?
Think you know a thing or two about science? Take our short quiz to determine if you'd pass an 8th grade science test.
Take the Science Quiz -
The Geek Quiz
Ever lose your car keys and wish life had ctrl+f? Have you trained your parakeet to whistle songs from the Ocarina of Time? You could be a geek: take our 2 minute quiz to determine how much geek is coursing through your veins!
Take the Geek Quiz Now