So, you've finally decided to execute on a robust employer brand strategy. Your career site is actually a real site, not just a job list, you're pushing content several times a week and distributing it across multiple dedicated HR social channels.
Well done!
But you're still missing out on a great recruitment, retention and recognition opportunity.
Our People...Our Most Important Asset
So many leaders talk about how important their people are, yet I rarely see those same "important" people writing about their experiences at work.
We tell stories about them, that is a cornerstone of any good plan. However, when was the last time you saw the actual employees telling their own story?
It's not as risky as you might think
Plan...then Execute
There are several basic steps that will serve as the foundation of your internal blogging team structure.
1 - Identify several employees who have an interest in building their brand, supporting the organization, and aren't shy! Align the team members with your organizational needs (recruitment, expansion, growth.)
How do you find them? Ask!
2 - Meet with the employees and describe your goals, do's and don'ts, and reinforce that they are not uploading content, formatting, or publishing. HR handles all of those pieces. They simply need to send an email "post" to you each month.
How do I support them? Stay connected, meet for coffee, and talk through their challenges!
3 - Make sure your bloggers have up to date LinkedIn profiles, twitter accounts, and hopefully, Instagram accounts as well. If you're going to be a need to be in the social media space!
How do I make sure this happens? Meet with them and get them set up on the spot!
How About You
I've had tremendous success using this strategy, and you can too! It doesn't matter if you're a blogger or not. The goal is to differentiate your organization from the competition. Additional benefits include helping you to create a culture that truly recognizes and showcases your employees! Now, what are you waiting for?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.