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5 New Year’s Resolutions All Christian Women Should Make

The gift of a fresh start is a welcome one.  Maybe this  article  finds  you needing one right now.  I have always loved the imagery of a new year being like a fresh snowfall. Imagine looking outside after a snowfall and seeing a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground. There isn't a footprint on it yet. That's what we have at the start of each calendar year. I have also heard it said that the new year falls at an instructive time of year—for the northern hemisphere, at least. It falls during  our winter. Winter is  when nature slows down. If you have the urge to hibernat e—e mbrace it! Winter is a natural invitation to turn inward and sit with our thoughts.  We  can embrace new intentions for a life-giving year ahead  as we anticipate spring . For anyone who knows me, it might  come as  a surprise that I am writing this article. While I am  certainly  intentional, a list of resolutions often overwhelms me. In our f...

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