
네이버 회원가입

Agree to all of the following terms and conditions of NAVER: Terms of Service; Privacy Policy; the Terms of Use of Location-based Services (optional); Receive promotional information (optional).
  • Welcome to Naver!

    Thank you for using our services and products (“Naver Service(s)” or “Service(s)”). These NAVER Terms of Service define the relationship between Naver Corporation (“Naver”), which provides Naver Services, and members of Naver (“Member(s)”) or non-members, who use such Services, with regard to the use of various Naver Services, and contain useful information which may help you use Naver Services.

    By using our Services, you are deemed to have been notified of NAVER Terms of Service, and by signing up as a Member, you are deemed to agree to be bound by these NAVER Terms of Service and additional relevant operation policies. Please take a moment to read these NAVER Terms of Service carefully.

    Enjoy various Naver Services.

    Naver provides a variety of Services that can make your life more convenient such as information searching, communication with other users, provision of contents and shopping, through Naver domain websites including www.naver.com and applications (apps). You can freely use various Naver Services through different kinds of devices used to access the Internet such as PCs and mobile phones, and you may easily check the details of individual Services provided under Information and Notice sections for each Service, and Help section on Naver Web Customer Center (“Customer Center”).

    Naver provides the same service contents to all of you in principle. However, in certain circumstances, it partially restricts use of its Services by providing different service contents and restricting the permitted time for use and frequency of use of its Services pursuant to applicable laws and regulations such as the Juvenile Protection Act or other special need in providing individual services. For more information, please refer to Information and Notice sections under each Service and Help section under the Customer Center.

    While these NAVER Terms of Service apply to Naver Services by default, there are circumstances for which additional or individual terms and conditions or operation policies may apply in providing various Naver Services (e.g., Naver Pay and V LIVE). Moreover, for certain services provided by Naver’s affiliates (e.g., LINE and SNOW), such affiliates’ own terms and conditions or operation policies may apply. Please refer to such details provided on the startup page of each Service.

    By signing up as a Member, you can use Naver Services more conveniently.

    You may sign up to be a Member after reading and providing your consent to these NAVER Terms of Service. Naver completes the registration process by providing its approval and provides a Naver Service user account (“Account”). An account is a member authentication unit set up to manage history of each user’s usage of various Services once the Member logs in to Naver Services.

    Members may use their accounts to enjoy various Naver Services in a more convenient way. For more details, please refer to our user account policy and Naver Registration Method member registration method within the Customer Center.

    Naver also provides group accounts so that members of a group may use Naver Service under a common account shared among such members. Individuals using the group account share a single account and ID but log in to the account and use various Services by entering individually set passwords. A group member can either be a manager or a member, and other members delegate an authority to the manager to represent the group members as well as manage the group member account. Accordingly, the manager may provide consent to additional terms and conditions or an amendment of the existing NAVER Terms of Service or withdraw from group membership with the group member account, and manage other members’ use of Naver Services such as members’ log-in method for group member account and posts (including deletion of posts). In principle, these NAVER Terms of Service shall be applied to all members, and each member shall bear joint and severable liability for other members’ use of service through the group account and ID.

    Please check our user account policy and the Introduction to Naver group membership (group ID) within the Customer Center for details related to rights and joint liability of managers and members when using the group account.

    We will value all contents provided by you.

    Naver hopes your posts shared with other users through Naver Services will enrich the lives of all of us. Posts refer to various contents or files composed of signs, texts, voices, sounds, pictures, photographs, videos, links, etc. that you post on Naver Services in order to show them to yourself or others.

    Naver promises to safely protect the contents that express your thoughts and emotions. Of course, you have your own rights such as intellectual property rights regarding the posts that you create and post.

    Meanwhile, in order to duly provide the posts that you have posted through Naver Services, Naver needs to have a legitimate right to use your contents such as a license to store, copy, reproduce, modify, publicly transmit, display, distribute, and create derivative works (only limited to translation) of such contents (license without any restriction on term or territory and royalty free). Since you will be granting Naver such license by posting the content, you must have the necessary rights to do so.

    Pursuant to applicable laws such as the Copyright Act of the Republic of Korea, Naver will exercise such license granted by you, to use your contents, only to the limited extent of exposing the contents within Naver Services, utilizing them for promotion of Services, conducting research and development on service operation, improving and developing new services; complying with legal obligations such as web accessibility; allowing search, collection and links from other sites. If Naver unavoidably needs to use your contents for other purposes, we will explain it to you and receive your consent in advance.

    Moreover, valuable contents that you provide may be used by Naver and its affiliates for purposes of research and development related to artificial intelligence technology, etc. in order to improve Naver Services and offer new Naver Services. Naver will do its best to provide you with more convenient and useful service through continuous research and development.

    Naver is committed to providing various means of making it easier for you to manage Naver or other users’ use of or access to the contents that you provide. If management functions to delete or make your contents private are provided within the Naver service, you may directly control others’ use of or access to your contents. Also, you may request measures to delete, make your contents private, or exclude your contents from search results to the Customer Center. However, for some Naver Services, it may be difficult to delete or make your contents private, so please check the details provided by Information and Notice sections under each Service and Help section under the Customer Center.

    We safely protect your personal information.

    To provide more convenient Services to users, Naver collects and uses Members’ personal information only to the extent of purposes and scope agreed by the Member and safely manages such personal information pursuant to applicable laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information. Naver’s efforts or other details related to safely processing relevant personal information of users and Members can be found in our Privacy Policy.

    If you do not have a log-in or access record for a certain period of time, Naver may destroy or separately store your information after providing prior notice through e-mail, notification within the Services or other appropriate electronic means, and if there is insufficient information necessary to provide the Services as a result, Naver may unavoidably terminate the relevant service agreement.

    Please respect the rights of others.

    Posts you casually put on may result in infringement of rights of others such as infringement of copyright or defamation. In order to solve such problem, Naver manages Request for Notice and Take-down Service, pursuant to which a post may be taken down upon the request of the right-holder or posted again when the original poster made an objection, based on applicable laws such as the “Information and Communications Network Act” and “Copyright Act”. For more information about the details and procedures, please refer to Introduction to Request for Notice and Take-down Service within the Customer Center.

    Meanwhile, when you use others’ contents through Naver Services, this does not mean that you have the intellectual property right over such contents. In order to freely use such contents, special caution is required as such use must be within the scope permitted by applicable laws such as the Copyright Act or you need separate permission from the person holding the intellectual property right to use such contents.

    Naver grants you the authority to use relevant software accompanying Naver Services so that you can fully utilize Naver Services. In this case, please note that you are free to use such software only to the extent that it complies with Naver’s Terms of Use, that such authority is non- transferable, and that non-exclusive terms and Legal Notification will apply.

    Take advantage of the various Points that Naver offers.

    Naver provides points to help you use Naver Services efficiently. Points mean virtual data on Services with certain calculation unit which Naver provides in conjunction with your use of Naver Services by arbitrarily setting or adjusting the value. They do not have any property value and thus cannot be converted into cash or provided as a refund, but there are cases when the amount of points you have may affect your use of Naver Services, so please feel free to use them appropriately depending on each circumstance.

    Naver may unavoidably have to adjust a part or all points after notifying you in advance if such adjustment is necessary to support efficient use of Naver Services or improve service operation. In addition, points may be extinguished on a regular basis based on the period designated by us, so please be mindful of this while you are using Naver service.

    There are some precautions you should keep in mind with regard to use of Naver Services.

    Naver is trying its best so that you can freely and conveniently enjoy Naver Services. However, we need your help and cooperation in order to ensure safer use of Naver Services and to ensure respect and protection of the rights of you and others. Your posting or use of Naver Services may unavoidably be limited for to ensure safe use of Services and protection of rights in the following events, so please check and comply with the following.

    • You should not provide false information regarding your name, date of birth, mobile phone number, etc. when you sign up as our member. Please make sure that the information registered in your member account is accurate and up-to-date. You should not sell, transfer, lend or provide your account as security or allow others to use it. Also, you should not use another person’s account which does not belong to you without permission. For detailed information, please refer to account policy.
    • Posts that directly or expressly threaten to physically harm others, posts that encourage or recommend self-harm or suicide to others, posts that expose undisclosed personal information such as personal identity or personal life of others, posts that constantly bully or harass others, posts that suggest, broker, induce or force prostitution, and posts that present a direct and severe threat to public safety may be restricted.
    • Posts identified as directly related to crime such as performing or aiding and abetting acts that are prohibited or subject to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, posts that promote, advertise or sell products or services which are prohibited from being promoted, advertised, or sold pursuant to applicable laws, and posts identified as infringing another person’s intellectual property right or violating another person’s rights through insults, invasion of privacy or defamation may be subject to limitation.
    • Posts that cause sexual humiliation or development of distorted view towards sexuality by depicting provocative and explicit sexual activities, posts that contain violent and stimulating contents which may cause sense of brutality or displeasure, posts that deceive another person by impersonating someone other than oneself or raising a false claim, and posts that cause serious feeling of aversion or displeasure by continuing to use excessive profanity and abusive language may be restricted.
    • Posts that were posted through abnormal use of Naver service functions such as utilization of automated means and posts that do not correspond with the purpose of providing Service by each individual Naver Service may also be subject to restriction as they cause inconvenience to other users’ normal use of Naver service as well as interfere with Naver’s smooth provision of Services. For details of other posts that are subject to restriction, please refer to posting operation policy and each individual service’s terms and conditions and operation policy of each individual Service.
    • Users should not use Naver Services in ways which do not correspond with Naver’s purpose of providing its services, which is based on the premise that it is the certain user (person) himself or herself that actually uses Naver’s Services, such as joining or attempting to join as a Member, logging in or attempting to log in to Naver service, posting or attempting to post on Naver Service, engaging in communication through Naver service (e.g., e-mail, messages), collecting ID or posts on Naver Services, searching with certain query terms on Naver search service or selecting (i.e., click) certain item among the search results by using automated means (e.g., macro program, robot (bot), spider, scraper, etc.) without the prior permission from Naver, or attempt to disable Naver’s technical measures to block such abuse of Naver Services (e.g., accessing by constantly changing IPs, making a detour or disabling Captcha through external solution, etc.).
    • Users should not insert various contents or files composed of signs, texts, voices, sounds, pictures, photographs, videos, links, etc. in spaces where advertisements are posted or other spaces on Naver Services by using automated means without the prior consent of Naver. In addition, users may not copy, modify, sell, transfer, lend, provide as security or give another person the permission to use Naver Services or software contained in Naver Services. Reverse engineering, attempting to extract source code, copying, deconstructing, imitating or otherwise altering the software contained in Naver Services is also prohibited (however, if the software is an open source, its own terms and conditions will apply). Moreover, uploading viruses or other malicious codes or abnormal use of service functions in order to interfere with smooth operation of Naver Services is prohibited.

    Naver provides support to ensure stable and smooth use of Services through provision of posting operation policy, terms and conditions or operation policy under each individual Service, Information and Notice sections under each Service and Help section under the Customer Center, within the scope of these NAVER Terms of Service. Each specific policy contains more detailed precautions for your reference, so please check each policy using the links provided in the main body of these NAVER Terms of Service and applicable webpages.

    If Naver has to restrict the use of Services for inevitable reasons, it will comply with reasonable procedures.

    While Naver promises to handle your contents containing various information and opinion with care, if your post is in violation of applicable laws or any terms in these NAVER Terms of Service Naver may delete or make such contents private contents or refuse to post such contents. However, this does not mean that Naver is obligated to review all contents.

    Moreover, if you do not comply with applicable laws or violate any provisions in these NAVER Terms of Service, Naver may check the details of your related action, and depending on the results, provide precautions regarding the use of Naver Services or restrict the use of Services by suspending a part or all of Naver Services on a temporary or permanent basis. If Naver believes that it would be difficult to maintain the NAVER Terms of Service as a whole even after restricting the use of Services as provided above, Naver may inevitably terminate these NAVER Terms of Service entered into between you and NAVER.

    If we have to restrict your use of Services for unavoidable reasons, we will follow the above-mentioned step-by-step principle regarding restriction on use of Services unless matters that require urgent actions to prevent risks or damages are involved due to apparent violation of laws or infringement of another person’s rights. Please be mindful that all points and other benefits acquired through the use of Services will be extinguished and not separately be compensated in the event of our immediate suspension of Services on a permanent basis unavoidably due to apparent violation of laws. For conditions of restriction on the use of Services and other details, please refer to account policy and operation policy under each individual Service.

    Naver will take responsibility for its own fault.

    If you suffer from any damage while using Naver Services due to willful misconduct or negligence of Naver, Naver will compensate your damages pursuant to applicable laws. However, Naver will not be liable for any damages that were incurred because Naver was unable to provide its Services due to any force majeure events or user was unable to use the Services due to his/her own willful misconduct or negligence.

    Even in the case where Naver is liable for damages, Naver shall not be liable for special damages, indirect damages, or other punitive damages that are normally impossible to foresee or those that arise from special circumstances, unless there is a special provision in applicable laws.

    Meanwhile, unless there are special circumstances, Naver shall not be liable for damages incurred by exchange of opinion, transaction, etc. between you and other members by the medium of Naver service or damages incurred by depending on contents such as other person’s posts that were posted on the service.

    You may terminate these NAVER Terms of Service at any time.

    Although it is a pity for Naver, members may apply for termination of this Term of Service and withdraw from Naver membership at any time, and in such case, Naver shall process such application pursuant to applicable laws, etc. without delay.

    Upon termination of these NAVER Terms of Service, all data of Members including all posts related to the member’s account will be deleted and become irrecoverable unless applicable laws and the privacy policy allow Naver to retain a certain user’s information. However, even in this case, posts separately stored or scrapped by other members or replies registered in public bulletin board will not be deleted, so please delete such posts before you apply for termination and then deactivate your membership.

    Certain Naver Services contain advertisements.

    While using various Naver services, you may notice that some individual Services contain advertisements from time to time. You are responsible for any data telecommunications fees incurred while using Naver Services pursuant to a data plan of a telecommunications service provider that you subscribe to, and you are also responsible for any additional fees incurred while viewing the advertisements contained in such Services.

    There are circumstances where you need to watch unwanted advertisements in order to use the Naver Services that you would like to use. This allows Naver to provide its various Services free of charge, and this also becomes the basis for providing better Services by allowing Naver to invest in research and development. The fact that other companies have been charging users for use of the main services while emphasizing services without advertisements supports this point.

    Naver will always try to think of ways to minimize your inconvenience or burden on you and make improvements.

    Naver will make sure to notify you of any suspension or modification of its Services.

    While Naver is trying its best to provide its Services in a stable manner, 24 hours a day, all year around, Naver may have no other choice but to suspend its Services in part or in whole if there are any significant operational issues such as repair, inspection, replacement or disconnection of information communication facilities such as computers or servers.

    Meanwhile if there is a significant need for service operation or improvement, Naver may change, modify or terminate Services in part or in whole. If Services are changed, modified or terminated in whole or in part, Naver shall not make any separate compensation unless there is a special provision in applicable laws.

    In this case, if the event can be foreseen, Naver shall provide prior notification before a considerable period of time, and if the event cannot be foreseen, Naver shall provide an ex post facto notification and detailed explanation regarding the situation without delay. Also, if the services are suspended, Naver shall provide you reasonable and sufficient opportunities to back up your own contents.

    Naver will guide you through the main points and pay attention to your valuable opinion.

    Naver will make every effort to provide important information necessary for using the Services in a timely manner. When notifying its Member, Naver will provide individual notice through e-mail, notification within the Services or other appropriate electronic means. If notification to all Members is necessary, however Naver will post relevant information on the startup page of Naver domain’s websites such as www.naver.com and applications (apps) or through its announcements, for more than seven days.

    Naver will pay attention to your valuable opinion. You may at any time provide your opinion or communicate matters requiring improvement related to the use of Services through the Customer Center, and Naver will provide an update on how it handles such matters and the results to the reasonable extent.

    Naver posts these NAVER Terms of Service and operation policies so that you can easily notice them and makes modifications after providing prior notification.

    Naver displays these NAVER Terms of Service on its startup page so that you can easily see detailed NAVER Terms of Service.

    Naver may modify these NAVER Terms of Service as well as account policies and posting operation policies from time to time, provided that such modifications will only be made to the extent they do not violate any applicable laws and Naver will notify Members of reasons for such modifications and the effective date of such modifications within the Services in advance. Moreover, in the event of material modifications of these NAVER Terms of Service that may put you at a disadvantage, Naver shall make notifications of such modifications at least 30 days in advance within the applicable Services, and provide an individual notice to you through separate electronic means (e-mail, notification within the Services, etc.).

    Naver waits for your comments on modifications from the date Naver posts the modified terms and conditions until the effective date of such modifications. If your comments are not received during the above time period, you will be deemed to have consented to using the Services pursuant to the modified terms and conditions. Although Naver is not happy about this, Naver may not be able to provide applicable Services that are subject to the modified terms and conditions to you anymore if you do not consent to the modified terms and conditions.

    While these NAVER Terms of Service apply to Naver Services by default, sometimes additional terms and conditions or operation policies other than these NAVER Terms of Service may additionally apply in order to reflect unique characteristics of individual Services. Therefore, in the event of any conflict between the additional terms and conditions or account policies or posting operation policies and these Terms of Service regarding the provision of such individual Services, the additional terms and conditions and operation policies shall prevail. Please check the details provided on the startup page of each individual Service.

    This English version of the NAVER Terms of Service is a translation based on the original Korean version of the NAVER Terms of Service. If there is any conflict between these two versions, the original Korean version of the NAVER Terms of Service shall prevail. The relationship between you and Naver in relation to the NAVER Terms of Service or Naver Services shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Korea, and any dispute arising between you and Naver arising out of or in connection with the NAVER Terms of Service or Naver Services, shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures set out in the Civil Procedure Act of Republic of Korea.

    • Date of announcement: March 30, 2018
    • Effective date: May 1, 2018

    If you have any inquiries about Naver Services, please contact Customer Center (contact number: 1588-3820/ open weekdays 09:00~18:00).

  • 1. Collected Personal Information

    Users may now access the majority of NAVER services available to members, such as information searches or viewing news articles, without the need to sign up for a membership. Where a user signs up with NAVER to access personalized or membership services, including email, calendar, café, or blog services, only a minimal amount of personal information required for service use is collected.

    The personal information collected by NAVER at the time of signing up for membership is provided below.

    • - When signing up for membership, both the required items (including ID, password, name, date of birth, gender, and mobile phone number) and the optional item (an e-mail address for the identification process), are collected. When signing up for membership with a real-name-authenticated ID, encrypted connecting information (CI), duplication information (DI), and domestic and foreign resident information are collected together. For children under the age of 14, we obtain the consent of a legal guardian and verify this consent through a mobile phone number or i-PIN authentication. During this process, the legal guardian's information (legal guardian's name, duplicate registration confirmation information (DI), mobile phone number (i-PIN number in the case of i-PIN authentication)) is additionally collected. The user may choose whether to provide his/her email address.
    • - When an organization signs up to NAVER, the organization’s ID, password, official name, email address, and mobile phone number used for membership verification are required for collection. The name of the organization’s representative may also be optionally collected at the discretion of NAVER members.
    • - In countries other than Korea, users may join using their Facebook, LINE, or Apple ID. Personal information stated above will not be collected when users join using their social media ID. The following personal information will be collected when users join using social media ID:

      Facebook : (Required) Name, profile picture, (Optional) Email address
      LINE : (Required) Name, profile picture, mobile phone number, list of friends, (Optional) Email address
      Apple : (Required) Name, User identifier (Optional) Email address
      Google : (Required) Name, User identifier (Optional) Email address

    The following personal information is collected while users use the service.

    - Your profile information (nickname, profile picture) can be set in your member information or individual services. When a nickname is not entered, the masked ID will be automatically entered as the nickname.

    - Additional personal information may be collected from users of specific NAVER services while the user uses the service, participates in an event or applies for a prize. If additional personal information is collected, the user is provided with guidelines on the ‘collected personal information, the purpose of collecting and using personal information, and the personal information storage period’ and is asked whether the user agrees to the collection and use of the information.

    The IP address, cookies, service usage records, device information, and location information may be generated and collected during service use. Also, for search services, etc. using images or voice data, images or voice data may be collected.

    Specifically, 1) during the process of using the service information on the user is automatically created and stored (collected), or
    2) the user’s unique device information is safely transformed so that the original values cannot be identified and the data is collected in this manner.
    Location information may be collected during the course of using services, and location-based services offered by NAVER are regulated in detail in the “Terms of Location-Based Service.”
    The information collected as described above may or may not be considered “personal information,” depending on whether or not it has a connected to other personal information, etc.

    [Additional explanation on the collection of generated information]

    • What is an IP (Internet Protocol) address?
      An IP address is the online address information assigned by Internet service providers to devices such as PCs used to connect to the Internet. There are diverse opinions in each country regarding whether IP addresses constitute personal information.

    • What is service usage history?
      Service usage history refers to all records, including the date and time of accessing NAVER, the list of services used, and any normal or abnormal logs generated during the use of services. It also includes the email addresses recorded during the process of sending and receiving emails, phone numbers entered when inviting friends or giving gifts, and conversation histories between sellers and buyers on Smart Store (NAVER Talk Talk and Product Q&A posts). For purposes related to the processing of some service usage records that identify the data subject (including behavioral information), please refer to the sections on collected personal information, the use of collected personal information, and the destruction of personal information in this Privacy Policy. This processing is necessary for providing the service, and refusal may result in limitations on service use. For related inquiries, please contact customer service. For processing behavioral information without identifying the data subject, please refer to the NAVER Personalized Advertising Guide

    • What is device information?
      The device information mentioned in this privacy policy includes all information that can be confirmed through the S/W used for the operation of the device, in addition to the information assigned to the device during the manufacturing and sales process. This includes information such as the computer's name assigned by the user during the OS (Windows, Mac OS, etc.) installation process, serial numbers of peripheral devices attached to the PC, unique identification values required for communication on smartphones (IMEI, IMSI), AAID or IDFA, language settings, standard time settings, and the mobile carrier code of the USIM. However, when NAVER needs to collect a unique identification value of the device, such as IMEI, NAVER encrypts it to remove the identifiability before collecting it.

    • What is a cookie?
      A cookie is a very small text file that a website stores on a user's PC through the user's web browser when the user accesses the website. When the user visits the website again, the website server reads the stored cookie on the user's PC to maintain the user's preferred service settings for a convenient internet service experience. In addition, it allows the provision of specialized services (including advertisements) tailored to the user's preferences and interests by analyzing information such as visited service details, service access time and frequency, and information generated or provided (input) during service usage. Users can choose to allow all cookies, receive confirmation for each cookie's storage, or refuse the storage of all cookies by configuring the options in their web browser. However, rejecting cookie storage may cause inconvenience in using some NAVER services that require login.

      How to Allow/Block Cookies in Web Browsers
      - Chrome: Browser settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data
      - Edge: Browser settings > Cookies and site permissions > Manage and delete cookies and site data

      How to Allow/Block Cookies in Mobile Browsers
      - Chrome: Mobile browser settings > Privacy and security > Clear browsing data
      - Safari: Mobile device settings > Safari > Advanced > Block All Cookies
      - Samsung Internet: Mobile browser settings > Browsing history > Delete browsing history

      See [NAVER Privacy Center] for more details on cookies

    2. Use of the Collected Personal Information

    NAVER uses personal information only for purposes described below, which includes managing subscribers, developing, providing and improving services of NAVER and NAVER- related services (including mobile web/app), and creating a safe internet user environment.

    • - Personal information is used to confirm user’s intent to subscribe to NAVER, verify the user’s age and consent from the user’s legal representative verify the identity of the user and legal representative, identify the user, confirm the user’s intent to unsubscribe from NAVER, and for other subscriber management purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to provide existing services, including contents and advertisement, and also used to analyze demographic data, service visitations and use records, create relationships between users based on users’ personal information and areas of interest, provide customized services based on information on friends and areas of interest, and discover other elements that can be used to develop new services and/or improve existing services. Cultivating new service elements and enhancing existing services involves the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for tasks such as information searching, user communication, the creation, provision, and recommendation of content, and product shopping.
    • - Personal information is used to restrict users who have violated laws, regulations and NAVER’s User Agreement from using the service, prevent and restrict actions that interfere with seamless service operation, including any delinquent actions, prevent account fraud and illegal transactions, deliver notices on agreement updates, store records on dispute mediation, handle civil petitions and for other user protection and service operation purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to verify the user’s identity when providing premium services, make purchases and payments and to deliver product and services.
    • - Personal information is used to provide information on events and provide opportunities to participate, to provide advertisement and for other marketing and promotion purposes.
    • - Personal information is used to analyze service use records and access frequencies, calculate statistics on service use, analyze services and provide customized services based on statistics, and place advertisements.
    • - Personal information is used to relieve users in circumstances that involve security, privacy and safety and to build a usable service environment.

    3. Destruction of Personal Information

    As a rule, the Company destroys personal information immediately after the user unsubscribes from the service.

    However, personal information can be stored safely for a designated amount of time, even after the user unsubscribes, if NAVER has obtained separate consent from the user to store the personal information for a certain amount of time, or if the Company is obligated by law to store the information for a specific time period.

    NAVER will obtain separate consent from the user for personal information storage for a specified period for the following purposes.

    - To prevent any fraudulent subscription and use
    Mobile phone number or duplicate information (DI) of fraudulent users for subscription verification (legal representative’s DI for users aged 14 or under) : Stored for 6 months from the date of withdrawal
    Mobile phone number of users withdrawn from membership (if using phone verification), DI (if using i-PIN verification): Stored for 6 months from the date of withdrawal (Stored using one-way encryption (hashing) that cannot be decrypted)

    Relevant statutes, including the Act on the Consumer Protection, in Electronic Commerce, Etc., the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions, and the Protection of Communications Secrets Act, require NAVER to store the information for a certain period of time under the following circumstances. NAVER stores personal information during the set period under the provisions of the statutes and in no case will it ever store this information for any other purposes.

    • - Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
      Records on subscription or withdrawal of subscription: Store for five (5) years
      Records on payment settlements and supply of goods: Store for five (5) years
      Records on customer complaints or dispute settlements: Store for three (3) years
    • - Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions
      Records on the distribution of electronic documents through authorized electronic addresses : Stored for 10 years
    • - Protection of Communications Secrets Act
      Records on sign-in: Store for three (3) months

    Personal information is immediately destroyed to an un-restorable state once the purpose of collecting and storing personal information is fully served, which includes the user’s membership cancellation, service termination, and/or expiration of the personal information storage period that was approved by the user. Personal information stored under the law is immediately destroyed to an un-restorable state once the storage period is expired.

    Personal information stored in electronic form is safely deleted using a technical approach to prevent it from being restored or regenerated while written information is shredded or incinerated.

    Check out Privacy Policy for more information

  • If you agree to the Terms of Use of location-based services, you may use NAVER’s location-based services, including receiving promotional information using your location.

    Article 1 (Purpose)

    1. The purpose of this agreement is to stipulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities, and other necessary matters between NAVER Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and the subject of personal location information in terms of the location-based services provided by the Company.

    Article 2 (Working Rules Other Than the Terms of Use)

    1. Matters not specified herein shall comply with the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, Personal Information Protection Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act and other relevant regulations, terms of use and privacy policy of the Company, and other guidelines as set forth by the Company.

    Article 3 (Description and Pricing of Services)

    1. ① The Company, upon receiving location information from the location information provider, shall provide the following location-based services:

      1. 1. GeoTagging service: the location information of a subject of personal location information or mobile device included in a post or content saved by the user is stored with the post. The stored location information may be preserved without additional usage, or may be used to provide features that categorizes or searches for content based on location;
      2. 2. Search result and content using location information: where there is a request for information search, or where the location information of the subject of personal location information or mobile device is provided, such location information is used to provide search result, result of nearby location search (popular restaurants, nearby businesses, means of transportation, etc.), and translation result;
      3. 3. Advertisement using user location: in the process of using search result or other services, the location of the subject of personal location information or mobile device is used to present advertising materials;
      4. 4. Protection of users and prevention of abuse: the location of the subject of personal location information or mobile device is used to prohibit any unauthorized individual from attempting to use services abnormally, etc.;
      5. 5. Provision of convenience services such as directions: optimal routes including traffic information, directions, etc. are offered on a map, and locating nearby facilities, news and weather information, emergency rescue service, automatic address completion and other convenience services shall be provided.
    2. ② Location-based services under paragraph (1) shall be offered free of charge.

    Article 4 (Rights Held by Subjects of Personal Location Information)

    1. ① The subject of personal location information may defer their consent for part of the scope of the collection of personal location information and the terms of use, or the usage and purpose of personal location information, scope of the recipient of personal location information, and part of location-based services.
    2. ② Any subject of personal location information may fully or partially withdraw their consent to the collection, use and provision of personal location information.
    3. ③ Any subject of personal location information may request, at any time, a temporary suspension on the collection, use and provision of personal location information. In such case, the Company shall not refuse such request and shall take technical measures accordingly.
    4. ④ Any subject of personal location information may request the Company to permit them to inspect any of the following data or to give notice of any of the following data, and may request the Company to correct an error found in the concerned data. In such case, the Company shall not reject such request without good cause:

      1. 1. Data verifying the collection, use and provision of personal location information which relates to the subject of personal location information;
      2. 2. The ground on which the personal location information of the subject of personal location information was provided to a third party pursuant to the provisions of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information or other Acts, and the relevant details.
    5. ⑤ Where the subject of personal location information fully or partially withdraws their consent, the Company shall, without delay, destroy the collected personal location information and the data verifying the collection, use and provision of location information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the subject of personal location information partially withdraws their consent, such destruction of data is limited to the personal location information and the data verifying the use and provision of location information for the part withdrawn.
    6. ⑥ In order to ensure the subject of personal location information exercises their rights under paragraph (1) or paragraph (4), the subject of personal location information may use the contact information under Article 13 of this agreement to make requests to the Company.

    Article 5 (Rights Held by Legal Representatives)

    1. ① Where the Company intends to collect, use or provide personal location information from children under 14 years of age, the Company shall obtain the consent of the child under 14 years of age and their legal representative.
    2. ② Where legal representatives provide their consent to the collection, use and provision of personal location information of children under 14 years of age, they may exercise the right to defer consent, right to withdraw and suspend consent, and right to request inspection and notification.

    Article 6 (Grounds for and Period of Retaining Data Verifying the Usage and Provision of Location Information)

    1. In accordance with Article 16 (2) of the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, the Company shall automatically record data verifying the collection, use, and provision of location information in a location information system, and preserve the data for 6 months or longer.

    Article 7 (Changes to and Termination of Services)

    1. ① Where it becomes impossible for the Company to maintain its services due to various circumstances of the Company such as policy changes of the location-based service provider or legal obstacles, the Company may restrict, change or terminate the service fully or partially.
    2. ② When the service is terminated pursuant to paragraph (1), the Company shall make an announcement on the internet or notify the subject of personal location information prior to such termination.

    Article 8 (Immediate Notification when Providing Third Parties with Personal Location Information)

    1. ① The Company shall not provide the personal location information of the subject of personal location information to a third party without the consent of the relevant subject of personal location information, and in the case of providing services offered by a third party, the designated recipient of the personal location information and the purpose of provision shall be notified to the subject of personal location information in advance, and shall obtain his/her consent.
    2. ② In case the Company provides personal location information to a third party designated by the subject of personal location information, the Company shall immediately notify, on each occasion, the subject of personal location information, of the designated recipient of such information, the date, time, and purpose of such provision via the communication terminal device from which the personal location information was collected.
    3. ③ Notwithstanding the forgoing, in the case of the following, the subject of personal location information shall notify via the predesignated communication terminal device or e-mail address.

      1. 1. In case the communication terminal device, for which the personal location information was collected, does not include functions to receive text, voice or video;
      2. 2. In case the subject of personal location information has requested in advance to notify with a communication terminal device or e-mail address other than the communication terminal device that collected the personal location information.

    Article 9 (Rights Held by the Legal Guardian of Children of Eight Years Old or Younger, etc.)

    1. ① Where the legal guardian of any of the following persons (hereinafter referred to as "child of eight years old or younger, etc.") gives consent to the use or provision of personal location information regarding the child of eight years old or younger, etc., for the protection of the child's health or safety, the Company shall deem that the child, etc. themselves consent thereto:

      1. 1. A child of eight years old or younger;
      2. 2. A person under adult guardianship;
      3. 3. A person with a mental disorder defined in Article 2 (2) 2 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, classified as a person with a severe disability defined in subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the Act on the Employment Promotion and Vocational Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (limited to those registered as disabled persons under Article 32 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities).
    2. ② For the protection of the health or safety of a child of eight years old or younger, etc., the legal guardian who intends to consent to the use or provision of personal location information must submit a written consent to the Company along with a document proving that he/she is the legal guardian.
    3. ③ The legal guardian can exercise all of the rights of the subject of personal location information if he/she agrees to the use or provision of personal location information for a child of eight years old or younger, etc.

    Article 10 (Purpose of Retention and Period of Use of Personal Location Information)

    1. ① The Company shall retain and use personal location information for the minimum period necessary to provide location-based services.
    2. ② The Company shall destroy personal location information without delay after one-time or temporary use from most location-based services. Provided, That when a user posts or stores personal location information along with posts and content on the Company’s service, such as in the ‘GeoTagging’ service, the personal location information shall be stored together during the retention period of the posts and content.

    Article 11 (Compensation for Damage)

    1. Where a subject of personal location information suffers damage because the Company has violated Articles 15 through 26, he/she may claim damages against the Company. In such cases, the Company shall not be exempt from liabilities unless it proves that there was no intention or negligence on its part.

    Article 12 (Mediation in Disputes)

    1. ① Where the parties to a dispute related to location information fail to reach an agreement or it is impossible to reach an agreement, the Company may file a petition for adjudication with the Korea Communications Commission.
    2. ② Where the parties to a dispute related to location information fail to reach an agreement or it is impossible to reach an agreement, the Company or the subject of personal location information may file a petition for mediation with the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee established under the Personal Information Protection Act.

    Article 13 (Contact and Person Responsible for Location Information)

    1. ① Name, address and contact information of the Company are as follows:

      1. - Name of Company: NAVER Corporation
      2. - Address: NAVER 1784, 95, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (postal code: 13561)
      3. - Telephone number: 1588-3820
    2. ② The company is striving to protect the rights of the subject of personal location information, including the handling of complaints that users have in the process of using the service, by designating a person responsible for managing location information.

      1. - Person responsible for managing location information: David Lee, CPO/DPO
      2. - E-mail : Contact us


    Effective date of Article 1

    1. The previous terms and conditions that were in effect from April 27, 2022 will be replaced by these terms and conditions, and such terms will be applied from MAY 18, 2022.
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