6000% Increase in Cancer Rates at Fukushima Site

As reports from individuals like Chieko Shiina, a supporter of the Fukushima Collaborateive Clinic talk about exploding rates of thyroid cancer in children, as well as an epidemic of leukemia, heart attacks, and other health problems, the Abe-led government and US continue to sweep the fall out of the Fukushima disaster under the rug.
Cancer rates have exploded at an increase of almost 6000% in areas near the reactor meltdown. Aside from people-on-the-street interviews that a rare media outlet like “Hodo station” will report on, mainstream media stays completely silent. One Japanese resident, Carol Hisasue, laments that as the incident has disappeared from the media, it has also disappeared from people’s consciousness.
Report Expects a Million Cancer Deaths from Fukushima Fallout
In a report published in late 2015, by Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), “Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan,” we learn that that the ongoing multi-core nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant has produced approximately 230 times higher-than-normal thyroid cancers in Fukushima Prefecture, and could result in as many as one million more cancers due to the incident that happened in March of 2011.
Highly esteemed Japanese medical professionals and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) confirmed a direct link to the elevated number of cancers in Japan to the Daiichi plant’s meltdown.
The report details how heavy radioactive discharges from the site will be the cause of ongoing cancer cases throughout the surrounding area.
TEPCO recently confirmed in a press release that workers exposed to the radiation from the attempted clean up over the past 4 years have developed leukemia, and medical professionals confirm that the incidence of thyroid cancer in the Fukushima Prefecture have grown to 230 the normal rate. (TEPCO was required to measure workers for radiation they received while working on the site.)
In the above video, you can watch Arnie Gunderson, Chief Engineer, discuss the true fallout expected from Fukushima.
So why does Fukushima continue to be a see no evil, hear no evil event? You can watch an over hour-long report that goes into detail, but to sum it up, people can’t even turn on their gas-stoves near Fukushima because “it would be like burning radioactive fuel in their kitchens.” The contamination levels are too ridiculous to even comprehend.
No matter if the accident was caused by a purposeful nuclear attack or by the sheer greed of the nuclear industry who built it, it is essentially a massive nuclear weapon on fault lines. The neglect of the Japanese government and TEPCO is compounded by a complete disregard, not only for human life, but for all life upon this planet.
The World Health Organization once warned that cancer rates could soar 50% in less than 20 years – but we’ve already surpassed that estimate, which once seemed catastrophic, exponentially.
So tell me – why are we in such a hurry to forget Fukushima, and why are plans being drawn up to build more nuclear reactors in the US using taxpayer monies?
After WW 2 I would think Japan would reject anything nuclear
Is the number 6000 correct? Cuz its a pretty even number? Did you stop counting?? I want the real number.
Babies in Ariz are being born without eyes. Sounds like Basrah, Iraq, Karma coming to the Xtian Born-Again Bombers
How did you come to know babies in AZ are being born without eyes? Please explain. And yes, I get the cruel irony after Americans have spent decades causing other people in the world to suffer birth defects, and ongoing genetic damage.
That’s a big claim. Where is your evidence?
From thetext, I can tell this will be a crock. 6000% increse in thyroid cancer. No, a 6000% increase in the detection of pre-cancerous abnormalities due to the use of substantially more sensitive scanners and the counting of scanner indications that would never have been detected before. This same kind of increase was seen in South Korea BEFORE Fukushima.
No evidence is given at all for this 6,000 percent figure. Again misinformation spread on the Internet. You should be ashamed of yourself. The posters with swallow this simply come across as fols who jump to conclusions by reading headlines and not looking for evidence. You foolsactually lower the chance of finding the truth by spreading rumours and not reading facts.
But when 6000 is said in the mainstream news it is ok, right?!
John is at it again… what do they pay you?
Please stop spreading rumors.
you forgot the word harmful, get some recurrency training from your handlers.
According to Public Security Intelligence Agency(one agency of japanese goverment) was reported that this “Fukushima Collaborateive Clinic” is activity base of left-wing extremists.
perhaps because this unsubstantiated claim is utter nonsense
i see no evidence of any claim made in this article