IDW have announced “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika,” a new three-issue mini-series written and illustrated by Brahm Revel (“Guerillas”). Jennika, whose origins as a Foot Clan member turned Mutant Ninja Turtle were revealed in IDW’s “TMNT Universe,” will be drawn into a conflict with a new villain while still adjusting to her life as a mutant. The series finds her on a journey that forces her to face her troubled past and conflicted present.
Revel says “I’m very excited about the opportunity to revisit Jenn’s past and explore how she’s been handling the recent changes in her life, all while being tested by a world that’s changing just as rapidly as she is.” Revel also shared his affinity for the character, saying “Jennika has always been a fascinating character, and her story is now moving in directions none of us could have ever anticipated.”
IDW Editor Bobby Curnow added, “Brahm has a fantastic knack for revealing character through adversity. With the Jennika miniseries, he’s digging deep into what makes this fan-favorite character tick, all in a fast-moving and accessible story. I’m also excited for people to see the back-up stories from up-and-coming creators that will be featured in every issue.”
Brahm Revel will illustrate the main cover of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika” #1, and two variant editions will be available by newcomer Jodie Nishijima, and Freddie Williams II (“Batman/TMNT”).”Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Jennika” #1 will be available in February 2020.