“Sentence Scramble, 12/10.”
- –with a llama –at the castle gate –and –you are –it is midnight –standing
- S, CD, CX?
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
- –slowly –although —off the field –the llama –was uninjured –he walked
- S, CD, CX?
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
Debrief Test #14: Nice Improvement.
“Vocab, 12/10.” mesmerize, quarantine, hypochondria, pandemonium, defray, miser, resolute, intercede, disgruntled, wallow, pauper
- _____ (2 possible)
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- The roots of this word meant “40 days.” _____
- We were completely _____(ed) by the amazing acrobatic performance.
- The ______ customers who were scammed by the kombinator…
- …needed someone to _____ for them to get their money back.
- Fourth period is often the scene of _____, and that is why they rarely get a “10” from a guest teacher.
- The root of this word meant “to roll about.” _____
- (2) They separated all the people with _____ to an imaginary ______. (haha)
120 Seconds. Next Performances are tomorrow.
- (1-6) Introduction-Presentation: How well done? Did reader give title, author, and genre of the book and brief setting of the scene? Did reader capture the audience’s attention immediately?
- (1-6) Mechanics: Reading Clarity. Is the pacing good? Are words pronounced correctly and easily understood? Are words read slowly enough for the audience’s understanding? Is there enough volume?
- (1-6) Stage Presence: Does the reader appear confident? Does the reader establish eye contact with the audience during the intro? Are gestures, if any, natural and appropriate to the reading? Does it look like she/he has practiced?
- (1-6) Reading Interpretation: Are characters identifiable/differentiated by your voice? Can you tell when it’s a question? Can you tell when description ends and dialogue begins? CAN YOU AVOID THE MONOTONE DRONE?
- (1-6) Quality of Selection: Is it entertaining, whether dramatic, suspenseful, or funny? Does it make us want to read the book?
- (1-6) Audience Appeal: Is the reader holding the listeners’ attention? Overall impression?