Monday, August 30, 2010

Fresh, Sudsy, Gorgeous, Homemade Soap GIVEAWAY!

***UPDATE: This giveaway has closed. The winner selected by is....

MamaHall! Congratulations.
I hope you enjoy your homemade suds!***

Hey Lovelies,
I have the sweetest little giveaway just because I think you each are super cool! To enter, simply leave a comment and you're IN!

It's all about HOMEMADE SOAP...soap brings out the true girly girl in us. We can lather up with scented goodness, and erase all the mad rush of the day. It makes us feel soft and smell fresh so we can get adored with little kisses and love every minute of it.

Cuddles are MUCH better after we use soap
to bubble
and sud
and lather
our girly skin.

I'm an etsy lover,
fully addicted.
Handmade and Homemade.
There is no better option.

Sarah Lee Soaps is an etsy shop that my friend started. She creates homemade soaps and uses MUCH tender loving care with every step of the process.

I am very excited about this giveaway because Sarah is a beautiful friend from my childhood. This little blonde sweetheart can REALLY make SOAP! She generously sent me a box of her homemade cold process soaps and I was amazed {completely impressed!} at the quality and perfection. Sarah is precise and each bar is simply perfect. My favorite part about her soap is the smell: fresh and gentle. I am giddy over this homemade soap discovery! I wish I lived closer to Sarah so I can see how she does this. I want to learn it all.

Sarah answers...Why is Homemade Soap BETTER for You?

"Handmade soap is made with a chemical, sodium hydroxide. Most people do not know that once the sodium hydroxide is mixed with all of the skin loving oils, the mixture goes through a chemical process called saponification. The saponification process creates glycerine, and sodium hydroxide is no longer present. The glycerine is what makes handmade soap better than commercial products. Commercial manufactures know that glycerine is amazing for your skin, so they remove it from their soaps to make lotions and moisturizers...sneaky. Manufactures of commercial soap products add chemicals to the soap to replace the glycerine feeling on your skin. These chemicals are absorbed into your body through your skin. Avoiding chemical additives also leaves a greener footprint on our earth.
Leaving the glycerine in your soap means less moisturizers needed after shower time, since your skin was left moisturized with the soap not stripped of its oils. Handmade soaps are extremely mild and gentle enough to shave with. You'll get big lather and a more natural skin cleanser."

We can treat our bodies gently
and be kinder to our earth too.

The soap types that came to my door were:

1. Relaxing Lavender and Chamomile

2. Cool Water (for men)

3. Sweet Orange with Strawberry Seeds

The Cool Water for men is my favorite!
It smells A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
and makes me want to go snuggle my man!

And...there are many more to choose from! I SO enjoyed looking at the different varieties in her etsy shop. Each one is artistically created too.

For more photos and details on the individual soap types,
visit Sarah's etsy shop.

Soap has never been more beautiful...

It makes a special and unique gift too...

Sarah is giving away a $20 Gift Certificate to her shop. She will generously ship the winner's soap for FREE so the entire credit will go for these beautiful soaps!

Sarah also sends free samples with EVERY order! Please visit her etsy shop and her blog to learn more.

To enter, easily leave a comment below and you're entered for the $20 gift certificate. If you don't have a blog, just leave your email address and you're done. AND that is it! You're in for the win.

if you want extra entries...
1) follow my blog, MooreMinutes
2) tweet about it, share on facebook, or post on your blog (sidebars work!)

If you do any of the extra things above for extra entries, leave a separate comment for EACH way you spread the word.
Each extra way you enter, will increase your chances of winning by putting your name in again for every way you enter.

This giveaway will close September 13th and the winner will be selected via winner JUST may be YOU!

Decide to FEEL like a girl...
and give some lovin
to your skin.

The fine print goodies:
The new FTC government laws require me to share that this post is a sponsored post that I am being compensated for. Fun stuff!

This post is linked to: Making the World Cuter, Motivate Me Mondays, Market Yourself Mondays, It's So Very Creative, Tip Me Tuesday, Tasty Tuesday, Topsy Turvy Tuesday, Tuesdays Unwrapped, Toot Your Horn Tuesday, Get Your Craft On, Works for Me Wednesday, Show and Tell, Whatever Goes Wednesday, Spotlight Yourself, Show off Your Stuff, Strut Your Stuff, Giveaway Linky Love, Friday Favorites, Show and Share Day, Foodie Friday, I'm Lovin It, Funky Junk Interiors, Inspired By


Leanne said...

Lisa, what a wonderful giveaway. Who doesn't want to smell good? I couldn't decide which ones I would want. They all look so good. The peppermint would be fun to try and of course I'd want one for the hubby.

Leanne said...

Of course I follow you. You're one of my very faves.

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Oh my the scents sound wonderful! And they are so pretty, too. I would love to win this special giveaway!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

I'm a follower. :)

Vanessa said...

Yum, loooovely looking soap. I'm a follower :) And fellow soap addict.

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oooh, does that sound wonderful! I love soap, but especially handmade goodness. Thanks for the chance to win!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Blog follower. :)

Nancy said...

Coolwater soap sounds fantastic!

mama hall said...

mmmmm those soaps look delicious and so luxurious! how fun to do a give away with a childhood friend. {the scent of my man wearing Cool Water, btw, makes me melt.} i'd love to try Sarah's soap!

mama hall said...

i am a MooreMinutes follower, of course :)

mama hall said...

i tweeted about the giveaway:
@mamahall: "i'm a sucker for homemade suds!"

meeyeehere said...

I really love hand made soap! I love taking a long soak in the tub and using a really natural smelling soap!!! These soaps are really lovely! I would really love to try some.

meeyeehere said...

I am a new follower of your blog

meeyeehere said...
I tweeted

All That Glitters said...

What a neat giveaway!!! said...

I'm sold! Enter me please!

Judy@cutest-little-things said...

I'm already a diehard fan and loyal follower of your blog!


Anonymous said...

This is a great giveaway - I've followed Sara's creations and think she has some of the best looking soaps! Yummo!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Ooh-la-la that soap looks awesome. I'd love it!

Cierra_88 said...

Oh, how wonderful! I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance!


Cierra_88 said...

And I am a follower!


b. said...

cute post!

Tammy @ said...


Count me in! They are gorgeous!

Best wishes,

Autumn said...

I would love to try these beautiful soaps!

Autumn said...

And I'm a follower!

Tracey said...

How beautiful!! I'd love to win!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I love that she has Vegan selections! I saved her shop to my Esty favorites because I am always on the lookout for places I can purchase Vegan products. The Vanilla Bean with Raw Sugar and Relaxing Lavender and Chamomile sound great!

~ Tracy

Ms. Bake-it said...

I am already a happy follower!

Cheri said...

Wow! They look good enough to eat! I would love some homemade soap.

Wehaf said...

her basmati rice soap looks marvelous...

urchiken at gmail dot com

Jane said...

Thank you for introducing us to Sarah and her lovely soaps. There is nothing I love more than a peppermint scented soap that moisturizes my skin with glycerin. I will be shopping with Sarah, soon.
Jane (Artfully graced)

Leah said...

I like girly things like pretty soap!!

Lucas and Stef Duncan said...

I would love to win the BEAUTIFUL soap giveaway!! Loved it!!

Your blog is awesome, btw!!!

Kristi said...

Those soaps are so cute!

Job and Rachael said...

Wow these are gorgeous!! I love the beauty and natural ingredients in homemade soap, it makes me feel so girly. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

Lisa, I absolutely love your post. The soap looks and sounds so lovely that I had to jump to Sarah's etsy shop. I have added her to my favorite sellers (I love etsy and all the wonderful people that sell there).

Unknown said...

I follow your blog :-)

Reina said...

I would LOVE some yummy soap! I am due to have baby #4 any day so it would be nice to have something just for me;)

tessie said...

I could definitely use a bit of pampering! Love the shop!

tessie said...

I am a follower!

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

Very fun! We have a local gal who has homemade soap at the farmers market. Nohting better. Love the mint.


lori said...

Sounds simply lovely! (

Lindsay said...

Those soaps are beautiful! Enter me please!

I have a blog but just in case... my email is

Christy said...

ooh, I love homemade soap!

Abby Killam said...

what?!?!?!?! sara makes soap? this looks amazing and how cool is it that she has gone out on her own to do such an inspiring and original thing? GO SARA and your neat soaps!!

Julie Bagamary said...

Home made soap is such a treat and these are so beautiful.

Rachel said...

Awesome giveaway! I love handmade soaps. These are some of the most beautiful ones I've seen - I can only imagine how good they smell!

Rachel said...

I'm also now following you!

Sunshine said...

These soaps are beautiful! It would be a pleasurable delight to use them for sure! Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Kristin said...

What a wonderful giveaway. i love homemade soap, and these look really nice.

bluestartex said...

The soaps are gorgeous. I would love to win some.

bluestartex said...

blog follower~

My Dream Canvas said...

This is lovely!! I am also hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway on my blog. Do stop by:-)

Diana Ferguson said...

A great giveaway!!! I am crossing my fingers...

Diana Ferguson said...

I'm already a follower!!!

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

Oh my! I wish my screen was scratch and sniff! What a lovely giveaway! Thanks so much! Crossing my fingers!

Event Kings said...

I featured your camping party in my blog
thanks for the great inspiration

Kathleen Grace said...

What a delightful give-away! Count me in:>)

Anonymous said...

Oh, the soap looks wonderful. Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

And of course I'm a follower :)
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jane said...

Oops...forgot to mention that I am a follower of MooreMinutes...and now, after this intro, I follow Sarah, too!

Holly Lefevre said...

The soaps look and sounds magnificent. The photos of the soap are impressive. I want one of each! I love homemade soap!

Ellie said...

I have never used cold-process handmade soap before! I'd love to try it out! :)

Ellie W.
fcorin13 at yahoo dot com

Moore Minutes said...

(putting this email in from HELEN for the contest)

Helen wrote: "I would love to try the Lavender & Chamomile soap that Sarah makes! I love the way she has glycerin in her soaps as my skin needs all the help it can get for moisture."


Kate said...

Hi Lisa

What a wonderful giveaway. Count me in, I love handmade soap. Great photo styling by the way:)) Have a terrific weekend my friend. I'm following.


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Oh my gosh, these are just too pretty to use! I love the look of the soaps pictured in glass jar.

Beth said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Beth said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

Beth said...

I follow you :).

Beth said...

I tweeted!

Red Door Home said...

Such a lovely giveaway. I have to admit, I have never tried homemade soap. They all look so pretty.

Emily T. Thomas said...

I actually just ran out of homemade soap yeaterday! THanks for the opportunity to win some!!
and for the plug - I'll probably just g o on and bye some from her anyway...

Tiffanee said...

These are beautiful soaps. Probably the best I have ever seen!

Connie said...

Oh yes, count me in please. The lavendar/chamomile looks heavenly.
She does a wonderful job showcasing her soaps.

Connie said...

I posted about this giveaway on my right side bar.

Connie said...

Just signed up as your newest follower.

Thanks for the heads up about this giveaway. I am very impressed with her soaps

Dana said...

These soaps look amazing!! Hope I win. Love your blog.

Dana said...

These soaps look amazing!! Hope I win. Love your blog.

Becca said...

Haha I LOVE Sarah!! We used to work together. Those soaps look amazing! Exactly what my half bath needs!

KimMalk said...

Thanks for the invite, Lisa, these look wonderful. I didn't know about the glycerine info, it makes sense, though. Congratulations on all of your acknowledgments this summer.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Beautiful soaps made by a beautiful lady! I love all of the textures and colors. Gorgeous!

ok, I am already a follower...
so 1 entry here....


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

..and entry 2 because i will post your giveaway on my sidebar!


Jennifer B said...

I love homemade soap! Her creations are absolutely beautiful and so natural! Having very dry skin because of where we live, this soap would be wonderful to use. Love the outdoorsy look on all of it!

Crystal Escobar said...

Oooh, these soaps sound great, and they look amazing!!! The cool water one sounds like it'd be my favorite one :)
I'm new here, and just loving your blog. I'm following you now!

Crystal Escobar said...

I'm going to tweet about this right now @balancedmoms

Crystal Escobar said...

I think I get another entry for following you right :)

Love the Decor! said...

O hI just love home made soap and Lavander is one of my favs

Paint Me White said...

Hi Lisa thanks for stopping by my blog. Whow all this soap loos good enough to eat. I would love to be entered in your giveway - thanks for hosting such a great prize. Take care Sandy

Ashlee Marie said...

Mmmm It sounds lovely! Not just the fun scents but the soft homemade soap! So pretty!

susan said...

Lisa-What a wonderful giveaway! I have tried my hand at making soap and love to make homemade bath salts (the soap did not turn out so well :) Sarah's soap is pretty too. I am the queen of long baths, so I would love it! Thanks for stopping by!

susan said...

I am already a follower!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm now a follower. As someone with very sensitive skin, I'm always on the look out for new ways to baby it. I'd love to try out her soaps.

Unknown said...

I just posted a link on my sidebar.

Unknown said...

I tweeted this give away.

Unknown said...

I gave you a Facebook shout out.

Marci said...

My man would love this soap!(me too:) I read what sarah said about how manufactures take out that moisturizing element in soap; my hub complains that it is the soap that i bought that removes all the moisture from his skin. something to replace it for my manly man, who doesn't use lotion, would be great. and I wouldn't mind a little snuggling with my yummy smelling man.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I can almost smell it through my screen - thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Those soaps look so incredible. I would totally go for the lavender.

Unknown said...

Blog follower!!

Queen Vee said...

What a great site and ohhhhh how I love homemade soap.

Jenny said...

Lisa, what a neat product! Don't enter me into the giveaway because it would surely melt in our ridiculous weather...but her products look awesome. I will bookmark her site for Christmas shopping!

Unknown said...

I love homemade soap! It smells and feels wonderful.

Ashley said...

I definitely need to leave a comment for this! It's so neat to see what people we grow up with succeed at! If I don't get chosen I may just have to order some anyway. Tell Sarah congrats on her success!

Mystica said...

I follow you on GFC

Yes please throw my name in the hat!


Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway...count me in! Thank you so much for you sweet comments on my blog and I now look forward to following you! Your family is beautiful as are your pictures and I could spend hours going through all of your fantastic ideas! Looking forward to getting to know yoU!

Sandi said...

Would love to win these beautiful soaps. Count me in. Now to go visit her etsy site.

Tommie Jo said...

Thanks for sharing this giveaway on your sweet blog!

Tommie Jo said...

and tweeted about it!

Tommie Jo said...

AND following! Thanks!

Jordan said...

I'd love to win!

Joy said...

I too would love to glad I found these blogs to follow!

Valerie's Reviews said...

I love handmade soaps and I would love to win! Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway!

Love the Decor! said...

These are gorgeous and I am a follower!!

Miller Racing Family said...

I love soaps. The Relaxing Lavender and Chamomile sounds wonderful!
Thanks for the chance.

Miller Racing Family said...

Proud follower!

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

Those soaps are so pretty to look at. Who could actually use them?

Janean said...

just found your blog tonight and there's a give away? WOWzah!

oh the strawberry...and...well, it's all good. :)

Helen said...

I would love to try these soaps!
aunthoney at frontiernet dot net

Helen said...

I would love to be a follower of your blog, also.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I love cool water cologne so I can only imagine how good the soap would smell. Would love to win this one.

LaVonne said...

I'd love to smell the coolwater one :) Thanks for offering!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I can smell the loveliness just looking at all of those gorgeous bars of soap on the screen - I'd love to win and see just how wonderful they do smell in person. Lovely, lovely - the pics, the prize, the generosity!

Faded Plains said...

I love etsy...and handmade soap...thanks so much for the chance.

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

What a great giveaway! These soaps look wonderful. (If I didn't know it was soap, I'd want to eat the chocolate espresso bar! lol.)

(Thanks for linking up last week for Friday Favorites!)

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

I'm also following you! =)

Terri said...

how beautiful....and i can only imagine the wonderful scent !!! Thank you for the give away opportunity!!

Anonymous said...

Oh!! Lovely soaps!! They look almost too pretty to use.

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower too!

Anonymous said...

I came here from your scrap jar page, so it does pay to promote yourself in other posts.
Going to hit the follower button now, and not just because this is a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

That cool water scent sounds amazing. I have to try that.
Even to let sit around and make a room smell good.

k said...

Ooh these look divine! I am having a baby in the next two weeks so I'm sure I will need some pampering time for myself soon!

k said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

To The Moon and Back said...

Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! These soaps look yummy!

Decor Roomies said...

Would love to try Sarah Lee Soaps! Our fingers are crossed!
~Chelsea and Allison

jcopeland said...

I love the artistic look of these soaps. I'll bet they smell and feel awesome too!

thorman said...

That soap looks absolutely gorgeous! I can almost smell it through my computer!


thatlittlehouse said...

Sara's soaps look fabulous, and I love that she has the Basmati Rice scent, I love that! Thanks for the giveaway!

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

I follow your blog on gfc

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

the contest is on my right sidebar

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

the contest is on my right sidebar

nblexp at gmail dot com

thatlittlehouse said...

the contest is on my right sidebar

nblexp at gmail dot com

Debb said...

Love these soaps... not only a soap; but, so beautifully created... thanks

Debb said...

I am a follower... thanks

Debb said...

I am a follower... thanks

Cheri said...

I am now a follower of your blog, (officially!)

ROBIN18447 said...

I love soap but especially handmade!

ROBIN18447 said...

I join the blog also for the giveaway.I love soap but especially handmade!

Hillcrest Acres said...

What a great giveaway!! I love great smelling soap and beautiful ones too. Please count met in.

Unknown said...

Okay...I'm intrigued. You know I follow you babe ;)

mama hall said...

Yahoo!!! I'm so excited! Thank you Lisa!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting! I wanted to try this very cool.

obagi Philippines