
What is a SAR value?

Every mobile device model is tested for radio wave emissions. Using an internationally standardized method that meets government and regulatory requirements, a measurement is made to determine how much electromagnetic energy is absorbed by body tissue. This gives the SAR (specific absorption rate) value. Governmental and regulatory agencies have established SAR limits under which mobile device use has been determined by them to be safe. All Microsoft devices are designed to comply with the relevant governmental SAR level.

Important user information

Microsoft has sold its feature phone business to FIH Mobile Ltd and HMD Global Oy effective November 30, 2016. The feature phones SAR values available in this tool are valid only for feature phones manufactured by Microsoft Mobile.

Features of device models are sometimes revised or improved during production. This could lead to a situation where the same device type appears to have different SAR values. If so, please refer to the user guide shipped with your device to see the SAR value of your device.

Find the SAR value for your device

Use our service (provided in several languages) to check the SAR value and certification information for your Microsoft mobile device.