Tech for Social Impact Recruit
Unlock new revenue streams in one of the largest industries in the world with Tech for Social Impact.
Join us in supporting the nonprofit sector with industry-leading technology.
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A group of nonprofit employees stands together
A group of volunteers stands together

Join us in supporting the nonprofit sector with industry-leading technology.

Doing good makes good business sense. Providing nonprofits with the technology they need to make a positive impact on the world can also have a positive impact on your bottom line.

As a Microsoft partner, you can:

  • Unlock new revenue streams in one of the largest industries in the world.
  • Leverage extensive Microsoft resources to engage and support nonprofits.
  • Improve employee satisfaction within your organization by creating mission-driven work that aligns with their principles.

Register today to take advantage of these benefits:

  • Receive the most current nonprofit news and Microsoft incentives and offers.
  • Access sales and marketing resources specific to the nonprofit sector.
  • Learn how to build and grow your nonprofit practice.

Nonprofits, just like your commercial clients, need skilled, trusted partners to help grow their organizations. Start making an impact today.


Sign up to receive news, offers, and resources to help you grow your nonprofit practice

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