Azure OpenTelemetry Metrics plugin library for Java - version 1.0.0-beta.22

This package enables metrics from Azure SDK Java libraries through [OpenTelemetry][OpenTelemetry]. OpenTelemetry is an open source, vendor-agnostic, single distribution of libraries to provide metrics collection and distributed tracing for services.

Source code | API reference documentation | [Product documentation][OpenTelemetry] | [Samples][samples]

Getting started


Include the package


Key concepts

Check out Metrics in OpenTelemetry for all the details on metrics.


The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common client configuration scenarios.

You can find more samples here.

Default configuration: agent

If you use OpenTelemetry Java agent or Application Insights Java agent version 3.3.0-BETA or higher, no additional Azure SDK configuration is needed.

Default configuration: OpenTelemetry SDK

Azure SDK uses global OpenTelemetry instance by default. You can use OpenTelemetry SDK Autoconfigure package to configure OpenTelemetry using environment variables (or system properties).


// configure OpenTelemetry SDK using io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-sdk-extension-autoconfigure
// AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk.initialize();

// configure Azure Client, no metric configuration needed
// client will use global OpenTelemetry configured by OpenTelemetry autoconfigure package.
AzureClient sampleClient = new AzureClientBuilder()

// use client as usual, if it emits metric, they will be exported
sampleClient.methodCall("get items");

Custom configuration

If you want to pass MeterProvider explicitly, you can do it using MetricsOptions and passing them to Azure Clients. MetricsOptions can also be used to disable metrics from specific client.

// configure OpenTelemetry SDK explicitly per
SdkMeterProvider meterProvider = SdkMeterProvider.builder()

OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder().setMeterProvider(meterProvider).build();
// Pass OpenTelemetry instance to MetricsOptions.
MetricsOptions customMetricsOptions = new OpenTelemetryMetricsOptions()

// configure Azure Client to use customMetricsOptions - it will use meterProvider
// to create meters and instruments
AzureClient sampleClient = new AzureClientBuilder()
    .clientOptions(new ClientOptions().setMetricsOptions(customMetricsOptions))

// use client as usual, if it emits metric, they will be exported
sampleClient.methodCall("get items");



For more information on OpenTelemetry, see OpenTelemetry documentation and OpenTelemetry Java.

Enabling Logging

Azure SDKs for Java offer a consistent logging story to help aid in troubleshooting application errors and expedite their resolution. The logs produced will capture the flow of an application before reaching the terminal state to help locate the root issue. View the logging wiki for guidance about enabling logging.

Next steps

Get started with Azure libraries that are built using Azure Core.


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