Scout is 8!!!!!!

I can hardly believe that is has been 8 years since I had my handsome boy.
Time has flown, because we have had so much fun.
His day consisted of:
School where he wore a gold crown.
Tutoring with a Jamba Juice.
And then we loaded up and headed to San Diego where I got dropped off at the temple to go with Cade, and Micah took the kids to the beach.
After — we all met up at BJ’s pizzeria, where we celebrated Scout’s big day!
He was stoked on his balance board!
And loved his Dad’s wrapping job on his sugar cereal.
And then for his birthday dessert, he got a mini pazookie “with no ice cream”.
While the other crazies dove into the hugest cookie and ice cream combo ever!
Which Dash single-handedly finished.
You are my favorite thing on earth.  You are a great big brother, an adventurist, a smart cookie, a happy guy, a fun friend.  I love to be with you, and am so excited that this is a big year for you — cause you get to be baptized.  I can’t believe that eight years has passed since you made me a mom.  Let’s slow down the next eight!
I love you around heaven and back.
Love, Mom

Punch Cancer

When I grabbed Scout’s presents, I grabbed another present that I have had for several weeks.
But this one was for Bry.
“It’s time we punch the big C in the face.”
With his very own set of inflatable boxing gloves.

Temple with Cade

You’ve got to love a picture of my kids in their bathing suits in front of the temple.
But that is what you get when they drop you off, and then head to the beach!
Cade — you are rad, and I’m glad I was with you today.

Shopper Cookie

I’m not exactly sure why the shopper cookie was topped with two inches of frosting.


There are very few houses one can go to with four crazies and feel totally comfortable.
Good thing I have Britni’s house as one those on my list.
My kids love going there.
The kids all get along.
But most of all — Britni is easy peasy.

Balance Board

Britni had this balance board, and Dash was loving it.  For his age, I thought he was pretty good at it.  So with Scout’s birthday two days away — and no present for him yet because he is impossible to buy for — I ordered one especially for him.  And he is going to love it!

Love Affair

Scout and Navy had a love affair with Daisy and Donald when they were young.
And they saw them everywhere, our house, the harbor, the park, etc…
They literally thought that every boy and girl duck pair were our Daisy and Donald.
And if they only saw one of them, they would run to me and tell me that they were in a duck fight!
Well, look which two get to start their own love affair with Daisy and Donald!?!
Dash mastered the art of staying his distance, and tearing off a medium size piece of bread.
(Nice undies!)
Pippi mastered the art of getting those medium sized pieces, and eating her own snack.

Strawberries With Cade

Before Jake left on his mission, we went apple picking with him in Julien.
So in honor of tradition, we decided on strawberry picking with Cade before he leaves.
Each took a row….and picked the most beautiful strawberries.
The man at the front told us to feel free to eat some — and unfortunately, for his bottom line — we did just that.
This girl would find them, and take a bite while they were still on their stems.
So, I taught her how to pick, and then she really went to town — at twice the speed.
Talk about a girl in her happy place — freedom and food!
With tons of loot, and full tummies, I’d say this was a very successful adventure.
And then we were off to the outlets, where my kids were as sugared up as possible — and were totally obnoxious to prove it.
All while Cade was in strawberry coma.

Fresh and Heavenly

There is nothing that makes me happier than fresh babies.
But fresh babies that play sweetly together is the ultimate.
Watching these two play and giggle today was straight from Heaven.


This girl is smart!
Each time she has a dirty diaper, she goes and gets a new diaper and wipes, find me, and lays on her back for me to change her.
She is brilliant!!!