It is always a mad dash before 9 am church.
This poor girl cruises around while I make her a bottle.
And then she drops her plug because she has to eat on the run.
She downed it so fast, I am pretty sure we will be to church on time!
But then accident strikes!
And we will be waltzing in five minutes late…..again.
It’s always something!
Here’s Dash on the big boy potty.
He basically trained himself in two days.
I helped him once, and my mom did another time.
After that, he didn’t wear another diaper…even at night.
I have heard rumors that he had an accident at Grandma’s house, but nothing over here yet.
Not bad.
And for all of those parents out there struggling with the whole potty training thing…..the BEST advice is:
Meet Scout,
My cross-eyed, yellow-toothed boy.
Good thing he has hair to die for.
And a mother who loves him no matter what!
Micah and I took the three oldest weasels on a last of the summer Cabo trip.
There was the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The good:
Family Time.
Peanut Butter Making on the Plane.
Kid Club Slides.
Dash’s biggest fans.
Island Boy.
Pizza Making.
Collecting Sea Glass.
Sorting Sea Glass.
Name Bracelets.
Noah’s Ark Animal Slides.
Nighttime Shows.
Late Night Dice.
Let’s skip the “bad” and get right to the UGLY!
The NEVER-ENDING….I repeat…NEVER-ENDING tantrums!
It was ugly!
When Navy was little, I was stopped all of the time because people thought I was strolling around a doll.
And then the real doll came along.
Pippi has stayed teeny tiny all of these months.
And add in her dimples, full head of hair, wide-set eyes, and she really could pass for a doll.
And Navy treats her as such.
Navy cares for, strolls, burps, feeds, carries, and changes her own personal doll.
It is like she is her dolly’s very own mother.
And that dolly’s grandmother is not complaining one bit.
A lot of summer mornings, Ka gets dropped off at our house before B leaves to work. She usually hops into a bed to sleep out the remainder of the morning. But this morning, she chose the couch. And when one of my boys went in and saw her, he climbed right in her arms for a little TLC cuddling session.
The funny things is…I am not sure which boy this is.
Based on the fact that he is about as long as Ka, I am guessing Scout.
But she is pretty curled up, and Dash is a major cuddler…?
But then again, Scout always wraps the other persons arms around him….definitely Scout.
But it could be Dash…he loves himself a morning visitor.
Knobby knees….it’s Scout.
We headed to San Diego for Jake’s homecoming.
It was a great talk, and really to see how much he has grown up over the last two years.
After church, we headed over to the Brockbanks for breakfast and hanging out.
During the “hanging out”, there was an ice bucket dump that I was supposed to be video taping.
Unfortunately, B went a bit early, and it was me who got drenched!
(On the rebound as it hit the ground and took a straight shot at my face.)
Good thing there was a towel I could wear for the rest of the day!
(Notice Jake’s disgusted face.)
And then there was the moment where Christian put the Brockbank’s pet tarantula on Dash’s head.
He was terrified.
And so was everyone else, so nobody would get it off of his head.
Poor kid.
But he thought he was hot stuff when everyone watched the video a bunch of times and laughed their heads off all afternoon.
Glad you are home Jake.
Especially glad you grew up these past two years.
Too bad I can’t say the same for the rest of us.
People keep telling Dash he should be going potty on the big boy toilet. (I personally am waiting until he wants to train himself.) Nonetheless, he keeps pulling his pants down in random places, while yelling for me to take him to the big boy potty. Here we are at the movie theater, and I finally snapped a picture the third time he did this.
Dear Everyone,
Before he gets arrested for indecent exposure, stop the encouragement.
Love, Dash’s Mom
While Seth, Brett and kids were in town, we decided to do a little geocaching.
The spots we hit were pretty random, but the kids always love a good treasure hunt.
Especially when there are about ten treasures to choose from.
But I made them stay away from the disposable toothbrush that had already been opened.
Figures that Navy really wanted that one!
Recently, I have been waking Dash up in the middle of the night, to just chat and cuddle. He is always dead to the world, but tries his hardest to respond. After a few “I Love You’s” and a dozen or so nods to my questions, I let him go back to dreamland. And my guess is that he spends the rest of the night dreaming about kisses all over his back, tummy and face.