YoungInnovations Weekly #94: Nepal Management Symposium 2017,Slush GIA 2017 Pitching Competition,Women Leaders in Technology Bootcamp 2017,Knowledge Sharing in Reactive Programming.

Umesh Basnet
YoungInnovations' Blog
3 min readJun 23, 2017

With the end of another week, the weekend vibe is getting stronger and I am here with the events and news from this week here at YoungInnovations.

Nepal Management Symposium 2017

On May 6th and 7th, Nepal Management Symposium 2017 was conducted by the Kathmandu College of Management. Our CEO Bibhusan Bista(bibhusan) was one of the speaker in the second day of the event in which he gave the insights of the The Future for Digital Marketing in Nepal”. He speaks about the expanding digital marketing in the Nepal and how integral it has been in business conduction. He also focuses importance on the digital marketing in the rural areas as well. The talk was very informative.

bibhusan talking about The Future of Digital Market in Nepal in NMS 2017

Slush GIA 2017 Pitching Competition

Last year we organized Slush GIA local competition for the first time which was a huge success. Two of our three finalists were selected by the Helsinki selection team who received an opportunity to attend Slush Global Impact Accelerator in Helsinki. There they got a chance to be part of bootcamp where they attended the skills workshops and capacity building with leaders from all around the world. They were among the 2,300 startups gathered at Slush to take their companies to the next level. Nearly 6,000 investor–startup meetings, mostly pre-booked online, took place. The registration is open for Slush GIA 2017 Pitching Competition. For more info

Women Leaders in Technology Bootcamp 2017

WLiT has started their annual 2 weeks bootcamp for this year. In this bootcamp the selected participants will be learning JavaScript along with Goal Setting, Time Management, Design Thinking, Public Speaking and more. Like previous years YoungInnovations is supporting in this year bootcamp as well by providing valuable mentor ship, knowledge sharing and much more.

Knowledge Sharing in Reactive Programming

Today there is a knowledge sharing session on the reactive programming ReactiveX from Rakeeb Rajbhandari and me. RxJava has been an integral part of android development for quite a while here at YoungInnovations. Its usefulness has been so great that we, android team want to give a taste of reactive approach to other colleagues. The session will be focused on why reactive programming is the big thing and how its gonna make life of a developer easier. See you all in the session.

The older I get, the more I’m conscious of ways very small things can make a change in the world. Tiny little things, but the world is made up of tiny matters, isn’t it? — Sandra Cisneros

Happy weekend all. Have great weekend.

