Ball of paper turning into a paper airplane on yellow background.

Turning opportunities into real innovation–with a twist

How to reframe your team’s UX strategies around two fundamental industry concepts for better results

Nicole Gallardo
UX Collective
Published in
7 min readSep 3, 2024


We’ve all seen our share of trending buzzwords and industry jargon — terms that get thrown around but are rarely understood deeply.

Product Team A:

“We use lean UX and design sprints for growth hacking, adding sticky features to our freemium model while ensuring accessibility.”

Product Team B:

“We are agile and use inclusive design to build responsive MVPs that leverage network effects for product-led growth.”

Jackie Chan with his hands on his head, looking confused.

When helping leaders develop and execute their UX strategy at Founders Who UX, I often find myself breaking down these seemingly complex concepts to the most rudimentary level so I can explain how to best implement them in the most practical way. I inspect each term with a microscope and in doing so, often realize that the sought after strategy or technique I’m teaching is not complex at all. In fact, most are very simple — only misunderstood because of all the hype…



Founder & Chief Design Officer at Founders Who UX | CEO at Gallardo Labs | Published in Entrepreneurship Handbook, UX of EdTech, & UX Collective